
Drunken Bargain

In for a penny, in for a pound – there was no turning back now.

Lily took a steadying breath, then pasted on a dazzling smile as she sashayed over to take her place beside Ethan, offering a lilting greeting to the assembled revelers. "Hello, everyone. I'm Lily Anderson."

"Miss Anderson, a pleasure." A bald-pated older gentleman eyed her speculatively before darting a questioning glance at Ethan. "I don't suppose this lovely young lady has been cast in a role for your upcoming slasher opus?"

A confused silence fell over the group as they digested the man's query.

Were they truly engaged in some cinematic tête-à-tête here amidst this bacchanalia? If so, why had Ethan summoned her to join them?

Ethan's rich baritone cut through the awkward lull, his words clipped and authoritative. "My woman is no actress."

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