
Chapter.26: The One That Accepts Embrace, The One That Accepts Solitude

The audience in attendance kept cheering, their excitement of the fight not going away, as the scene of Koutetsu coming to life again and defeating Megumi was a comeback story only seen to them in movies. Everyone couldn't believe the fight had that much emotional backing driving the two, not just being master and student but how much it meant for Koutetsu to surpass her and himself. The Instructors saluted Koutetsu's effort, the tears of joy at his display of passion to win won them over. Not one of them had doubts he was the strongest in the school and a real fighter now.

Tatsuya was smiling from the excitement of the match, he was inspired to write a song about it. Ryuji didn't want to admit it or show it for that matter, but even he teared up clapping at Koutetsu's fiery spirit. He was not bothered anymore by the loss on opening day, the level of respect he had for him right now was genuine, something he rarely did unless it was someone he acknowledged honestly.

Hiro smiled in satisfaction at the amazing moves of the Hiyou Ryu were truly magnificent to him, including the flame that was used on Megumi in the end that Koutetsu created. That version of it felt like a pure flame on par with the purple holy fire only Headmaster Retsu used. The radiance it displayed was a beautiful display he was happy to have seen. Ren smirked for a bit being walking off, he wanted to be alone to reflect on his own match and Koutetsu's.

"Oy Ren, where you going, man?" Ryuji asked.

He didn't respond, he was silent as ever. Ryuji shrugged it off, he figured maybe Ren just wanted to go home already.

'Master, you were avenged. That woman suffered defeat finally. Hayashi Koutetsu, I look forward to fighting you in the future.' Ren looked back at Koutetsu with approving eyes, he felt relief like a weight was off his shoulders.

Koutetsu let out a hard sigh of relief. He was utterly exhausted from the match, his legs trembled from the exhaustion, and he began to fall backward with his strength gone to keep himself up. He thought his back would hit the ground since he couldn't stop himself from falling anymore with how tired he was.

Ryuji ran up and caught him before he could hit the ground. Koutetsu was surprised, they weren't friends or got along all that well, and it felt random for him to help out.

"Huh, what are you doing?" Koutetsu asked being caught off guard by Ryuji helping him.

"Oh stop complaining. You're exhausted aren't ya? It only feels right to help you out right now. Can't have it on my conscience if I let you fall."

Koutetsu didn't know what to say. Ryuji being nice to him was a surprise in itself. He wasn't good at saying thanks in situations like this, so he decided to mess with Ryuji a bit since that came naturally.

"Oh ho, mister tough guy being nice to me for once. Out of character for you huh? Does that mean I'm forgiven for embarrassing you on opening day and for using your head as a springboard at the mall hahaha?"

"URUSAI!!!!" Ryuji shouted at him, telling him to shut up after he tried to be nice.

Ryuji popped a vein on his forehead from that remark. Koutetsu could still get under his skin easily when exhausted. The two stopped with their antics, and as they both gave small chuckles after that, their beef was over, just their respect for their strengths now was present.

Tatsuya came from behind as well, he wanted to help Koutetsu get back to the locker room.

"Hey, I know we just met now but your 'melody' in that fight was awesome. I look forward to your music. Nay, Senpai." Tatsuya gave a playful smile with his remark. Even if they were the same age he still called Koutetsu his Senpai since he was at the school in the beginning and was superior to him in his strengths.

The boys walked off to the locker room but stopped when Tatsuya pointed out a small detail.

"Hmm, hey didn't you have a ribbon on your neck earlier? Did it fall off?"

Koutetsu panicked, he felt his neck, and Itsuki's ribbon was gone. He looked around on the ground he was standing on, it was nowhere to be seen.

'No, where is it? Where did it go? It's not here, where is it? That's an important treasure to me, where is it?'

"Oy, forget something."

Koutetsu and the boys looked behind them, Megumi was standing there holding the ribbon in her hands. She began to walk up to the boys, they all stood nervous she was going to fight them, maybe she was sore she lost in the fight, she didn't do that though. She instead tied the ribbon back on Koutetsu's neck. Koutetsu was confused, he didn't see that coming, she did something nice for him after he beat her badly at the end of the fight.

"That's important to you, isn't it? It fell off during the end of the fight. You really should just put that in a locket or something if you don't want to lose it again."

Megumi began to walk off, and Koutetsu shook off Ryuji and Tatsuya to bow to Megumi.

"Master. Thank you. Thank you for everything." Koutetsu called out thanking Megumi despite her personality. He didn't hate her, he honestly did treasure her for everything she did for him. To him, she was family, a wild one, but still family regardless.

"Huh, who's your Master? Not me for sure."

Koutetsu raised his head still in the bowing position to look at Megumi.

"You beat me Koutetsu. I'm not your Master anymore. We're equals for now. You better keep up your training, you slack off I'll rip off your manhood and feed it to you."

'Can she just compliment someone for once without sounding like a jerk.'

"But, you can still call me Onee-Sama if you want." Koutetsu looked at Megumi, she had an honest look on her face. He couldn't help but think she looked cool, even cute at that moment.

"Let's eat some barbecue ribs when you're free, now that I'm sure I'm fired for this. Later."

Megumi put her hands behind her head walking off. Koutetsu couldn't help but feel emotional at the sight. The boys picked Koutetsu up again when he started leaning toward the ground. They started heading off to the locker room before anything else distracted them along the way.

Megumi walked up to the Instructors, they were silent for a moment as she approached.

