
Apple is the noblest of fruits.

...Late at night...

After finishing every duty remaining in his schedule, The loyal Wolfgang was ready to retire to bed himself but then decided to check one last time on his Lady, Safa has retired to her room way earlier than usual, right after their arrival back home.

He felt guilty that he might've tired her out as she spent the entire carriage ride comforting him, while he sobbed into her arms, so by the time they made it home, she was sleepy and he was dehydrated.

Sighing, Wolfgang looked around him, he was in the vast basement, all by himself, his things placed everywhere.

Aside from him, Safa hasn't hired any permanent servants.

Well, There is other servants actually, they come every morning to help around the large estate, it's just that they don't live within the house like Wolfgang does, the other servants leave before sundown, while he remains.

The basement was Wolfgang's own personal room, Safa wanted him to occupy the room next to hers but he refused, he felt like a man and a servant like himself doesn't deserve a luxurious room, he wouldn't enjoy it anyways.

Wolfgang has already rearranged and organized the basement to his own likings, and he loves it 'down there'.

But now he has to climb up and see for himself if his Lady is peacefully resting, he welcomes the physical activity of going all the way to her room, but what he doesn't welcome is how loud every step he takes is since it's deep in the night.

Since they're all alone in the house, the loud sound of his own footsteps, gives Wolfgang an eerie feeling.

When he finally made it outside Safa's room, he breathed a sigh of relief, then he knocked carefully on the door three times.

He waited for a minute with no response, so he assumed Safa was deep in her sleep.

Smiling, Wolfgang gave the door one last glance and headed back to his own room.

Before he would go to his own room, the manservant felt peckish, he hadn't eaten dinner, Safa didn't too, neither of them was in mood for food, and now he felt Even more guilty his mistress slept on an empty stomach.

"Tomorrow I'll make sure she eats well." Wolfgang said to himself while entering the kitchen.

He poked around looking for something quick and easy to devour, finding a basket of red apples waiting for him so he took two with him and headed out again to go to his room.

However on his way, he heard a noise, it was faint and far away but he heard it.

Wolfgang had an impeccable hearing sense, he was sure his ears weren't playing tricks on him.

So While carrying his two apples, he started following the noise that was now repeating itself.

Until he made it to the house's front doors.

Someone was knocking outside at this unholy hour, and hadn't Wolfgang been roaming around the house, he would probably have missed the knocking.

"What in the bloody hell...who could it be?!" He said putting the Apples aside so he could check it.

Carefully and slowly, Wolfgang slightly opened one of the doors, just enough to pop his head out and see who's knocking.

To his utmost surprise, it was Lord James Teaton with A sorry looking Clara standing behind him.

Spring might be on its way, but it was still the winter around, Wolfgang can't think of a reason why these two would be outside Lady Vega's home in the dead of a freezing night, actually he can't think of anything at the moment.

The man he cried his eyes for, is literally standing outside, with a door between them.

"I apologize for the sudden visit...I just couldn't sleep on this." James said, "May we come in?" He asked hopefully with an anxious smile.

Clara behind him mouthed an apology at Wolfgang, "Yes...please." Wolfgang replied, he allowed them in and closed the door as they went inside.

Suddenly, "You know I was wondering why you knocked on my door so late at night Wolfie, we have unwanted visitors." Safa wrapped in her night robe, said angrily while standing at the top of the staircase.

Embarrassed, "My lady! Did i wake you?! I only knocked to make sure you're sleeping, I had no idea then that we will end-up having guests." Wolfgang explained.

Embarrassed as well, "My apologies For both of you." James spoke-up, "I...I tried to tell him this could... wait until morning...he said he won't be able to get a wink of sleep if he doesn't apologize." Clara said, she was nervous, her eyes darted each second from Safa to Wolfgang.

"Goodness, are you that desperate to save our business partnership?" Safa asked descending the stairs, Wolfgang hurried to her to help her come down faster.

"Safa, Wolf." James said.

Unhappy, "Don't call me Wolf! And she's Lady Vega, have some respect Lord Teaton." Wolfgang replied with furrowed brows.

Sighing, "You know...it has been what now? Nearly three years since I knew you two? I managed to get on Safa's good side but you Wolfgang always put a distance between us." James said.

Finally at the bottom of the staircase, "What are you blabbering about?" Wolfgang asked.

"Safa and I, talked, worked together and got angry at each other, we insult each other and even laugh at each other, we have a relationship, one of friendship, business and perhaps hidden rivalry.

But we have something, a relationship.

You and I however...*sighing* how do I say it? From the moment we met it was like you have purposely put walls between us.

I don't have that many mates to spend time with and most of them are boring, they talk only about one thing...the women they sleep with which...Ironic, yes I am a womanizer but when I'm with other gentlemen I prefer we talk about interesting things.

And when you became someone I know Wolfgang, I noticed how you never speak of women the way most gentlemen do, you rarely ever crack unfunny jokes and everything you do or say seems to have a good reason behind it.

