
Game of Chance

Adam looked at Tobias' corpse and had some conflicting thoughts, but in the end, he had to die.

Corrupted Originals were balance breakers. They were monstrosities, and when left unchecked, they were greater danger to the New World than any ordinary Chaos being.

Sure, if a level 50 boss appeared in the New World, there would be immense casualties, but in the end, mercenaries would eliminate the threat.

However, corrupted originals were far more dangerous with their ideals.

They were able to create more corrupted originals; thus, when they arrive at the New World, it wouldn't only be one corrupted original that mercenaries needed to worry about. It could be thousands.

Thousands of Tobias.

Because of their ability to corrupt, corrupted originals couldn't be left alive.


A strange click sounded.

Behind Adam, a strange door opened, and laughter echoed from within.

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