
The Inexperienced Become Experienced

"Can't believe we managed to pull that off. It took everything I had to keep my composure like that. I mean, what if they had a weapon under the water or something. That could've been a huge gamble, we could've been-"

"Stop that, it's creeping me out."

Yuno has been laughing quite a lot this trip, and it was especially funny the way Midoryia would mumble to himself, second guessing himself or studying something over. He had to actually try to keep his expression neutral.

"Let's not doubt our achievements," Tsu suggested. "Instead, let's think about our next move."

"Ah," Midoryia winced, his fingers now broken and in a state of hurt. He pulled down his elbow pad to wrap around his hand. "You're right. We should try getting out of here. I don't want to be in water anytime soon again, and our classmates might need help."

"Mm, agreed," Tsu turned to Yuno. "What do you think? Oh, are you okay?"

The two students studied Yuno like he was a pop quiz on a random Tuesday. He looked ready to fall over, but he stood straight and wrapped his arms around his torso, thinking to himself as he stared out into nothing. His lips were moving, but he was too quiet for them to hear anything.

"Hey, Tsumuyuki?" Midoryia tapped Yuno on the shoulder, his uninjured side. To which Yuno responded with a a hand smacking Midoryia away, his head jerking to look at him.

"Sorry," Yuno quickly apologized and pressed a palm against his head, applying light pressure as if helped keep his lightheadedness at bay. "What were you guys saying? I didn't hear."

Tsu gave a suspicious look, though it hardly looked suspicious with the way her face stayed almost completely blank. "We were talking about how we should go find our classmates. Maybe they could use some help."


Yuno could tell they were giving him funny looks, he can always tell. He hates the way their eyes pierce through him, hates the way they try and take a step toward him to pat his back, hates the way they try to talk through the world of muffled sounds. Yuno felt his fingers curl and fist in his hair as he never let up on the pressure against his head. Grounding himself, he tugs at his roots, being softer than he usually would. He'd been told to stop that habit, but old habits die hard. Everything seemed so loud now that the adrenaline had gone away, and even silence seemed to be so deafening, he had to whisper soft words to himself.

"You didn't overexert yourself, did you?" Midoryia asked, seeing that Yuno was zoning in and out. "Maybe we can find a decent hiding spot. We can hide from the villains until help arrives, I'm sure heroes will be here soon."

"Please explain to me why you think hiding is the best idea." Yuno said, deadpanning at Midoryia with dilated pupils.

"Well, the only person here uninjured is Asu- I mean Tsu." Midoryia corrected himself. "Maybe we can follow the shore to the exit. We can completely avoid the plaza that way."

Yuno raised a brow in interest. "And leave Aizawa to fend for himself? How long do you think he can hold off the mass of thugs?" That put a thoughtful look on Midoryia's face. "Aizawa can be a workaholic when he wants to. At this point, he might overexert himself if he doesn't get support soon."

Tsu hummed. "Are you suggesting we go and help him?"

"Of course not," Yuno waved a finger to make a point. "I would never jump into a battle like this without a plan. I'm suggesting we find a way to lessen the load. Without having to get in physical combat, obviously."

Midoryia looked like he was thinking it over, turning it over and over in his head and searching for a plan that will work. His peanut sized brain was stumped when he came to very few conclusions.

"We can just stay along the shore and check things out, then we can decide if we should help somehow." Tsu suggested. Yuno felt his chest fill with a pride of some sort, he couldn't find exactly why though.

"And here I thought you had pea sized brains." Yuno said, and Midoryia would've been insulted if he wasn't so baffled by the statement. "We'll stay along the shore, just as Tsu said. Hopefully, that will you put you more at ease."

Midoryia let out a sigh as they began their walked through the water. "You changed your attitude so fast, Tsumuyuki-kun. Earlier, you were so shut off from everyone, and then you briefly became protective. Then we were sent to the shipwreck zone and you got aggressive, you took command so fast too. Now, you're getting playful like the USJ isn't getting attacked."

"I wouldn't say playful," Yuno didn't disagree with any of the other statements. "I'd say amused. I don't find it worth the panic now that we ourselves are safe. The entire class is fine, and will be fine so long as the leader of this mass doesn't target any of them."

"Amused just sounds so much worse."

What could Yuno say? "Hey, Midoryia, I'm also a villain and I commit crimes, yet here I am, attending UA to become a great amazing hero." Yeah, no, not over his dead body would Yuno ever say something so simpleminded. Yuno certainly had a life, but it was not like any other student's cliche high school romance.

