
Chapter Seventeen

The doors of the library creaked open, revealing a haven of towering bookshelves crammed with leather-bound volumes. The scent of aged paper and ink hung heavy in the air, a tantalizing promise of knowledge waiting to be explored.

She scanned the neatly organized sections, her eyes darting across titles like "The History of Carleton Castle" and "Flora and Fauna of the Kingdom." None of them seemed relevant to her quest. With a frown, she pulled out a thick volume titled "Legends and Folklore of the Realm." Her fingers raced across the yellowed pages, searching for any mention of a magical well or a portal.

But page after page yielded nothing but disappointment. Frustration gnawed at her. She slammed the book shut, the sound echoing through the silent library. "Where is it?" she muttered to herself, her voice laced with growing desperation. "There has to be something in here!"

Desperation fueled her movements. Books were yanked from shelves and tossed aside with growing disregard. She scanned chapter titles, skimmed through paragraphs, desperately searching for any clue. The once-orderly library was quickly becoming a chaotic mess, papers fluttered to the floor, scrolls lay unfurled, volumes of book littering the floor.

Hours melted away unnoticed. The golden light of afternoon gradually transforming into the soft glow of dusk, casting long shadows across the room. Suzy, oblivious to the passage of time, continued her frantic search, her initial determination morphing into a desperate need for answers.

"Why… why isn't there anything?!" she cried out, her voice cracking with frustration. She flung a heavy book onto the table, the sound echoing through the library like a declaration of war. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Was this all there was ? Being trapped with no way out? Will she ever meet her parents again?

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Suzy sank into a nearby armchair, her head buried in her hands. Defeat tasted bitter on her tongue.

A deep, shuddering breath escaped her lips as she forced herself to sit up. Wiping away the tears with the back of her hand, a steely glint flickered in her eyes. She might be trapped, but she wouldn't surrender to despair. If she couldn't find a way back to her old life, she would make this one worth living, on her own terms.

"Right," she muttered to herself, her voice rough but resolute. "First things first-company."

Her thoughts drifted to Doris. Having Doris by her side, someone who knew her true self and wouldn't judge her for the outlandish behavior, would be a lifeline in this strange new world.

However, a practical thought tempered her eagerness. "Bringing Doris here," she mused, "would require some… negotiation." She couldn't just whisk the handmaiden away without Ryan's knowledge, especially considering his uptight demeanor. No, she had to be strategic.

"I'll wait until Ryan returns," she decided. "Then, I'll plead my case. Surely he can't be heartless enough to deny a lonely Duchess a female companion, can he?" A flicker of doubt crossed her mind. Knowing Ryan, there was a good chance he could be that heartless. But Suzy wouldn't give up easily. She would try her best.

Suddenly, a voice, laced with amusement, shattered the silence of the library. "Well, well, Duchess," it drawled, "it seems you've encountered a bit of a… literary labyrinth."

Suzy whipped her head around, startled. Standing by the entrance, a tall figure leaned casually against the doorway. He was older than Ryan, with a shock of silver hair framing his face and eyes that crinkled at the corners, radiating warmth and amusement. He was dressed in a simple yet elegant attire, a visible difference to the formal attire of the castle staff.

Suzy's initial surprise gave way to a flicker of annoyance. Who was this man interrupting her moment of despair, and how long had he been standing there?

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with suspicion.

The man chuckled, a rich, warm sound that filled the room. "Forgive my intrusion, Duchess," he replied, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I couldn't help but overhear your… spirited discussion with the library."

He gestured towards the scattered books with a playful smile. "It seems you haven't quite found what you were looking for."

Suzy hesitated. Should she confide in this stranger? He seemed kind enough, but caution urged her to keep her secrets close.

"I was… researching a particular topic," she hedged, her voice carefully neutral.

The man raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "A topic the library seems rather reluctant to reveal," he remarked. "Perhaps I can be of assistance, Duchess. After all, these dusty books hold more secrets than you might think."

Suzy's pulse quickened. She studied him carefully, searching for any hint of deceit in his warm eyes and gentle demeanor.

Taking a deep breath, Suzy decided to take a chance. "Perhaps you can," she admitted, a flicker of hope igniting within her. "But first, I must know who you are. Tell me, who are you?"

The man's smile widened, crinkling the corners of his eyes even further. "I am Elias, Duchess," he replied, bowing slightly. "The castle librarian, and perhaps, an unlikely ally in your quest for… enlightenment."

Suzy's eyes narrowed slightly. "Enlightenment, huh?" she repeated, a spark of defiance igniting within her. "Enlightenment about what, exactly?"

Elias chuckled again, a gentle, understanding sound. "About this castle, Duchess."

"The library," he continued, his eyes gleaming with an inner fire, "holds the accumulated wisdom of centuries. Within its walls, you can learn about the history of this land, the customs of its people, and perhaps, even discover some forgotten secrets that might hold a clue to your predicament."

Suzy felt a surge of excitement. This was exactly what she needed! Learning everything she could about this world, about her role within it, might just lead her to the answers she craved.

With that, Elias led her to a nearby shelf and retrieved a lantern. "The castle can be quite a maze after dark," he explained, handing her the lantern. "This will help you find your way back to your chambers."

Suzy took the lantern, its warm glow a beacon of hope in the dimly lit library. "Thank you again, Elias," she repeated, her voice filled with gratitude. "You've given me much to think about."

Elias chuckled softly. "Think well, Duchess," he replied. "And remember, the library is always open to those who seek knowledge. Don't hesitate to come back with any questions, no matter how peculiar they may seem."

Suzy nodded. "I won't," she promised.

With that, Suzy bade Elias goodnight and made her way back to her chambers. The castle hallways seemed less imposing now, the silence less oppressive. The weight that had been pressing down on her all day had lifted, replaced by a sense of anticipation.

Reaching her room, Suzy dismissed the tired maid who had been waiting to help her with her nightly routine.

With a sigh of contentment, Suzy shed her clothes, replacing them with a soft nightgown.

Exhaustion finally washed over her, the emotional turmoil of the day taking its toll.

As she snuggled beneath the plush covers, the lantern casting a warm, reassuring glow on the bedside table as she drifted to sleep.

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