
Chapter 11: Just one Hit... One word is needed

Chapter 11: Just one Hit... One word is needed

"Damn runt! You caught me by surprise." Whether it was the punch or probably the young prince was embarrassed of being disgraced in front of his family. He climbed up to his feet with a new sense of bloodlust.

Definitely, Ruthar would not be able to match this form of brute strength. This was his elder brother who had studied magic and swordmanship for a while now. Their power gap would be too large.

'I can't win but I'll have to somehow kill this brat for hurting Elana...'

"Hahahahahahaha! That's more like it."

That laughter came from his father who patted the table hard as he revelled the moment.

He must like fighting so much.

"I thought Kimara raised you as a Bastard, but you possess the blood of a true Darkdawn and that was why I called you here."

'Wait! This sounds like a pardon... Thank God.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I almost died just now.'

Ruthar made a slight smirk as he watched the young lord fume even more.

He almost forgot the key to this family was ruthlessness. The way he answered their questions were too kind for their own liking. That was why Kimara and Elara got slapped.

'Shit I was too much into making an impression to remember this guy's are demons.'

"And don't ever in your life attempt to defy my orders again." The way his father completed with a stern killing intent told Ruthar that was the first and last.

It took a short while before the family was able to settle again as Ruthar sat close to Elara this time forcing the young prince to take his former sit.

'Though you are betrothed, I won't let you harass her.'

That was Ruthar's mindset as he scanned Elara's silent composure. It was awkward seeing a hotheaded girl that bullied him quite silent and petrified.

'Damn you bastards!'

"I have requested your help as a scholar and a young magic user for my daughter," Kithara Darkdawn ordered sending chills up Ruthar's spine.

The statement was a plea but the way she spoke it sounded like an order. If he didn't comply it would mean death.

'Well I can't complain much, this is exactly what I need to test out the system.'

"Then I best get to meet her and..."

"I will not accept it!" The young prince slammed his fist on the table throwing his Ill glare at Ruthar.

"I want a rematch with this bastard."

Kithara huffed and shook her head, "he is yet to be five and you know our culture, he cannot battle till he's five."

"Then we will have a match when he turns five and I will repay his soul with the dread and shame he has caused me today."

The prince seemed very perplexed and itched for battle. This was less of a concern or complain to Ruthar as he trusted himself that much...

'I will be ready when that time comes, I will repay you for all the maltreatment you have caused Elara and at the same time I will make sure to free her from your grasp.'


After a short while of tensed stares in this family gathering, Ruthar had chosen to go straight to buisness and find his sister.

A maid led him through the castle's inner chambers, which were more beautiful than anything he had ever witnessed. Golden railings on the parapets, platforms made of costly materials – it was a sight to behold.

Ruthar made spure to savor the place with his eyes before focusing on what mattered most.

'I have to train hard to defeat a prodigy in battling and magic.' Even though he could extract his sister's abilities, which was still unbelievable, he needed to train twice as hard.

He wondered if he would ever have a calm moment in his life.

Finally the maid stopped at a large metal arched door with intricate markings all over it she bowed her head and left without saying a word.

'Must be another weird culture, I must have skipped that paragraph in the novel.'

Ruthar placed his hands on the door and it took him both hands to push open them.

He was instantly welcomed into a large training yard. From left to right, he could sense the vastness of the field.

There were many varieties of quality weapons ranging from halberds to swords, spears, maces, crossbows, and axes.

'So this is where Rotexa spends her time?'

Ruthar tiptoed past the doors into the training grounds. Unlike any training ground, this place was filled with rocks and trees, and the floor was made of many terrains, making it very surreal.

He wanted to investigate but heard distant groaning and the sound of metal striking something solid. He quickly hurried to see what it was, running past the rocky terrain to get a view of the source of the noise.

A young girl with red hair, wearing battle-damaged clothing, held a short sword and mercilessly struck a huge boulder with it.

Ruthar was agitated, analyzing the scars on the wall to be her doing. 'A four-year-old girl's attack scarred a metal-like boulder. Should I really approach her at this moment?'

He wanted to back down, but as he saw Rotexa stop her movements, he immediately knew he had been found out.

"Hi, I'm Ruthar..."

His statement was cut short as something spiraled past his ear with a high-pitched noise, shattering the boulder behind him.

It took several second before the high screeching sound in his ears sufficed and his eyes began to squint.

Taking a glimpse back, he gulped in shock to see the short sword Rotexa had been using embedded in the core of the destroyed boulder.

Rotexa narrowed her eyes malevolently at Ruthar and muttered, "Who the hell are you to sneak up on me? Why do you have my face? You must be a spirit!"

"I'm not. I am Ruthar, your twin brother." Her face lightened up, becoming blank. They truly had a hundred percent resemblance, except for the difference in hair length.

Ruthar was sure if he had grown more hair, no one would be able to tell them apart.

"Twin brother?"

'I don't know, but I actually value having a twin. Even if she is a weapon of mass destruction and evil, I still value her... My sister, Rotexa Darkdawn.

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AuthorEriElegbedecreators' thoughts
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