The three treaded through the water, mostly without trouble, though Yuno did stumble a few times due to his lack of awareness. Having marked so many people with his blood and blood loss slowly seeping in, he felt his energy depleting. Thankfully, Midoryia and Tsu made sure to keep a close eye on him and catch him if he did happen to fall. Walking was only difficult until they needed to actually climb to get a view of everything.

"Do you need help?" Midoryia asked. He was willing to get Yuno out of the water first if he needed to.

Yuno could feel the slightest hint of irritation by the treatment. "I don't need help with everything." He placed his hand out of the water and on the solid ground in front of him, soon pushing himself out of the water and onto dry, precious land.

Midoryia and Tsu followed suit, and they crawled behind a large rock to get a view of the battlefield. They made sure to stay hidden, anyone could spot them, and they were in no place to fight again.

The plaza was anything but peaceful.


Cold, so cold. Hagakure could feel the chills, even as she stood at a safe distance and out of Todoroki's way; maybe it was just the shudders going down her spine as he mercilessly attacked the villains. Ice traveled from his right foot across the the field, keeping the villains' feet frozen, quite literally, in place. Hagakure, having taken off her gloves and boots(the only clothing that kept her visible), stood far away from Todoroki, behind him where he wouldn't attack.

Hagakure knew Todoroki had always been reserved, everyone knew that as soon as they asked him what his name was. He only answered with a simple "Shoto Todoroki" and continued to write in his notebook or simply stare at a wall. Everyone thought he was just a shut-in.

Todoroki let out a huff of cold breath, the air in front of him fogging from the low tempature around him. He spoke in a low voice, and it honestly surprised Hagakure to hear him speak so casually.

"Your plan is to scatter, and then kill us." Todoroki said it as a statement rather than a question. He sighed in disappointment. "You all are so woefully unprepared. It seems to me that you don't even know how to use your Quirk, let alone how they even work."

The villains surrounding him were frozen in fear, not at all figuratively. They couldn't move as the ice climbed up their skin and froze them in place. Todoroki could see the fear in their eyes, looking at him as if he weren't human. Even the way Todoroki walked through the crowd of villains, eyeing each and every one of them until he stood in front of the farthest person in the back.

"You…" the villain's voice strained. "You're a monster, you're not a kid!"

Todoroki ignored the villain. He's heard that before. His mind wandered, wondering, "what is their plan to kill All Might? It seems as though they just brought a mass of elite criminals."

Another pair of villains let out battle cries as they charged at Todoroki from the front and behind. One had a knife and thrusted it out, aiming to plunge it into the student's flesh. The other had a pole ready to bash his head in. Without wasting a second, Todoroki gripped the pole with his right hand, freezing it along with the villain in a running stance. The villain to his front got the same treatment as more ice traveled from his feet.

That can't possibly be their master plan, Todoroki released his grip on the frozen pole. Most the villains here are just low-level thugs and nothing more. They're only pawns.

From what I can tell, there are only a select few that are truly dangerous. If that's the case, then our top priority is more information.

Todoroki turned to the nearest villain, and if looks could kill, the villain would've been long gone. The villain's eyes were blown wide when Todoroki turned to him and proceeded to glare at him, like an annoying bug that was buzzing in his ear and needed to be squashed.

"Listen well," Todoroki said, taking a few steps closer to the villain. "If you stay frozen, you're cells are going to slowly die. You'll succumb to the frostbite and hypothermia in a short amount of time." The villains all but whimpered. "Fortunately, I want to be a hero. I'd like to avoid such cruel deeds." Todoroki lifted his right hand in front of the villain's face, frost making the villain's nose turn red from the cold. "However, I can only do that if you tell me exactly how you plan to kill All Might. You'll survive no other way."

Yeah, Hagakure was quickly coming to terms that Todoroki was not someone to mess with, and no one would find her doing so anytime soon. But god damn, was he powerful.


Kaminari, quite literally, screamed like a girl when he was in distress. Both Jiro and Yaoyorozu understood that they weren't in the safest position, surrounded by dozens of villains and cornered against a wall of rock. Sure, Yaoyorozu had allowed Jiro to pull a weapon out of her arm, but it was starting to get out of hand; Kaminari wasn't helping much either.

He was such a lady, that electric dunce.

