
great contract

The next day I sent out Karin to let Sakura know about she getting a interview after school.

When Sakura came for the interview for the internship I asked the usual interview questions you would ask a kid. At the end I asked what is it you truly desire. She said " I want to be married to Sasuke." I said what are you willing to pay for that dream " everything besides betraying my village" I said " what if I could maybe make our dear Sasuke marry you, would you work for our company indefinitely" she didn't even hear the second part and said yes. I brought out the contract and she signed it . Now all that was left was training her and making her drop out the ninja academy.

I went and got some medical ninjutstu books and theory's from the library. This time I just grabbed them without caring about the ban of them for . What they gonna do , who where they gona send after me . Hahaha.

It would take another 6-7 years before Sakura could go from a bimbo to something

useful but I think she was worth the work. I needed tsunade to teach her too, when can that old monkey die for us to actually have a hokage worth looking at, big set of tits.

Later that day I got a visit of a unexpected guest, shisui came to try he gym to talk to me.i went up to him and asked " what do I owe the pleasure to the strongest ninja in the Uchiha clan ". He said " why do you always cause trouble, then clan head been on my ass about you breaking the rules and breaking itachis legs. Why did you break that poor boys legs. You already beat me and Itachi when ever you bored, why do you go as far as breaking his legs. " I looked at him with amusement and said " you see my boy, don't think I don't know about this little spying u and Itachi do for the village. While I don't want to cause the rebellion or care about it. The Uchiha compound must be safe from the village influence . I can't be having you or Itachi causing harm. If it comes down to a rebellion, I will join the Uchiha side, while I might not the clan leader, I do like the love every Uchiha has for protecting their clan . For some reason I didn't see that love in you or itachi. " He got a angry face and said " why are you making up bullshit again , I know damn well you don't do shit for the clan. Hell I haven't seen you do one thing unless it amuses you. Any ways stop making so much trouble, I'm trying to show the village and the clan a solution to our problems , keep it down for 1 week at least. " Hmm seems like he about to get danzoed .I looked at him and said " now now shisui I always thought of you as my best friend, just this once I promise you on the muscle gods holy name I won't do anything to encourage rebellion in this week. Hahaha , now go and do your mojo . The peace between clan and village is good for buisness."

I made a clone near the hokages building to see when shisui would go and talk to the hokage about his little stupid plan . I needed to be there when danzo stole shisuis eyes, I had a collection to add after all . Can't be letting danzo be stealing my right full property.

In 3 days I finally saw shisui go to the building I immediately disrupted my clone and made my way to the hokage building. I then made one of the kongs to follow shisui and reverse summon me when there is fight . I sent the kong since if I applied a transformation jutsu on him, he wouldn't be as obvious as me to tracking ninjas. To most tracking ninjas he would just smell like a animal in the wild or had the chakra of one .

It didn't take to long before he reverse summon me in the bush where shisui and danzo where fighting .

Shisui killed danzo and let his guard down , then suddenly danzo reappeared out of nowhere using izanagi and stole one of shisuis eyes . Just when he stole I dashed out of the bush and stabbed danzo in the heart with my hand and grabbing shisuis eyes with the same hand.

Danzo used izanagi again and appeard on the side. Both shisui and danzo looked surprised , danzo yelled " what are you doing here , I thought you where a neutral force, why did you steal my eye. Give it back for the safety of my village" I looked at him and said " now now , elder danzo , you wouldn't be able to appreciate such good set of eyes , you see the mangekyu sharingan forms abilities based on the tragedys of it's owner , the more of a bum you are the more powerful it is usually. I can't be letting you have the second bummist person sharingan can I ." Shisui said " I don't know what you doing here but I guess I'm glad you came to save me , now give me back my eye and let me go stop the rebellion." I responded " now now , I don't think you understand this eye is going to my collection, they say finders keepers, you should have done a better job guarding your eyes. But for no it's time to get rid of this vermin danzo , can't sleep tight knowing someone like you might be plotting " I began doing a furry of assults on him. He used up all his izanagi eyes and on his last life he did the same kamakazi move. Before doing it he kamakazi move he said " I know you Uchiha would always be a problem for the village , may my sacrifice make the village a safer place." I looked at him and said " don't worry you dying will definitely make this place safer" before his bomb thingy could go off, I paunches the ground causing a huge chuck of earth to form a natural barrier. A earthquake of 4.0 magnitude radiated the village.

I walked up to danzos corpse and see if he had anything of value . He had the first hokage arms with 5-6 dead sharingan . Useless , so I casted a d rank fire spell to burn cremate him. I guess I finally killed some one ever since I came here , he did suicide i guess, so did I really kill him?

I then walked up to the recovering shisui and while throwing him around said "

I say, I say, son, ya had me runnin' 'round like a chicken with its head cut off! Gettin' your eye back from that no-good Danzo was no picnic, lemme tell ya. Now, what in tarnation were ya thinkin', lettin' him snatch it in the first place? ( I push shisui down )Stand up, son, stand up! I can't always be here to get you up

Ya gotta understand, boy, you can't just go lettin' folks walk all over ya! Ya got power, ya got strength, and ya gotta hold on to it! Protectin' the village is mighty fine, but ya can't do that if ya keep lettin' folks take pieces of ya.

Next time, ya gotta be sharper, I say, sharper than a serpent's tooth! Ya can't go handin' out your eyes like they're party favors. Stand up, son, stand tall and don't let nobody, and I mean nobody, take what's yours without a fight.

Now listen here, strength comes from within, and if ya keep lettin' folks take pieces of ya, there won't be nothin' left to stand on. I say, ya gotta be like a rock—solid and unmovable! Show 'em you're tougher than a two-dollar steak!

If you're thinkin' about givin' those eyes to Itachi or anyone else, ya better make darn sure they can protect 'em. Stand up, son!Don't let that varmint Danzo or anyone else think they can push ya 'round!

Ya hear me, boy? I went through a lotta trouble to get your eye back, and I don't wanna see it happen again. Stand up, son, and make 'em see you're not to be trifled with! Remember, ya gotta look out for yourself too, or there won't be nothin' left of ya to keep fightin'!"

After giving him the foghorn leghorn. Talk and confusing the hell out of him , I left home with shisuis eye . If he still suicides, he would have a bigger bum than the anime . I hoped he would just blame me for stealing his eyes so he wouldn't have to suicide to stop the rebellion.also if that boy has some braincells he would understand with danzo gone, no one would fan the flames of rebellion.

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