
Chapter 93

Of course, one could try to escape from the northeast side, but not even the hardiest shinobi would dare such a move if they wanted to live a little longer. And there's a good reason for it—unlike the western direction, where there is at least one safe path, all other directions are so densely packed with various mechanical traps, seals, and other deadly devices that not even a Hyuga would risk such a suicidal act as crossing several hundred meters from the camp walls in other directions.

Not to mention that any reinforcements or supply deliveries are escorted exclusively by a person from the camp, as was the case with me. From the outside, it's not particularly noticeable, but remembering my arrival here, it becomes clear that we deliberately chose certain paths when making our way to the fortified post, specifically from the west.

Twenty minutes later, as the evening sky began to darken, finally losing the last remnants of light from the sun that had set beyond the horizon, my escort received a message over the radio, and we had to hasten our pace, slipping through the dense vegetation of Kusa no Kuni to the northeast. I had to channel a solid flow of chakra to my eyes just to see well enough in the darkness and react in time to any threats.

Unfortunately, the Land of Grass is famous not only for its variety of plant life used for making excellent medicines for almost any illness or the deadliest plant poisons but also for its wildlife, namely hundreds of species of snakes that love to hide in the grass, lying in wait for their prey or nesting in such terrain. Suffice it to say that one seventh of all my patients are victims of snake bites.

Despite all my superhuman abilities, most Chunin lose to the speed of a snake's strike, unable to dodge the swift attacks of these venomous creatures. However, snakes are not only a significant source of trouble for local residents but also a means to diversify the diet of soldiers stuck with unappetizing army rations. After all, not everyone has enough money to stock up on ready-made meals for even a few months ahead, like I did. And you can't have enough scrolls unless you know how to make them yourself.

Speaking of scrolls—Kusagakure no Sato, besides poisons and medicines, also supplies excellent paper for users of fuinjutsu, second only to products from the Senju clan. And their ink, squeezed from a special type of grass, is surpassed only by the ink supplied from Mizu no Kuni in terms of its ability to retain infused chakra. In general, it's not surprising that I occasionally sent a clone to the village to procure supplies, not just provisions.

"Nara-san, we should pick up the pace," the Jonin informed me after half an hour of light jogging, "our forces have encountered the first patrols of Iwagakure no Sato, and there are wounded."

"How many and what are the nature of the injuries?" I asked immediately, increasing my pace.

"Two, light injuries but capable of affecting the combat effectiveness of the shinobi if left without immediate assistance, Nara-san," Gubashi replied, easily keeping up with me, "they will stay behind and wait for us."

"Hmm, and won't we pass by them in the darkness?"

"Don't worry, I'll indicate the location of the wounded as soon as we're nearby," reassured my companion.

Ah, it seems I not only have an experienced Jonin as my partner but also a sensor. Not bad! Quite impressive, actually.

"And in connection with this, I have a small request, Nara-san," he suddenly continued, "could you please mask your chakra as best as possible? We're about to approach the main group, and there's a significant chance that enemy sensors might detect you before they can be eliminated, with all the ensuing consequences."

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