"Shit, man!" Kaminari shouted as he barely dodged a swinging fist aiming for his head. "These are fricking terrifying! I just saw my life flash before my eyes! I swear, the grim reaper spoke to me! Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Y'know, maybe you should take it down a couple notches." Jiro said, unusually calm, as she held her sword in a defensive stance.

"We need to focus on a plan," Yaoyorozu held her pile like a Bo staff after smacking a villain across the face with it. "Getting away from the villains should be the first task."

Kaminari was almost scowling, and if it weren't for the fear he felt, he would've been way more offended than he already was. "Then pull a weapon out for me!"

"You're the one with electric powers, right? Zap 'em so we can make a path easier." There was a hint of irritation in Jiro's voice.

"Do you not pay attention or something?!" Kaminari was most definitely scowling now. "I can cover my body, but if I just shoot it out, then I'll hit you too! I don't think you want to get zapped, as far as I know. Plus, I'll go dead brain and then I'll be useless! I don't wanna be useless!"

Jiro was getting so close to rolling her eyes, she thinks she may have already, a few times actually. She was lucky that Yaoyorozu had so much patience, otherwise, she would've just thrown Kaminari to the villains already.

"And I can't even call for help 'cause the signal is jammed!" Kaminari tapped his head piece. "I'm counting on you two! I won't be of any help, so you've gotta get us out of here!" And he shot them a not so confident thumbs up.

"Look at you, such a damsel in distress." Jiro mentally laughed at Kaminari and made sure to remind herself what a girl he is.

While the two kept bantering, a muscular villain came swinging with his fist like a maniac. He was ready pulverize the closest student, that student being Kaminari, as he took large steps closer. Kaminari nearly evaded the first punch, then he felt the flat of a shoe against his back and push him.

"New plan," Jiro shoved Kaminari against the villain. "You're my new human stun gun!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kaminari panicked and his first instinct was to protect himself with a body suit of electricity. As soon as he touched the villain, it traveled and covered the villain's entire body. Kaminari turned to Jiro in surprise and flashed his innocent and cheeky smile. "Whoa, hey it's working! I'm so strong! You two can sit back and count on me!"

"You are so energy depleting to talk to." Jiro spat back in her usually sarcastic tone.

Jiro caught another villain out of the corner of her eyes. He carried a large boulder in his hand as his arm seemed to outstretch and thrusted back to throw the giant piece of earth. Jiro reacted immediately and extended her long earphone jack lobes to plug into her shoes. Her shoes worked as speakers, loud and powerful sound waves aimed at the boulder and crushedk it into small, pitiful pieces.

The villain's hand, still caught in its punch, collided into Kaminari's nose, dead center on his face. The electricity had covered him as soon as he touched the student and he was soon being electrocuted as well.

They didn't end there, another villain with daggers in both hands jumped high and raised his blades to attack Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu's reflexes were faster as a net emerged from her skin and she threw it expertly at the blade villain. With his view obscured and his mind distracted, he landed on top of the yellow crowd of villains, and received the same treatment, electrocuting and all.

"You're lucky that worked out," Yaoyorozu said, her voice quite pessimistic.

"Sorry," Jiro took the sarcastic tone again. "I'll ask next time before saving our butts."

Kyoka's Jiro's Quirk is Earphone Jack. She can turn her own heartbeats into explosively amplified sound waves by inserting her plugs into her plugs. And additional fact being she can hear quiet sounds like the drop of a pin.

Jiro plugged her shoes back into her shoes, more sound waves bursting ear drums and causing the villains to shout in pain.

"Damn it," she cursed. "You didn't think to ask for aiming gear of any kind when you put in your costume request form? Come on, you could be saving us, Kaminari!"

Another villain came falling out of the sky, he jumped off a cliff above Jiro and swiped his knife at Jiro. She dodged and tried hitting the knife out of his hands before Yaoyorozu lunged in and shoved her heel into the villain's cheekbone.

"Finally, it's ready!" Yaoyorozu announced as she hunched over.

"Huh?" Jiro exclaimed. "What's ready?"

"It took a while…" Something seemed to emerge from Yaoyorozu's back, her clothes tearing from the pressure of wanting release. The fabric tore at the seams and thick blanket flew into the air, soon falling on top of Jiro and the creator of the blanket. The villains gasped at the unexpected object covering the girls, like a shield of some sort.

