
Chapter 5

Kuoh Academy. Student Council Room.

- H-how is that possible! - Sona shrieked loudly that even her glasses skewed. And the rest of the Student Council looked on in disbelief.

- What do you mean, Sona-san? - I asked, blinking my innocent eyes.

- How could I lose!

I don't know... Maybe because you were basically playing with your ancestor? Of course, I won't mention that minor factor. Uh-huh. Speaking of which.

- Her mental faculties are pretty good," said the Sitri demon in my head. - But she relies on them too much. If the demons of today are using chess to teach the younger generation how to think strategically and tactically, it's a failed plan. Nothing can teach this better than a real battlefield. Or at least the Ranked Game you mentioned, Romani.

- Well, that's unlikely," I answered him. - "It's more likely that chess is popular among them because their Evil Pieces are based on the same chess. So don't get your hopes up so high.

- Romani-sensei, are you alright? - Tsubaki asked me, apparently replacing the fact that I'd gone off on my own.

- Yeah, yeah, just thinking about something," I replied and turned to Sona. - So. You're not going to recant, are you, Sona-san?

- No," she replied with a shake of her head.

- Good. Then I'll take my leave," I said as I left the Student Council room. - If you ever want to play again, I'm at your service.

While I was walking through the corridors of the school to the infirmary, Emiya, who had been in ghost form the whole time, decided to talk to me.

- You did a very mature thing, Master," Emiya said sarcastically.

- Of course I did! After all, I am a very mature person! - I replied enthusiastically.

- Your actions say otherwise. And by the way, where is the Primate Murder?

- He's enjoying the attention of the demon schoolgirls. You can forget about him.

- What? You talk about the Evil of Humanity and you suggest I just forget about him? - Emiya asked, looking at me like an idiot.

- Oh! Look at the time! I think it's lunch time," I said, looking at my empty wrist. - It's time for me to eat. And for you to tend to your harem, Mr. Bone of my sword."

Emiya didn't reply anything, only dematerialized with a VERY hard twitch of his eyebrow.


Kuoh Academy. Cafeteria.

The cafeteria was almost completely filled. There were students and some teachers hanging around here and there.

I sat at one of the tables reserved for teachers and sipped my ramen. I was genuinely enjoying the moment of my meal as a certain person decided to interrupt me.

- Оh? Romani-sensei, it's rare to see you eating in the cafeteria," a bespectacled female student spoke up and sat down at the table.

- What are you doing at the teachers' table, Aika-san? - I asked, still focused on the ramen.

- I just thought I'd talk to the Magician, sensei," she replied, propping her chin up and smiling sweetly.

I froze and slowly looked up at her. Demons didn't put up a barrier against mere humans? Impossible. Sona wouldn't make such a grave mistake. Did Aika overhear the conversation at the Occult Research Club? Absolutely not. Sirzechs is very protective of her sister, and so has covered the building with the Rias Club with a large number of closed fields discouraging ordinary people from going there. Then how did she know I was a Magician?

I looked over at 'Aika. She was still smiling sweetly at me and apparently waiting for an answer to come to me. Activating the 3rd magic, I noticed one detail.

- 'You better get ready, Romani,' I heard Goetia's voice in my head.

О? Did he realize something?

- What are you?" I decided to ask.

- Why are you asking such a strange question to a beautiful girl like me? - She said, giving an overly surprised look.

- Indeed. Only, I don't see any beautiful girl in front of me. What are you? A beast? There's an energy emanating from you that's very similar to it.

- How rude," Aika replied. - 'My current appearance fits the description of a beautiful girl, doesn't it? And you're almost right. Only I'm a level higher.

О? So that's what Goetia was talking about. I decided to look around, thinking that ordinary people might hear our conversation. But I was wrong. The whole world stood still. Or rather, time has stopped. That makes the situation a little... interesting.

- Why are you in Aika's body, Alaya? As far as I know, you don't exist in this world.

- Are you sure about that, Mr. Magician? I really don't exist, or do I exist, but only in a different form? - She said, smirking wryly. - One more thing. I am NOT in Aika Kiryu's body. I am Aika Kiryu.

