
Chapter 130: Plot Location



Atop a roof, the Alien Queen firmly grasped a blood-soaked monster with her two large hands, pulling it to her mouth, while her two smaller, auxiliary hands secured the catch.

The extruding mouthparts gave the monster an icy chill through its heart.

Although the monster kept struggling, it did not hinder the Alien Queen's feeding.

"Eat later, tear it up first, wait until I've taken the stuff," Tao Yu patted Da Hei's head, signaling it to use its claws to shred the monster into pieces, its blood spraying all over the place.

Da Hei's size, strength, and defense were far superior to Little Black's.

Little Black could still be breached by the attacks of ordinary monsters, but Da Hei, unless faced with particularly troublesome creatures, currently exerts a considerable suppressive force against normal monsters.

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