"You're looking at a sheet of insulation, 100 millimeters thick." Yaoyorozu signaled. "Go, Kaminari!"

Kaminari grinned, fully understanding what to do next. He mumbled to himself, "that's so badass." A wisp of electricity danced across his cheek as he turned to the villains. "Now, I can let loose! You guys are gonna be fried!"

Bright yellow electricity filled the air and buzzed around the villains. The electricity zapped and found its way through the mass' bodies and yelps of pain sounded from every villain. By the time it ended, everyone was on the ground and steaming, and the girls had been safe and unharmed throughout it all.

"Now then," Yaoyorozu lifted the blanket, revealing her entire torso as unhidden. A blushing Jiro had a hand over her mouth behind the half naked girl. "I'm worried about the rest of our class. We should go find them as soon as possible."

"Uh, you're a little exposed there!" Jiro couldn't help but yell.

"Hm?" Yaoyorozu turned to Jiro with a casual smile. Jiro blushed and stiffened at the sight of the bounciness on Yaoyorozu's chest. "But I can just make new ones."

Momo Yaoyorozu's Quirk is Creation. She can create any non-living object from her body so long as she understands the molecular structure whatever she's making. A handy Quirk, it is situational, and it can be powerful when used at the right time.

She's so punk rock, Jiro thought to herself before she saw Kaminari's as he walked by. Jiro pressed her body against Yaoyorozu and covered the bare skin with her jacket.

"Don't you dare come over here, Kaminari!" She shouted.

Kaminari, on the other hand, completely ignored the command as he held his thumbs up. He was laughing as he walked around, babbling nonsense with a stupid expression twisted on his face, not to mention his bloody nose from when that villain accidentally punched him.

Denki Kaminari, his Quirk is indeed a powerful one, although it is a double-edged sword. Electrification allows Kaminari to store and discharge electricity, but if he goes over his wattage, then he goes dead brain a period of time.

Jiro and Yaoyorozu would have to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while Kaminari's out of it.


"Tsumuyuki-kun!" Midoryia whisper shouted as he held Yuno's arm, keeping the smaller boy down next to them. "We can't just barge in! We'll just get in the way and get hurt!"

As soon as the three had gotten out of the water, they had seen the harsh reality Aizawa was facing. Wave after wave of villains, never ending, they kept attacking Aizawa like a herd of ravenous dogs. There hadn't been any brutal or harsh hits the hero had taken that get him out in the hospital, but he was beginning to let up in his dodging. One villain even managed to graze his shoulder with a blade.

"Let go of me, Midoryia," Yuno grit his teeth, and if it weren't for the hair in his face, Midoryia and Tsu would see the glare he was giving.

"I'm sorry, really, I am," Midoryia sounded so apologetic, it was convincing to say the least. "But, I can't just let you rush out, even if you're my upperclassmen. You could get hurt more than you already are."

Yuno's jaw tightened and his teeth clenched down on each other, Tsu was worried they might crack under the pressure. This feeling of helplessness, Yuno feels it often enough, but now, it's hitting him full force in the chest and he doesn't know why. It's just Aizawa, it's just a pitiful hero trying to protect his class, and yet, Yuno feels the need to stop his own kind from beating his teacher.

He needs to stop them, needs to tell them off, needs to shove them away, cut through them, get rid of them all, make them explode, just send them all to hell-

Yuno gripped the sides of his head, his palm over his ears and nails scraping into his skin. His head drooped against the rock in front of him and he almost whimpered from the pressure he felt in his head. He needed them to stop, just stop, and shut up. They need to go away, not now, now wasn't the time to listen to them.

"Tsumuyuki-kun? Tsumuyuki-kun!" Midoryia had called his name multiples and still got zero reaction. All he knew was that Yuno was in pain and he didn't know how to fix it.

Tsu placed a hand on Yuno's back, rubbing small and soothing circles in between his shoulder blades. Her hands would make different movements, rubbing up and down, side to side, at some point, Yuno felt a finger drag down his spine and draw something.

The touch kept Yuno grounded, even as he watched Aizawa fight off more and more villains. He didn't notice how heavy his breath was, how his chest was tight and his stomach twisted.

'Get up.'

I can't.


I'm sorry.

'Get up and fight them.'

I can't. Please, stop.

'You are helpless without your friend.'

I'm not. It hurts, please.

'You'll learn one day.'

