

At the summit of the mountain, beneath an ancient canopy, Nut and Geb held a parchment, the letter from Shu. The air was thick with the weight of decision. After some deliberations, they concluded that Geb would venture into the desert to safeguard humanity, while Nut remained to comfort Metes, their hearts troubled by his recent nightmares of celestial doom at the fangs of a demonic serpent.

As Geb strode toward the divine Gate, Nut began to chant a solemn hymn to the sun, her voice a warm embrace against the chill of the night.

"Mother Goddess, do no stars deserve their hymns?" Metes inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Nut's laughter rang through the canopy like a gentle breeze, "You have yet to ascend to godhood, my child. Hymns are sung in honor of gods, and when you rise, the cosmos will echo with verses for the stars."

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