"Guess I'm fired for sure. Well, let's go out and celebrate anyway. Is anyone up for some hamburger steak and sake? Yankee here is buying." Megumi looked at Barnaby with a mischievous stare, tricking him into a position to pay for a lot of food.

"HUH!!? Why me, you caused all that mayhem. And what's with you anyway? Are you some kinda of Jekyll and Hyde woman? Hey, I'm talking to you."

Megumi walked off smiling mischievously as the others followed behind. Barnaby kept up his complaining during the walk-off. Megumi turned her head slightly to see Koutetsu one more time, she felt pride in seeing him make friends after beating her.

'Koutetsu looks like you're not alone anymore. I'm happy for you.'

In the locker the medics were bandaging up Koutetsu, he was whining a bit as he was being treated. Ryuji laughed at the sight of his complaining, Tatsuya was on his phone coming up with lyrics for the fight he witnessed, humming a beat to himself.

Hiro walked in, cleaning the lenses on his new glasses, he had an announcement for the boys.

"You two leave. He needs to rest up."

"Eh, why us?" Tatsuya questioned at the random request from Hiro.

"Just leave, the why's not important." Ryuji didn't say a word but he could tell Hiro had something important to do for Koutetsu. Ryuji grabbed Tatsuya to get him out of the room. Tatsuya was complaining, and Ryuji just ignored it. Hiro took his leave as well, he saw what he was aiming for down the hallway.

Running down in a panic were Itsuki, Rina, and Natsume. They were rushing to see Koutetsu.

Ryuji figured that's why Hiro was helping him out, he wanted to give Koutetsu some space for the girls to check on him.

"So you're a nice guy after all." Ryuji joked to Hiro noting a shift in his personality a bit.

"Hmph, nothing nice about it. Just doing what I think is right in this situation."

Ryuji laughed, Hiro wasn't the only one who was acting out of character today.

"Hmm, what, is something wrong here?" Tatsuya questioned.

"Oh shut it pretty boy. We're out of here."

"Itttai, hey, not so tight you're crushing my head."

The boys walked and headed out, even if they couldn't see it from far away they could feel it.

The girls made it to the room, they hugged Koutetsu tightly with tears of joy, Koutetsu felt happy as well. He didn't leave them behind, he felt like he earned his second chance in life finally. Seeing the happiness in their embrace, it was worth coming back, even he let out a small tear, the happiness he wished for before death was here with him, and he was loving it with all honesty.

In the clouds where Koutestu was when he died the black silhouette of the Hunter Monarch was walking alone. He was approached by other silhouettes, one of a bird, a turtle, and a dragon. Each of them looked at the Hunter Monarch with contempt and question.

"What are you waiting for? You found your Partner to contract with. Hurry up and make the bond." The turtle silhouette said with a snake around its body staring down the Hunter Monarch, its voice of an older man with slow speech tones.

The Hunter Monarch didn't respond, it stood its ground silent.

"Jagan will make their move soon now that our barrier is weakening, he will need your strength. We can't afford to let them get to him. Stop wasting time and make contact." The bird silhouette commanded with the voice of a woman with overflowing confidence.

The Hunter Monarch continued his silence. He would not answer them.

The dragon silhouette's red eyes shined, he would not let this go on as is. His voice was that of a cold Emperor, one loyal subjects would fear if angered.

"Byakurai, as the Hunter Monarch, the Lord of the Wilds, you have an obligation to fight alongside your chosen Partner and aid him in battle. If you continue this ignorant display of pride you will suffer for the consequences. Thus I, Rekkamaru, the Legend Monarch, King of Divine Beings, command you."

Byakurai didn't listen, he turned to walk off from his comrades. All of them were at their wits end with his stubbornness. Byakurai stopped to speak to them. His voice sounded the youngest of the four as if he was in his mid-twenties with a gruff tone in it, the tone of someone who lost many loved ones, living with a vengeance in his heart.

"I will do things my way. I won't follow a child who got lucky in his fight. Do what you want. You're old and weak in my opinion."

Byakurai continued his walk, the other Monarchs couldn't stand his arrogance. He was the youngest of them, but he was powerful, his strength was needed for what was to come.

"What shall we do Rekkamaru? We have yet to find our chosen ones. How will we make him see action." The bird silhouette asked.

Rekkamaru was quiet. He too was stumped on what do to how to convince Byakurai to change his mind.

"Let him do as he pleases, he may be young, but he hates Jagan more than anyone."

The Monarchs looked below them. Talking to them was a beautiful young woman, the true form of the old woman who kept helping Koutetsu.

"Is that your decision then as our Speaker? Do you believe that is the right call?" The turtle silhouette questioned.

"Yes, Stone Monarch. He may be young and brash. But he won't let you down. Jagan killed his mate, your old brethren and former Monarch, almost all of his children too, and his former Partner as well. If any Monarch wishes death on Jagan and their servants, it's him the most."

The Monarchs looked at each other in agreement, they trusted their Speaker's opinion with absolute confidence.

"Very well our Speaker, we leave it in your hands Jabi. Don't let that stubborn white tiger do as he pleases for long. Even we have our limits to his arrogance." Rekkamaru noted to her. Jabi wouldn't let them down. She never did since she was chosen as their Speaker when her calling came.

Jabi nodded in agreement, the Monarchs vanished within the clouds. She turned to look at Byakurai continuing his solitary walk.

'Byakurai, times running out. You and Koutetsu need to meet soon. Otherwise, what was all your pain for?'

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