I don't want to learn, just make it stop:

"Hey," Tsu's voice chimed into the millions of voices currently in Yuno's head. It was gentle, unlike the loud, ear/deafening whispers. "I don't what's going on, but you're okay. We're safe. Unfortunately, I think we should stay here for as long as possible."

Yuno's lips pressed into a line, a frown forming in his features. "Please, don't say that to me. I'm trying to think."

"You were rambling a moment ago," Tsu mentioned. "About how something hurts. Are you injured else where? Or is it after effects from inhaling water?"

It's not a physical problem, Yuno answered to himself. I'm just not okay in the head.

Aizawa had already taken out so many villains, even now, as he sent a pair tumbling to the ground. Yuno, or anyone really, could see now that he he was losing energy and fast. Yuno could sense that it wouldn't just end by incapacitating thugs, there were a couple villains who hadn't lifted a single finger yet.

"Mm," a raspy voice sounded. "Eraser Head is actually pretty cool."


Yuno turned his head to the source of the voice. A villain wearing all black with the exception of his shoes being red. There were pale hand gripping his arms and torso, there were a couple on his neck as well as on his head and one holding and covering his face. This person had an entirely different aura compared to the rest, and that mist villain floated behind him as if he were awaiting an order. Just gazing at the villain was enough to put Yuno in his place.

Aizawa's head snapped towards that same villain, he was zooming straight for Aizawa as if he were going to tackle him. He was so fast, Aizawa's reflexes barely caught up as he held his scarf in one hand and threw it out with his other hand. The fabric of his scarf was caught in the villain's hand, pulling it toward him.

A sickening crack came from the villain as Aizawa rammed his elbow into his torso, knocking the young man over with a pained grunt. The villain held his stance, gripping Aizawa's elbow in his hand and squeezing while a grin crawled onto his face.

"I figured it out," the villain said, whispering into Aizawa's ear. "It was pretty difficult with you jumping around everywhere, but I finally got it. It's your hair, am I right?"

As if on cue, Aizawa's hair fell into his face, indicating that he's blinked and now the villain can use his Quirk how he likes, whatever it may be.

"You're having to blink more often now, huh?" The villain's grip didn't let up in Aizawa. As he squeezed harder, the fabric of Aizawa's sleeve turned gray and becam to crumble. "Don't push yourself too hard. We wouldn't want you to fall apart. That'd be a shame, wouldn't it?"

Aizawa grunted with effort as he pulled his elbow way with a harsh yank, his other hand turning into a fist and thrusting it into the villain's cheekbone. He hopped away as the villain fell to the ground, he held his elbow protectively as more villains surrounded him now that he was vulnerable.

"That irritating Quirk of yours," the villain stood back up, a grin still plastered in his face even if he was hit. "It isn't meant for long fights against big groups, huh? Don't you think, maybe, you're a little overwhelmed here, Eraser Head? Aren't you much better at working stealthily? Y'know, surprise attacks and all. And yet…"

A villain jumped at Aizawa again, never letting up, and Aizawa had no chose but to grip his scarf again and wrap it around the villain to throw him away. He panted as he held his scarf to face the hand villain again.

"You're still fighting, trying to put your students at ease." The hand villain laughed maniacally. "And here you are, still standing! You're so cool, so much willpower and determination! And by the way, hero." The villain suddenly stopped laughing. Aizawa turned to where he faced, confused by the sudden halt. Behind him, Aizawa found a large villain, similiar body to that of All Might, he realized. It had a beak with sharp teeth, and it's brain was visible, and as it lifted a large hand to grab Aizawa, it opened its mouth to reveal a long and large tongue.

"I'm not the final boss. He is. You can call him, Nomu."

Blood splattered across Aizawa's face, his arms raised and to protect himself as if he were injured. He gasped, waiting for the blow as if it was coming at any moment. Like a scared teen, his eyes slowly opened from underneath his yellow goggles.

His eyes widened at the sight of his student standing in front of him, blood floating around him. Across from Yuno was the muscular villain, Nomu, holding it's shoulder that had become a nub. Where…was his arm?

Aizawa's eyes looked down to where the Nomu's blood dripped and puddled. A large arm, limp at the Nomu's feet as it staggered and shrieked an ungodly sound. Aizawa's eyes drifted back to Yuno and the blood. He noticed that there were cuts all over his arms, the bandages floated around his forearms, still somewhat wrapped. There was a blade of blood floating near him, the sound of liquid swishing emitting from the glob of red fluid. There was a small droplet of blood near his eyes, although, Aizawa couldn't see the mismatched irises due to the hair that hid his face.

