
[ Volume 1] Chaper 187-Guilt tripping

The three of them became inseparable. Their days were filled with the mundane rhythms of life—cooking meals, studying, and simply existing together.

Esme, despite her wild and unpredictable nature, could cook exceptionally well, often whipping up meals that brought warmth to their small household. Helga, though more calm and collected, was equally skilled in the kitchen, able to create meals that were nourishing and comforting.

Aron, however, was a disaster when it came to cooking. More than once, he had nearly set the kitchen on fire in his attempts to learn. His clumsiness became a running joke between them, a light-hearted reminder of how far he had come.

Each time he failed, Helga would patiently guide him, while Esme would tease him mercilessly, though always with a grin that softened the sting of her words.

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