
Sweet Innocence

After Leila left the tearoom, she went to the bathroom while clutching the black jacket tightly. She tried to convince herself that she was clutching it against it in anger… not because the scent was soothing her. 

The bathroom was empty, so she used it quickly before washing her hands. Once again, the jacket was in her arms. The material was supple and smelled of pure leather and that unmistakable unfamiliar but yet familiar scent. 

She hesitated as she held it, wondering what to do with it since she had taken it impulsively. However, she felt like it was her loot from her stalker. After thinking about it, she let go of her discomfort and shrugged on the jacket. 

The jacket was too big for her, but for some reason, she found it perfectly suitable for her when she looked in the mirror. She refused to think about the delicious scent that surrounded her and whether it was the reason she liked the jacket.

It did not mean anything to her.

The jacket was just like game loot from her enemy. 

When she returned to the Campbell family in the garden gazebos, she felt a little self-conscious about wearing a stranger's jacket. However, she chose to act like she did not know what was different about her. 

"You have been gone for like twenty minutes. Have you already found a rich boyfriend?" Holly asked because she wanted to embarrass the outsider while also ruining her reputation before her family. 

Leila's lips stiffened before she wore a soft expression. 

"My romper got caught on something and tore when I was leaving the bathroom, and a nice guy just took off this jacket to spare me from embarrassment." She explained. "Would you rather that I walked in torn clothes?"

The wide eyes and the gentle face were like an accusation against Holly as Leila clutched the black jacket around her body like a shield. Somehow, Holly became the villain with a few words. 

"You are just trying to hide your guilt. You are trying to find a man in The Lagoon, aren't you?" Holly was stubborn and did not understand why everyone was looking at her like she was the bad one. "Have you no shame?"

Leila lowered her head as if in distress, but in her heart, she was smiling. What a foolish child! She did not understand the world and how it worked. It was strange that one family could have such different daughters: a shrewd Amelia and a stupid Holly.

"Holly, stop being childish." Charlotte looked at her daughter in warning. It was not like she liked Leila, but she was tired of being embarrassed by her daughter. If only Holly could be a little more like Amelia…

"Mom!" Holly felt betrayed by her mother again. Her eyes teared up as she looked at her family who were refusing to support her. 

"Do not make a scene, Holly," Isaiah said firmly. 

Holly could not take it anymore since even her father who loved her the most was against her. She stood and ran off, but no one tried to stop her. Leila felt a little bit of glee. She lowered her head to hide her face before composing herself. 

"This is all my fault. I don't think it is great for me to keep staying with you." She spoke with a shaky voice. 

"No," Amelia spoke up first. "My sister is just young, so she can be impulsive."

"Amelia is right," Charlotte said gently. "Holly needs to learn how to get along with other people. We will get her a tutor to help her with her manners."

'You should probably get her a therapist.' Leila thought but she did not say anything more. 

"Have you made arrangements for yourself with the expert you will be following?" Charlotte asked. "It is important to make a good impression to avoid starting on the wrong foot." 

Leila nodded obediently. "Yeah, I am planning on meeting with him later today. I am sorry I will not be able to join you for dinner."

Charlotte and Isaiah did not mind because it was stressful to have Leila around, especially with Holly acting out. Amelia, on the other hand, was not happy about it. She was planning on meeting up with her friends. 

She wanted to bring Leila with her and introduce her to them. If Leila found other friends before they were close, it would mess with her plans. Yes, she had not given up on making Leila her puppet. 

"Mom, I am also going to the ranch with a few friends. I might come home late." Amelia said before looking at Leila. "I wanted to invite you to ride horses with me, but it looks like you are busy."

Leila smiled. "It is the thought that counts."

Amelia did not know why she thought that the tone was a little condescending. When she looked at Leila, she saw nothing but sweet innocence, so she wondered if she was becoming as paranoid as Holly. 

She dismissed the thought and continued chatting with her mother and father. Once everyone was done with their food, Isaiah paid the bill, and the group separated. Amelia offered to drive her, but she declined the offer and ordered her own ride. 

Leila did not know that someone was watching her through the entire process. 

The amorous eyes with a red glow looked at her with obsessive fervour and listened to every word she spoke. Everything about her was so beautiful and perfect, and he wanted to just take it into himself.

A low growl left Xavier's throat as he watched how the Campbell family treated her. His fangs lengthened as he fought the desire to follow the human teenager who insulted and then, tear her heart out. 

He resisted and turned her eyes back to Leila. He heard her saying that she was going to meet someone, but she did not say who. He wondered if it was a friend or something more. Another growl left his throat as he thought of the possibility. 

She is mine. 




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