
Chapter 21.


Hello there, my lovely degenerates ~

Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been a bit (very) slow in my updates. I don't really have an excuse per se; it's just that work has been very, VERY demanding lately. I had a 5-day work "trip" that almost made me collapse from exhaustion. But anyway, I'm here now, rejoice!

The first chapter of the new volume is just to set up some things, so it won't be long. I'll explain the rest later, especially the reactions of many people to the twins' trip to Driftmark and their involvement in the upcoming war.

Anyway, don't forget to send me some stones and leave a review. It not only helps with visibility but also keeps me motivated to write more.

Enjoy the chapter!


Rhaenyra Targaryen, 110 AC.

The breeze was gentle and warm as it caressed Rhaenyra's face, carrying with it the salt of the Narrow Sea. Her eyes were closed, savoring the moment of peace. The rhythmic flapping of Silverwing's wings provided a soothing backdrop, blending with the wind's whispers. It was almost as calming as Aemon's songs.

And as if reading her mind, she heard a voice, rich and melodic, rising above the wind.

(Play Edge of Night - Peter Hollens ver.) 

"Home is behind,

The world ahead,"

Aemon's voice, clear and haunting, floated through the air. Rhaenyra kept her eyes closed, letting the sound envelop her. It had only been days since their mother's funeral, and though they tried to move forward, a shadow of grief lingered still.

"And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow

To the edge of night

Until the stars are all alight."

The melancholy in his voice was palpable, a reflection of the sorrow that had taken root in their hearts. Rhaenyra feared that Aemon might never fully recover from their losses. His gentle, innocent nature had always been a source of comfort for her, but now, the harsh realities of their world were reshaping him. She knew this was necessary for him, as he had confided in her before that his past life was very normal and he had never faced many hardships before. She remembered how he seemed ashamed of saying this, as if he was in any way a burden to her. It was just the opposite, his simple but pure mind was something that she dearly needed, as her past life was filled with pain and manipulation. It pained her to see him facing the suffering she wanted to shield him from, but she would still protect him, no matter the cost, even if it meant standing by his side as he unleashed his fury upon the realm if he so wished. 

"Mist and shadow

Cloud and shade

All shall fade

All shall fade..."

The final notes hung in the air, and Rhaenyra opened her eyes. The wind resumed its dominance, accompanied only by the rhythmic beat of dragon wings. She marveled at how Aemon's voice sounded so clear, even amidst the roar of the wind and the height of the sky; it was almost like his voice was magical. His silver hair gleamed in the sunlight, Vermithor's bronze scales glinting beneath him, showing her an almost divine visage.

Sensing her gaze, Aemon turned, his deep purple eyes meeting hers. He smiled a little, raising a hand to signal, "Is everything okay?"

Sign language.

This was something they came up with a few years back, a way to communicate secretly and also while in the air when needed. It would facilitate not only their communication but also elude their enemies as only the two of them could decipher the language.

She responded with a nod and a quick sign, "Yes, how long to Driftmark?"

After scanning the horizon, he signaled back, "Two hours if we maintain speed. Want to stop?"

She shook her head and signaled, "Let's speed up."

His smile turned mischievous. "Let's go, Vermithor. Show them our might!"

Vermithor roared in response, the sound vibrating through the air. The Bronze Fury had transformed under Aemon's care, becoming fiercer and larger. Though not yet as big as Vhagar, Vermithor's rapid growth was astonishing. Silverwing, her own graceful dragon, had also grown significantly, but her sleek form made the increase less obvious.

Rhaenyra laughed at her brother's antics, patting Silverwing's neck. "Show them the true meaning of speed, Silverwing!"

The two dragons twisted through the sky, accelerating toward Driftmark, the twins' laughter mingling with the wind. 


Driftmark loomed on the horizon, its stony cliffs rising from the sea. As they descended, the great hall of High Tide came into view, a beacon of House Velaryon's wealth and power. The sea fortress stood proud, the waves crashing against its foundations.

Rhaenyra and Aemon landed their dragons near the castle, the ground trembling beneath Silverwing and Vermithor's massive weight. Servants and guards rushed forward to secure the dragons, their eyes wide with awe and fear.

Laenor Velaryon and his sister Laena were the first to greet them. Laenor, tall and handsome, offered a respectful nod, while Laena, her beauty radiant, smiled warmly.

"Rhaenyra, Aemon," Laenor said, his voice carrying a hint of unease as he eyed the mighty pair of dragons. "Welcome to Driftmark."

"Laenor, Laena," Rhaenyra replied, stepping forward to embrace them both. "It is good to see you."