"Tsumuyuki, what are you doing?" Aizawa's voice filled with shock as he brought his hand down from in front of his face.

Yuno didn't answer, only staring at the Nomu with the intent to kill. The way the blood around him flicked in agitation showed how angry the teen was, and how capable he was of ripping Nomu's head off.

'That sounds like a great idea.'

"This is dangerous, Tsumuyuki," Aizawa approached Yuno from behind and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Yuno smacked the hand away harshly, his fingers trembling in the process. Aizawa couldn't help but furrow his brows at the response. His only way to find an answer was to step forward and get a better view of his student. Something about that made Aizawa feel somewhat anxious; what if he invaded Yuno's space?

Aizawa took a step anyway, he needed to see if Yuno was alright. At first, there was only the grit of teeth and a shadow over his cheeks, but as Aizawa got a better view, the more surprised he became. Yuno's eyes were wide with what Aizawa assumed was anger and fear. His pupils were large and dilated, shaking like an earthquake. A thin sheen of sweat covered his skin and his body trembled. Although he seemed to be looking at someone that wasn't there, his eyes never left the Nomu nor the hand villain, he didn't even blink, not since Aizawa first saw his expression.

"Back off," Yuno demanded, his hand reaching out and his fingers outstretched.

Aizawa flinched at the way Yuno sounded, a voice filled with so much fear, yet so disgust at the same time. He knew Yuno was capable of amazing things in a fight, but he also knew that Yuno could lose a battle against his mind at anytime. All he saw here was a fragile teen who was seeing things he shouldn't be.

A growl came from the Nomu, breaking Aizawa out of his trance. He took his scarf and gripped it between his fingers as he put a protective hand out in front of Yuno. Nomu sounded furious as it held its nub of an arm out, his muscles convulsing as something seemed to try and grow out of the nub. Aizawa found himself more than just shocked as new tendons and muscles grew from the arm, almost as if it was regenerating. By the time Aizawa could blink again, a new arm had formed, flesh and skin.

The hand villain turned to a purple mist, the warp gate villain appearing next to him. "Tomura Shigaraki," he spoke.

"Oh," the villain now know as Shigaraki spoke, his voice raspy as he began scratching at his neck. "Kurogiri, did you kill Thirteen?"

"The hero is out of commission for sure," Kurogiri answered, even if he didn't exactly have a mouth to speak with. "Although, there was a student who escaped my clutches, he managed to escape the facility."

"Huh?!" Shigaraki began growling, scratching at his neck more aggressively, to the point it was red and almost bleeding. "If you weren't a warp gate, I'd tear your body apart atom by atom, you moron!" And then he stopped, as if he realized something and came to terms with it. "We can't fight a dozen heroes, even with all these villains. It's game over. We're back on the title screen. Oh, well; I was really looking forward to finishing this today. Let's go home."

Home? Yuno's knew he heard that, he couldn't have heard anything else. They plan on leaving after this?

Yuno and Aizawa were completely ignorant of Nomu, the way it lifted its large hand, ready to smash them both into the ground. With a glare, Yuno curled his fingers and clenched them into a fist.

"I said, to back off."

Nomu's skin tingled, pulling taut on something trying to rip through it's skin. It looked like the skin would keep strong, but in a second's time, red and sharp spikes tore through the dark skin and blood exploded from it's toes to it's arms.

Again, Nomu shrieked and roared. Shigaraki's head snapped toward the Nomu, red eyes wide and pointed directly at Nomu. He then turned his gaze to Yuno, whom glared back and dropped his hand back to his side. The Nomu, who's shrills suddenly stopped, dropped to it's knees like a limp ragdoll and face-planted into the ground.

Shigaraki didn't have any words as his secret weapon fell to the ground. Blood pooled around the Nomu, as if it was dead. And if may as well be dead now that both Shigaraki and Kurogiri got front row seats to the show.

"What did you…" Shigaraki couldn't even finish a sentence himself. He needed to go see if Nomu was still alive, make sure it was alive.

"You can't tell me you're so moronic," Yuno's voice came out in a low whisper. "His heart exploded, because I made it explode. That thing you call a Nomu is dead."