I wanted to be your friend." James said.

"I'm sorry but I think you need to explain what you wish to say better my Lord, perhaps in shorter words." Wolfgang replied.

Feeling the tension rising, Safa and Clara exchanged a look among each other while the men talked.

"What I'm trying to tell you is, that everytime I try to get closer to you, you shun me away.

As an example, Last year you refused to go on a hunt with me, I ended-up going alone!" James said, "I'm a servant, you're a Lord... Obviously I wouldn't agree to such arrangements." Wolfgang replied.

"But you do go on hunts yourself, do you not!"

"On my own, my Lord...the day you asked for me to join you, the hunting trail was packed with other lords, you would have been mocked had you chose to go on friendly terms with a servant like myself, instead of those noblemen."

"Maybe although I don't care what they think, but What about when I asked you two months ago to join me for a horse race, it was supposed to be just us two."

"And leave My Lady to stay by herself at home? god no!" Wolfgang said, "I was planning to send Clara to accompany her! I mean Safa needs some girl time anyhow!" James replied with frustration.

Sighing heavily, "My Lord get to the point!" Wolfgang asked.

"Alright... alright...so Clara has opened my eyes on some things.

I know I always brag about being tolerant and more accepting of people than other People especially other gentlemen..." James said.


Shouting back, "GOD I HATE WHEN YOU START YELLING! FINE THEN! I KNOW YOU LOVE ME!" James replied with a red face.

Safa's eyes went wide, And As the lord's words sunk in, Wolfgang's whole face was as red as the lord's.

Clearing her throat, "Uhh...Clara do you mind helping me to the kitchen! I suddenly crave to eat something." Safa asked hinting that she wanted to give the men some privacy, "Yes! M'Lady!" A blushing Clara instantly rushed to Safa and began guiding her away from those two.

Wolfgang wanted to tell Safa to stick around, but he couldn't talk, he felt as if his ability to speak has left him momentarily, so he helplessly watched her leave him alone with James.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, "I'm sorry...I just can't go on pretending that I don't know how you feel about me, now that I do know...wolf." James spoke-up, "I'm also sorry for not noticing before... I'm the sort of man who would spend as much time as possible with someone if I liked them dearly.

I suppose you prefer to avoid a person when you like them instead." He added.

Sighing, "So did you came all the way here to tell me that you don't consider me disgusting for liking you?" Wolfgang's asked.

"I can never see you as disgusting, I mean you're a good man and I genuinely want to befriend you, you're always taking good care of Safa and helping those on your way.

Yes you're too serious sometimes and I hate that you shout unexpectedly, but you're a good man, just not lucky enough of a man to be born in times like these." James replied.

Blushing, "You're not as bad as I was let to believe after all.

I'm sorry as well...for the scene I caused today my Lord...Safa told me she broke-off your partnership.

I actually told her that she shouldn't have done so, but...she insisted she doesn't regret her decision." Wolfgang replied.

"Of course she doesn't, she's a loyal friend just like you...so how long has it been, I mean since you began to fancy me?" James asked.

"It doesn't matter my Lord..."

"Hey, I may not fancy you back, but I still want to know you better... I'm honored that I'm the object of your desire, wolf."

Surprised, "You are...?" Wolfgang asked, "Well if even a man fell for me, I must be an irresistible individual, I take pride in that." James replied with a wink.

Blushing, "How come you're...alright with all of this?" Wolfgang asked.

"I just don't see the big deal with it! So what If a man liked another? Also...between you and me, I have had two girls together at the same time, and they did...things to each other in front of me...and I liked it." James said.

Embarrassed, "MY LORD HAVE SOME DECENCY!" Wolfgang shouted.

"AHAHAHA you should see your own expression Wolf!" James laughed.

"Stop calling me wolf!"

"As you wish wolf!"



"Do you think Wolfie has murdered James by now? Haha!" Safa said laughing, she took another bite of the apple in her hand while Clara smiled at her.

When she noticed Clara's smile, "What?" Safa asked while munching.

"Do you like women M'Lady?" Clara asked making Safa choke on the piece of fruit in her mouth.

"M'Lady?!" Clara rushed to find water as Safa coughed repeatedly.

When Clara finally handed her a glass of water, Safa drank it all at once and took in a deep breath of relief when she finished.

"God I nearly perished! Snow White style nonetheless!" Safa joked, "I'm so sorry M'Lady, I behaved poorly...I shouldn't have asked such a question!" Clara bowed her head apologetically.

Chuckling, "All is well, I survived so you are off the hook, but do refrain from such questions.

However and to answer your question, no I do not like women the way Wolfie likes men.

I like men as well." Safa replied.

"Oh I see...Thank you for answering." Clara said.

Fun fact!: APPLES ARE 25% AIR!

Apples float in water because a whopping 25% of their volume is actually air. Apples are less dense than water, making them the perfect fruit for apple bobbing.

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