Laena's gaze lingered on Aemon, her eyes reflecting a mix of longing and awe. "Vermithor never fails to impress, Aemon. I could hear its roars from afar as you approached."

She smiled bashfully and continued, "Also, it's good to see you well."

Aemon inclined his head with a subdued smile, his expression lighter than the last time they saw each other. "Thank you, Laena." He gave her a small and quick hug, as a form of courtesy between close-related family. He had come to see her as a little sister lately, especially after losing his mother. There were fewer and fewer people he still held dear in his heart, so he wanted to at least be a bit affectionate with them while he could.

This caught Laena by surprise as Aemon was known to keep his distance from every single female with the exception of Rhaenyra. This caused her to blush furiously, and even with her darker complexion, Rhaenyra and Laenor could see it the red spots in her face. But just as quickly and suddenly as his hug came, he retreated back to Rhaenyra's side, while still smiling politely at Laena and Laenor.

His light but fragrant smell still lingered in Laena's nose, and she wondered how he could still smell so good after riding a dragon all day. She couldn't help but be intoxicated by his presence as she smiled dumbly and stared into his deep purple eyes.

Laenor twitched his eyes at this and tried his best not to show his feelings of envy towards his sister. He tried to maintain his smile, but inside his mind, he was screaming curses. 'It should've been me, not her! It's not fair!'

Aemon shuddered suddenly, as if the temperature had dropped several degrees, reminding him of his days in the North. He felt a cold but firm hand grabbing his own and looked in the direction of the owner: his sister. Rhaenyra was smiling at him, but for some reason, he felt that her smile was very menacing and terrifying, and he unconsciously avoided eye contact with her, causing her to harden her grip around his hand. But before anything else happened, Rhaenys Velaryon joined them, her regal presence commanding respect.

"Rhaenyra, Aemon," she said, her voice filled with both warmth and authority. "You honor us with your presence."

She felt the strange atmosphere around them and sensed that something must have happened while she was on her way, especially after seeing the happy and strange expression on her daughter's face. She made a mental note to ask her later.

Rhaenyra and Aemon bowed their heads in respect, albeit still a little awkwardly. "We thank you for your hospitality, Princess Rhaenys," Aemon replied.

Rhaenys's eyes softened as she eyed them, still remembering the last time they were together at their mother's funeral. "Let us go inside. Corlys awaits."

They followed her into the grand hall, where the Sea Snake himself, Corlys Velaryon, stood by a map table. His expression was grave, but he greeted them with a firm nod.

"Welcome," Corlys said. "We have much to discuss."

He skimmed through the whole formality of their encounter, as he already knew the twins' personalities, and things like dinner and pleasantries could wait after they had at least made some initial plans.

They took their seats around the table, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tensions. They discussed many things surrounding the terrain and also the hardships they would face when they officially engaged in this conflict. It was mostly Corlys and Aemon at first, but Rhaenyra would give her opinion on matters as time passed, and Corlys, contrary to her belief, listened to her words very carefully and would always take them seriously. She didn't know if he was doing this because he was married to a very strong-headed woman like Rhaenys so he was used to seeing women as equals, or if he was just returning her favor from the many times that she was the only one in the court that would defend his takes and listen to his advice. Rhaenyra could also sense Aemon's unease growing as they talked about the political landscape and the threats they faced. Corlys's eyes flickered with a hint of something unspoken, a secret he had yet to reveal.

And right on cue, someone made an entrance.

The doors to the hall opened suddenly, and Daemon Targaryen strode in, his presence commanding attention. Rhaenyra's heart skipped a beat as Aemon's eyes darkened with anger. Daemon had not been invited—or so they thought.

"What is he doing here?" Aemon demanded, rising from his seat.

Although things between them had been peaceful after Aemon beat him and Daemon stopped him from committing a grave mistake, it still bothered Aemon greatly to be in the presence of his uncle, especially without any warning.

"I invited him," Corlys said calmly, his gaze steady. "We need his experience and his dragon."

Aemon's fists clenched, and outside, Vermithor's roar echoed, a menacing sound that reverberated through the hall, mirroring his rider's anger. The ground seemed to tremble in response, and they could also hear the distant answering growl of Caraxes, Daemon's blood-red dragon.

"Aemon," Rhaenyra said softly, placing a hand on his arm. "Remember what Daemon has done for us before. We should at least listen to him."

Rhaenyra also didn't enjoy the fact that Corlys hadn't warned them about Daemon's presence, but she could still make sense of the whole situation. She also didn't forget the favor their uncle had done for them with stopping Aemon, and also with the damage control of the rumors surrounding the twins.

