
Like a giant, weeping puppy

The two sat in silence for a moment, before Artie watched Sir Lamorak's face flush a deeper shade. 

"Wait. I came here still covered in dirt. I am so sorry. I wanted to apologise to you as soon as I was able and yet I-" It was very interesting to see Sir Lamorak behave this way. His expression was open, he was clearly worried and concerned and quick to fly off into a wild thought. The Sir Lamorak that she normally knew was not this way, so when he continued to rant about how dirty he was, Artie couldn't help the laughter bubbling out of her. 

Artie threw her head back, letting the laughter shake her shoulders and Sir Lamorak's words came to a stuttering stop. Her eyes sparkling with laughter, she leveled him with her gaze and Sir Lamorak's mouth dropped open slightly. 

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