
Chapter 4:Kitsune pirates!

[Before the chapter begins,I will like to add that Yami's age is changed to 20,I have changed it in the previous chapter as well]

Yami sighed in exaggeration in front of Makino,before saying,"Nothing really,it's just that there was this one kid in strawhat who keeps shouting about becoming the pirate king and keeps troubling me to become his crew member."Makino blinked her eyes before she realised who Yami was talking about.She sighed as well,"please don't take that kid to heart,he is a nice kid,but sometimes keep doing stupid things,and is hell bent on becoming a pirate king after he got that strawhat."she said.

Yami looked at her before saying,"It's not about becoming a pirate I am troubled about,I am a pirate.But I have just started and have yet to make a crew of my own.I was just passing by while asking if he knew someone who could maybe cook,and a place to buy bear.As I needed a crew member who could cook and give delicious drinks.He said he knows one but won't say about that person until I become his partner.".Yami sounded depressed at the end of his statement,while Makino was shocked to know that this handsome man before her was a pirate,and she knew the person luffy was talking about was her,as she is the only one here who luffy knows makes delicious drinks!Wait... handsome!?She blushed as shooks those thoughts away.(Thank me,I have given him a handsome face and hot body 😌)(I thought since Makino owns a bar,she should know how to make cocktail drinks).

Yami continued,"He was annoying me,but soon ran towards a ship docked near the mountain, saying he will make them his crew."He lied with a straight face.Makino didn't suspect anything as she knew luffy's personality.She sighed,while saying,"I know that kid,I apologise if he troubled you.He is a nice kid,but sometimes he can be rather overwhelming."

Yami sipped his drink,while saying,"I can guess from your behaviour that you know him for a long time,must have been tough for you."Makino nodded as luffy tends to make trouble,even if it sometimes is funny to watch.Yami talked with Makino more,while mentaly praising himself for downloading and seeing many of the rizz lines from the rizz app in his previous life to woo girls.

As they kept talking a man entered the bar and looked around before his eyes landed on Yami,who gave him a wink, indicating to start his acting.He quickly winked back while walking towards Makino and paying her for a barrel of wine before he put a note on Yami's hand and left with the barrel.After the man left,Yami continued to talk with Makino while discreetly reading the message.He quickly read it and destroyed it with kyubi energy.

After sometime,he made a surprising question to Makino,"Makino, would you like to become my Nakama?"Makino was surprised as she didn't expect him to ask her to become his crewmate."We-well, I am sorry,but i would have to decline as I have a bar to run,plus don't have any family to run it for me."she said,as she saw Yami visibly deflate with a depressed expression.She was a little sorry for him,but what could she do,she had to run a bar,while Yami wanted her to travel the world with him.She would admit that she was a little charmed by him,as he was quite handsome.But she had to be real,as she had a solitude life,while he will live a life full of adventures.

Yami accepted her,and again said that the offer will remain standing as he loved her cocktail recipes.They talked some more before he departed.After Yami left she went back to her work.After an hour,when the bar was empty and it was closing time,as she was closing it,she was surprised by a pair of arms holding her hands behind her back,before she could scream,her mouth was closed with a cloth.she saw 5 people looking at her lecherously,and she identified the 5th to be the one who had bought a barrel of wine some hour ago!

She was trying desperately to get away from their hold as they tied her up and one of them hoisted her on his shoulder before they went towards the backdoor of the bar and exited it.When they were at a safe distance,one of them threw a Molotov cocktail(search on Google )at a barrel that, she herself did not know how it got their,and watched as it exploded along with some other explosions coming from the other sides of her bar,the whole bar was destroyed!

Tears welled in her eyes as she tried to scream but so words came from her mouth as it was sealed by a damn cloth!She wept quietly as the bastards laughed and ran away from the destroyed bar,which many people of the town came to look at as there was a big commotion!


Makino was thrown on a ship,while there were many people she identified as pirates because they kept commenting about being the crane pirates who always liked to kidnap beautiful women and rape them.She was scared,as she wimpered, one of them commented,"Now that we have got the best beauty in this island,what should we do with that strawhat brat?".

Makino was shocked,as she knew only one person connected to her who had a strawhat,Luffy!She tried to speak, seeing her,one of the men took of the cloth from her mouth as she breathed heavily while saying,"P-pls don't do anything to luffy,I beg you!"To her,who was an orphan,luffy was considered her little brother by her,so seeing him also kidnapped by these pirates,she did not care about herself and begged for them to release him.

Someone laughed while saying,"You guys were gone for to long, that guy was already killed by the captain."When she heard that luffy was killed,more tears welled up in her eyes as she wept loudly.Seeing her crying,one of them said that they would get to shells town in a week soon,so might as well have some fun in the meantime.

As she squirmed on the floor,one of them was about to place his hand on her when she saw that man freeze before Yami appeared as he was Holding him from behind,and threw him towards the others.He picked up Makino and jumped on the ships nest,before he activated conqueror haki and made all the pirates uncounciois.

He tied them up and place them in a room on the ship.He had only told them to act like this till he appears as he was finishing off luffy before burying him and taking his straw hat as he had promised luffy before killing him that he will carry on his dream and give the hat to shanks,he kept it in his bag.But putting that aside,these bastards were really going to rape makino,as they thought he was not here yet!He then took a bottle of water from his bag and splashed some water on makino's face to wake her up.

When she woke up and saw Yami infront of her,she clung to him in fear as she looked around,but did not find those pirates.Yami hugged her while comforting her by rubbing her head,as he said."It's ok now,I have defeated them,they will not hurt you anymore."He said,she was initially relieved,but then she remembered that these guys killed luffy,and she cried harder.

Yami soothed her,but internally he was beating himself for making a beautiful women like Makino cry.It was because of him,but he wanted to survive,and to go against Imu,he needed The Nika fruit.He had ate it,but he found an interesting thing,he could activate and deactivate the fruit at will, which means he could keep it deactivated until he makes a plan about finding the Devil fruit normally and making a cover story.

After consoling her,he said."Makino,I am sorry I couldn't come sooner and protect that kid.Its my fault,if I had just stopped him from going to these people,he would still be alive."Makino shook her head,"Its not your fault,luffy.....luffy was always a simple minded person,He must have mistook these bastards for merchant's as these guys did not put a pirate flag on their ship."She said with a venomous tone when she mentioned the crane pirates.

Yami put his hand on her cheek,while saying,"what do you want to do from here on....your bar is destroyed by these guys."Makino looked down in sadness as her place was destroyed by these bastards.Now she did not know what to do,her money was also burned in the fire.Before she could think about any solution,Yami said,"Why don't you come with me."He smiled as she looked at him in surprise.

Makino considered this option,she had first rejected it because she had her bar to run,but now, she had been kidnapped,her bar was destroyed,the person she saw as her little brother dead, almost raped,but was thankfully saved by Yami,who took care of the pirate's.She had immense gratitude towards him.Now he had asked the same question,she did not have the heart to say no to him.She slowly nodded as Yami's smile grew as he hugged her tightly while saying softly,"Welcome to the Kitsune pirates.My first mate."Makino blushed at the sudden hug and his voice near her ears,before she softly said,"Please take care of me.... captain."

(Find out next time on One piece:Nine tails)

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