Daemon smirked, his eyes glittering with amusement and satisfaction at Aemon's reaction. "She's right, boy. Though you beat me in a duel, you've never led an army. I've faced the heat of battle and commanded men. You'll need me."

Rhaenyra shook her head as she thought exasperatedly, 'Daemon really doesn't help with his endless provocations towards Aemon...'

Aemon's anger simmered, but he forced himself to take a deep breath, nodding reluctantly. "Very well. But know this, Daemon—I will not tolerate any treachery."

He wouldn't admit openly his newfound respect for his uncle, as he was still a jerk most of the time to him. But it was still too soon to completely let his guard down against Daemon, someone who they could never know what to expect next.

Daemon's smirk widened, and he feigned a hurtful expression. "Treachery, dear nephew? I wouldn't dream of it."

The tension in the room eased slightly as they returned to their discussions, but the threat of the dragons outside served as a reminder of the volatile alliances they were forging.

The tension in the great hall of High Tide was palpable, a thick undercurrent that seemed to press on everyone present. As they resumed their discussions, Aemon's eyes never left Daemon, as if expecting him to do something crazy out of the blue. 

Corlys steered the conversation back to the pressing matters at hand. "The Stepstones remain a critical issue. The Triarchy is a threat we cannot ignore. We need to act decisively."

Daemon leaned forward, his eyes sharp. "I've fought pirates before, and I can do so again. With Vermithor, Silverwing, and Caraxes, we can rain fire upon them and break their hold."

Daemon didn't count Seasmoke as the young dragon was still too inexperienced and wild to be effectively used right now, especially as they already had three adult dragons at their disposal. It would not only be risky, as he could be easily taken down, but also his presence wouldn't really change a lot in the whole scheme of things. And Meleys was to be kept in Driftmark as a security measure if any problem came up. 

Aemon's gaze hardened. "And what would you have us do, Daemon? Follow your lead blindly?"

Daemon met Aemon's glare with a smirk. "Not blindly, dear nephew. Strategically. I know that perhaps you aren't used to such a word, as you've never seen real battle, but worry not; soon you shall see real blood."

This, of course, irritated Aemon. He rebuked him, saying, "Never seen real blood? It seems to me that fall from the horse has perhaps affected your mind, as you don't recall the recent beating I gave you. I remember seeing a lot of your blood there!"

Daemon's smirk widened, his eyes flashing with amusement. "Ah, yes, the duel. A lesson well learned, I'm sure. But understand this, Aemon: duels and battles are not the same. You may have bested me in single combat, but war is a different beast altogether."

Before Aemon could retort, Rhaenyra stepped between them, her expression stern. "Enough, both of you. We need to focus on the task at hand. The Triarchy is our enemy, not each other."

She glared at Daemon while saying this, as she knew that he was the one who always provoked Aemon. This caused him to chuckle a little as he shrugged his shoulders as if saying, 'Whatever.'

She also eyed Aemon with an expression that said, 'Control your emotions.'

Aemon just sighed and nodded at her as if answering, 'I know...'

Aemon took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. He knew Rhaenyra was right, but Daemon's provocations were hard to ignore. "Fine," he said tersely. "But let's get one thing straight, Daemon. I will not tolerate any reckless actions. We need a solid plan, not bravado."

Daemon chuckled, shaking his head. "Agreed, dear nephew. But remember, sometimes a bit of bravado can be just what we need to turn the tide."

Corlys cleared his throat to regain their attention. "We need to coordinate our forces. Daemon, you'll lead the assault on the Triarchy's fleet with me. Rhaenyra, Aemon, your dragons will support from the air, raining fire upon their ships and fortifications."

Rhaenyra nodded, her mind already calculating the best strategies. "We'll need to time our attacks carefully. The element of surprise will be crucial."

Aemon's anger had cooled, replaced by a focused determination. "Agreed. We need to hit them hard and fast, leave them no room to regroup."

Daemon's smirk turned into a grin, the thrill of impending battle lighting up his eyes. "Then let's make them regret ever challenging us."

As they returned to the map table, the atmosphere remained tense, but there was a renewed sense of purpose. They discussed their strategy in detail, outlining the roles each dragon and ship would play in the upcoming battle. Despite their differences, they all understood the gravity of the situation and the need for a unified approach.

By the time they adjourned, a detailed plan was in place. The Velaryons and Targaryens were ready to strike, their dragons poised to unleash their fury upon the Triarchy.

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