

"Mmmm~ So soft~"

In no time at all Shiro moved towards me, wrapping her arms around me, almost spilling the wine that I've been drinking on the table as she buries her face in my chest. It still baffles me that alcohol can affect her this much. She's only had two glasses...

"Hey, don't leave out!"

"Hehe. Lisa, don't act like a child."

"Mmmm..." I watch as she ends up chugging the last of the wine in her glass. I swear, this woman... "Pah!~ It's alright. I'll let Shiro have you for now."

"What does that mean?"

Not long after saying that, Shiro tightens her hold around me as she lifts her face from my chest, looking up into my eyes. Her bewitching eyes freezes me in place at the sight of her. Having her this close to me, I can feel everything. It's not fair that I'm the only one that understands!


"Y-yes? Shiro?"

Even her voice has taken on a playful tone, combined with the feverish look in her eyes, I can't help but give a short response.

"What was that kiss before?" Is she asking what it meant?

"I uhm... Just wanted you to think of something else."

"Hmm?" Wait, could it be that she's already forgotten what we talked about before? She seems confused so that should be the case, but then why does she remember the kiss? "I thought that Charlotte wanted to stay wiv me..." Wait, why does she look upset? Wait, she's tearing up?

"I do!" I end up wrapping my arms around her this time, holding her firmly in my arms. "I made a promise didn't I?"

"Th-then don't run away like that!"

She cries out before buries her face in my chest once more as I feel her tears soak into my shirt. I quickly try and sooth her by brushing through her long, white hair with my fingers, gently patting the back of her head.

"I'm sorry. I was just a bit scared of what I did."

"You mean the kiss?"


I'm not even sure if Shiro will remember any of this by tomorrow. I could try and give a proper explanation, but I would have to do it all over again... I don't think my heart can take it.

"D-don't be scared! I... It made me feel warm inside..." The way she sounded just now, and the smile on her face as she looks up at me. She's already making my resolve crumble. "H-how did it make you feel?" That's it! I can't bottle it up any longer!

"It- made me feel warm as well." I end up caving in, saying what I felt.

"Then why are you scared?"

"I... I don't know."

I can't just say that I'm scared about it being my first kiss, and what that would make Shiro feel. But even now as we lock eyes, I can tell that she's still oblivious to it. Even with our bodies pressed up against each other, her heartbeat is beating at a relatively normal pace compared to mine.



Suddenly, Shiro moves up closer to me, getting up on her toes before I feel her lips press up against mine. But the kiss only lasted for but a second before he goes back on her feet, looking back up at me with a smile on her face.

"How was that?"

"..." I fall silent, not knowing what to say.

I'm glad to see that she's happy and that things aren't awkward between us, but she really needs to understand what all of this means, what it means to kiss someone.

"You two..." Just then, Lisa speaks up as both Shiro and I look her way. "Haah~ I need more wine to combat your little bubble."

"L-Lisa!" Suddenly, Shiro lets go of me before running up to Lisa. What on earth is she planning to do?

"Eh? Shi- mm!" I'm left speechless at the sight before me...

With an empty glass in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other, Shiro took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Lisa, getting up on her toes before pressing her lips up against Lisa's. It was in that moment that I felt like my heart stopped, making it seem like time around me had frozen in place. It was when I felt my heart begin beating again that it seemed like time flowed normally as I watched Shiro remove herself from Lisa.

"Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shiro?!" Lisa face lit up in flames almost immediately after Shiro retreated from her lips.

"How did that make you feel?" Shiro however, remained composed as ever, oblivious to what she just did.

"H-how do I feel? Shiro! You're only meant to do that with someone you love!" Lisa, regaining some of her composure, ends up scolding Shiro, who doesn't seem to be phased in the slightest.

"But I love you too?" Ahh... I get it. Thinking about how I described it, I guess it's normal for her to come to a conclusion like that.

"No no no. You only do this kind of thing to 'ONE' person." Despite being drunk, Lisa ends up helping with the explanation. Looks like she sobered up from that kiss, haha.

"Just one?"


It was then that Shiro looked back my way, our eyes meeting once more. I can already feel my face heating back up at the situation in front of me.

"Then- Charlotte~" In no time at all, Shiro leapt back in my arms, as I end up catching her before she tripped over a chair. "Hehehe~" She's too precious...

With her back in my arms, I look over to Lisa as I see her shaking her head side to side before pouring herself another glass... Thank you Lisa.

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