
Chapter 5: A Pair of Kenseikan

After simply packing a bag, Kuchiki Mizuki went away from the dormitory. Before leaving, he didn't forget to put on a three Kenseikan on his bag, as outside the Spiritual Arts Academy, a member of the Kuchiki family must wear one, especially in the Kuchiki family manor.

However, since he was in a hurry to reach the Kuchiki family manor before evening, Mizuki decided to wait until he was on the road to wear them and he also didn't want to attract too much attention from outsiders, so he opted to put them on just before arriving at the manor.

But before going to the Kuchiki family manor, he had something more important to do—eat!

Having come from the party last night, he slept till 11 AM, and after waking up, he directly rushed toward the place where the Asauchi ceremony was taking place. So, he had eaten nothing today.

So, from the dormitory, he directly rushed towards a restaurant called Stuffed Delights, a restaurant under the Kuchiki Family.

The walk to the restaurant wasn't long as it was quite near the dormitory, as the majority of the Kuchiki family studying in the Spiritual Arts Academy ate there.

After reaching the bustling restaurant, Kuchiki Mizuki realized that it was much busier than usual, perhaps due to the one-month-long vacation provided by the Spiritual Arts Academy to its students.

After looking around the restaurant, he found an empty seat. The seat was just right behind the one with a window, but there was a problem: someone was already sitting at that table. It was a man with a youthful appearance and pale skin, wearing a white and black kimono.

But the thing that attracted Kuchiki Mizuki's attention the most was the tattoo on the guy's hands. As far as Mizuki remembered, that was the tattoo of the Shiba family.

After thinking for a while, Mizuki stopped caring. Stuffed Delights was a popular restaurant, and the majority of its customers were nobles.

So he quickly went towards the seat and asked softly, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Hearing this, the boy looked at Mizuki, scanning him from top to bottom. The boy's eyes zoomed in on the Asauchi tied to Mizuki's hip and said, "Yeah, sure."

"Then I will be rude," Mizuki said as he sat and called over the waiter, quickly ordering a simple lunch pack.

After a few minutes, Mizuki's order arrived, and he silently began to eat, as the guy in front of him hadn't started a conversation in so many minutes. Mizuki wasn't going to start the conversation either, as he was very hungry and not in the mood to talk.

So between Mizuki and his seat partner, there was a strange awkward silence, with only the sound of eating breaking it.

As Mizuki was near finishing his meal, there was suddenly a loud shout in the restaurant, attracting the attention of all the customers.

The shout came from the seat right behind Mizuki's. "Why should I go? I came here first and sat on this seat!" A boy wearing simple clothes that most commoners wore shouted.

Beside the boy was a girl, perhaps half his height, clinging to his hand.

The boy was shouting at a waiter. Hearing what the boy said, the waiter showed a crooked smile and said, "The one who wants to sit at this seat is a nobleman from the Tsunayashiro clan. If you want to offend a nobleman just to eat a meal, then be sure to sit."

Hearing this, both the boy and the little girl beside him grew silent. As the boy was about to speak again, the little girl started to cry.

Seeing the girl cry, the boy's strong voice grew dim, almost pleading, "I specifically booked this seat yesterday. Please, it's my sister's birthday today!"

Hearing this, the waiter just sighed, like everyone else in the restaurant. After all, this kind of scene was normal; the nobles did as they pleased.

Mizuki just glanced at the scene and continued eating. After all, he came here to eat, not to become a hero.

Just as the waiter was about to forcefully take the brother and sister out, there was suddenly a shout.

"Hey, I am done eating, take my seat!"

In an instant, the entire restaurant was shocked and looked towards the person who shouted.

It was none other than the boy who was sitting in front of Mizuki.

Everyone looked at the boy with awe and respect. The waiter, too, was shocked. There were few such kind people in the Soul Society.

The boy continued, "Not only me. My partner here is also willing to give his seat."