Aizawa could hear the shakiness in Yuno's voice as he turned to the smaller. His shoulders kept inching up toward his ears as he shook, his eyes trying to focus anywhere but the Nomu and the blood.

"You…" Shigaraki growled, his face twisting into anger even behind the hand masking his face. His fingers twitched and his heel tapped into the ground repeatedly. Kurogiri glanced at Aizawa, then part of his body disappeared and placed itself in between Yuno and himself, like a wall.

"What are you-" Aizawa was cut off by a scream of frustration.

Shigaraki lunged at Yuno, both hands out and reaching for the boy with the intent to destroy. Blood came up to block the attack and shield Yuno, though it continued dripping to the ground, failing to hold it's form. As soon as Shigaraki touched the blood, it fell to the ground with a splash and he extended his hand further to grab Yuno's head.

"Detroit Smash!"

"Die, you asshole!"

"You're not hurting anyone."

A powerful force of wind, an explosion followed by smoke, and freezing ice came from all direction Shigaraki couldn't see a thing through the black smoke whooshing around; it began to clear up and spread apart with the powerful wind dying down. Kurogiri was held down by a strong hand, and another gloved hand in his face threatening to hurt people if needed. Shigaraki's feet were frozen in place, just far away enough from Yuno that he could barely touch him. He scowled as he turned to the group of students that ambushed him.

"Tsumuyuki-kun!" Midoryia ran toward Yuno, surprisingly, without a broken limb of any sort. Are you alright? He didn't touch you right?"

"What does touch have to do with this?" Todoroki approached from behind, keeping an eye on Shigaraki.

"Ah, that villain can turn things to dust with his hands! He's really dangerous! Anyway, are you sure you're okay, Tsumuyuki-kun?"

Bakugo chuckled, like a lunatic, as he smirked at Kurogiri. "I knew it, you had a physical body all this time. Now I can kill you properly." Kirishima only sighed at the display of everyone talking over each other.

Yuno didn't answer, he ignored anyone near him and tuned them out. He just stared, directly at the dead Nomu. He caused that, he was guilty for killing what may have been a person, it's his fault, his fault, all his fault.

Yuno's hands reached up to the sides of his head, a choke of pain escaping his lips.

"Oi, the hell's wrong with you?" Bakugo scowled, then lifted a hand and almost burned Kurogiri.

Aizawa gripped both of Yuno's shoulders, a desperate look in his eyes as he lifted his goggles then shook Yuno lightly. His tone of voice was worried, and that made Midoryia worried while Todoroki became curious.

"Hey, look at me, Tsumuyuki." Aizawa said, his brows pinched together as he tried to get Yuno's attentions. He noticed how Yuno was covered in both his blood and most likely other villain's blood. "Tsumuyuki, look at me, you're here, with some students and me. Right now isn't the time for this."

Right, he's being a nuisance when he does this. Yuno wanted to stop, but all he heard was muffled words as Aizawa seemed to grow farther and farther away the more he spoke.

'So useless, can't calm yourself down.'

'You're going to get people hurt one day, being a nuisance.'

'This class has done nothing, and yet you still become a burden to them.'

'They'll get hurt, a villain will come.'

That villain could be you.

A scream escaped Yuno's lips, a horrid sound coming from his throat as he caught the attention of everyone near. It was as if the entire world trembled before his voice. His hands turned to fist as he pressed his knuckles into his temples, some of his hair trapped between his fingers and yanking the strands out of his scalp.

All he saw was red, red, red, blood, blood, red and blood, it's still dripping, flooding everywhere.

Yuno's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his neck craning from the weight of his head falling back. His eyelids shut as his irises disappeared into his sockets, his body fell limp and his knees gave out.

Aizawa barely managed to catch the boy, pulling him into his chest and gripping Yuno's jaw to try and wake him up again, he even resorted to slapping his cheek lightly.

Shigaraki watched it all play out, even with his body slightly turned away and his feet frozen in place. His expression twisted into different emotions: surprise, curiosity, and now, all that was written in his eyes was what the fuck. It was as if the boy had completely left the present and his mind was kicked to somewhere else, and it seemed to be because of the Nomu he killed.

Oh, Shigaraki grinned an evil and terrible smile. This kid, I like him.

If there’s one thing I hate writing, it’s fight scenes; that is why this took a completely different turn. And holy shoot, 6k words is a lot, my poor fingers(I know it’s not that long, but still, HOLY WOW).

Ai_shicreators' thoughts
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