I am stunned. REALLY stunned. But then an epiphany came to me. Aika has been periodically featured in ALL seasons of DxD, and in some, she's been heavily involved. Even Issei's cronies didn't have as much screen time as she did. So the Alaya of this world were watching their main character? That... makes sense.

- Nice to meet you, Aika "Alaya" Kiryu. What did you want to talk to a good and law-abiding Samaritan like me about?

- 'Nothing important,' Alaya replied. - 'Only about how you are doing here in this world?

Hmm? Why does that question sound so familiar? Where have I heard it before? Oh! It's a pretty standard Zelretch phrase when meeting an immigrant. Good grief... Looks like I've met the culprit of my arrival in this world.

- Pretty good," I replied. - I thank you for this chance, Alaya-sama.

- You are welcome, Romani-sensei. But aren't you interested in the reason for my actions toward you?

- Of course I am. But whether you will tell me is another matter.

- Of course I will," Alaya nodded. - You have a very important mission.

Sounds very standard. Some kind of universal evil, I suppose?

- 'Alaya, even if she's not the one I know, always has plans for one thing or another,' Goetia interjected again.

- And that is?

- Helping the protagonist, of course!


- What?" Goetia, who had already materialized, decided to voice my thoughts.

- Well..." Alaya hesitated. - It so happens that when I decided to contact my colleague from, as you call it, "Nasuverse", a certain problem arose.

- What kind of problem could an entity like you have? - Goetia hesitated.

We think alike now, don't we? What a strange feeling.

I wondered. What kind of problem could a protagonist have? They're invincible.

- Don't drag it out, Alaya-sama.

- Well... It turns out that Beast VI merged with the Trihexa of this world," she finished, sticking out her tongue and pounding her head with her fist like a typical stupid anime girl who made a mistake.

- И? - I raised an eyebrow. - But you're aware that I have not one, but THREE Beasts on my side with an Assassin-class Great Servant on top of it, right?

- Trihexa is a wild beast," my friend in my head supported my words. - Even if he got a little stronger than he was, me or Beast II is more than enough to deal with him.

- True, but there's a catch. If Trihex isn't defeated by ANY main character, then the conceptual law of this world will be broken, and the timeline will reset to the original timeline. As for those who don't belong to that very original timeline? They will be erased. Not killed. Not returned to their birth line. They will be erased. Te-heh. - she finished, repeating the gesture.

- What?" Goetia and I shrieked in unison.

It wasn't just one eye twitching, oh no. I had TWO eyes twitching at once as I looked at this misunderstanding of Humanity's "Unconscious" Will. I'm sure my friend is feeling the same way I am.

- How did your colleague react when she recognized this "tiny" miscalculation of yours? - I asked, trying to remain calm.

- That I should handle it myself," she replied, and looked away, glancing at me sneakily.

- I mean," I decided to say, and my magic began to wave from my body. - You've decided to take it out on me?

- Well..." she began, tapping her index fingers and still averting her gaze. - Since you owe me, sensei... You would help out a beautiful girl like me, wouldn't you?

О! I'll do it, you damn woman! Did I have a choice? Of course not! If I am to suffer, you will share that burden with me! Get ready, Alaya Shiki.


Kuoh City. Emiya's residence.

I burst into the house and immediately announced a general assembly of the residents. After gathering, Emiya was the first to speak.

- Master, who is she? And why does she seem so familiar to me?

Some people, namely: Beasts, Grandfather, Merlin and Enkidu froze upon seeing the person I brought.

- Oh! Dear Emiya," I began solemnly. - Meet your employer's colleague from this world!

At first he didn't understand what I meant. When he did, he instantly projected his favorite swords and pointed them at the guest. And so did the rest of the Servants. Except for the Beasts and Grandfather, of course.

Alaya hid behind my back, peeking out from there.

- Nice to meet you! I hope we can be friends! - she declared.

Upon hearing Alaya's words, everyone, I mean EVERYONE recoiled and stared at her.

You bet they did. To hear THAT from the collective unconsciousness of mankind and remain in some state untouched is quite a feat, yep.

- Uh-huh. Now that we've met. We have something VERY important to discuss," I announced with a clap of my hands.

I wonder how they'll react when they hear the TRUE essence of ALL typical anime worlds with a protagonist in the Harem genre.


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