As the words came out of the boy's mouth, Mizuki nearly choked on his noodles.

"Damn it! Why is this bastard dragging me too!" Mizuki said to himself, but seeing the entire crowd looking at him with awe and respect, he reluctantly stood up. 

"Social pressure! God damn it!" Mizuki said to himself as he got up from his seat. After all, sitting here would just damage his reputation, which he obviously didn't want to do for some food. But he didn't forget to memorize the face of the bastard who put him into this situation.

The brother was shocked while the sister also stopped crying. Just as both of them were about to say something, the boy threw a few five hundred Kan coins and vanished.

"Shunpo, huh? No wonder that guy so openly offended me," Mizuki said as he walked towards the cash counter, taking out a few Kan coins. He hadn't expected the guy to be a Shinigami.

Just as he finished handing the Kan coins to the lady at the counter, a shout suddenly came, "Are you the bastard trying to be a hero?"

Hearing this, Mizuki calmly turned to face a fat young man. The fat boy had a long nose, and his clothes were tight-fitting. Looking at the boy, Mizuki just smiled. In his opinion, this fat man was a low-ranking noble. After all, the higher-ranking nobles were more trained and most would not be fat.

Seeing Mizuki smile, veins appeared on the fat boy's face.

The fat boy continued, "Bastard, how dare you make fun of me! Do you know who I am? I am Tsunayashiro Ogama!"

The fat boy emphasized the word "Tsunayashiro." 

The fat Tsunayashiro Ogama had already began to fantasized about how the man in front of him would start to explain himself, say sorry, or, if he was more cowardly, beg. After he specifically like to see these hero type people scared. But something he hadn't thought of in his wildest dreams happened.

The boy put his hands on his bag and took out two white, intricate hair ornaments. Looking at the ornaments, Tsunayashiro Ogama was shocked. He knew that these were Kenseikan, which Kuchiki family members wore.

As Mizuki began to put on the two Kenseikan, audible gasps were heard in the restaurant.

After wearing the Kenseikan, Mizuki simply said, "So, can I leave?"

Looking at the two Kenseikan on his head, Tsunayashiro Ogama was shocked. He knew that ordinary members of the Kuchiki family were only allowed to wear one Kenseikan, while descendants of high-level figures or geniuses were allowed to wear two. Three were reserved for the family head or people related to the family head.

Looking at the shocked and almost scared Tsunayashiro Ogama, as well as the crowd in the restaurant, Mizuki only smiled.

After all, reputation is a form of power; it shields you from unnecessary trouble and opens doors that force alone cannot.

So the fat Ogama remained silent as Mizuki exited the restaurant with a half-hungry stomach.


The Kuchiki Manor was huge. As one of the four noble families, the number of descendants was large.

Looking at the grand manor, Mizuki just sighed. Every time he realized the scale of the manor, he was always astonished. Nevertheless, he quickly went in.

Just as he entered, somebody appeared behind him. As Mizuki turned, he saw a man kneeling on one leg firmly on the ground while the other leg was bent, foot planted for a swift rise. With a bowed head and a respectful demeanor, the man had one hand on the floor.

This purple-clothed man was a ninja, a member of the security group directly responsible for the security of the Kuchiki family.

But looking at the man, Mizuki simply said, "Speak."

Hearing this, the ninja respectfully replied, "Young lord, your father said to visit him before visiting your grandfather."

Hearing this, Mizuki simply nodded and began to walk.

After a few minutes, he reached a room and gently knocked on the door.


A/N: I had planned to introduce the Kuchiki family part in this chapter, but upon realizing that it was already nearing 1600 words, I decided to stop and continue in the next chapter. Additionally, upon rereading this chapter, I noticed that the flow wasn't smooth at all! I attempted to fix it, but English isn't my first language, and the longest pieces I've written are 300-word essays in exams. Please forgive me—I'm also trying to improve! You can also give some advice by commenting!!! 

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