
Will of fries

After school was over I went to shisui and asked if he knew what the will of fire is. He told me it was about protecting the village. I told him with a secretive face : "Do you want to know what the true origins of the will of fire is". he blinked and then said go ahead" I told him,way back before even the founding of the village there existed a restaurant that made dishes beyond the realm of humankind, any man who tried it would get the urge to let go of violence and eat. The most famous dish of this restaurant was french fries. It was said these french fries created an era of peace. Sadly the family who operated the restaurant all got eaten by a tailed beast cause they couldn't make enough fries." shisui asked: "what does this have to do with the will of fire". I told him: "everything. The founder of our village, particularly Senju Hashirama was an idiot , When he was reading the ancient text he read Will of fire instead of Will of fries. As a founding clan of this village, we need to correct this mistake and bring back the will of fries. That is why I'm opening a food stand and you are going to help me run it for the will fries. " 

He was somewhat bought on the idea I just needed to hustle him some more into it. He is making this too easy almost like stealing candy from a baby. ha hahaha. After a few back-and-forth conversations and me bullshiting to the maximum, I convinced Shisui of the idea. Free labor +2 acquired. 

Now all that was left was getting someone to market it. I had an idea of recruit but I didn't know if I should abuse him. I decided I would make it up to him later. I went up to guy and said I have a particular outfit that legends say brings out the spirit of youth to its maximum and I have two pairs of it. One for you and the other for your Dad since you two are the most youthful ninjas in the village. I will have it for you after tomorrow. 

After school, I went and asked my mom to help me make a french fry costume. She agreed and we both went to work, it took us 6 hours to make two of them but they looked silly and kinda cute. Very optimal for guys youthfully spirit, hahahhahaa. 

Next morning at school I went to obito and started saying as the oracle of the muscle god it was devised for his first task to be a fryer boy at a french fry snack store. And since I'm such a magnificent friend I would let him work at my store. He agreed to work with the optimism of muscle gods' decree. I gave the customs to guy and told him to let the spirit of youth go wild. during class I spent the whole time making flyers for my fry stand/booth. 

After class was over I made both my unpaid interns come to my home and get the equipment and ingredients. Of course, I as the boss won't have to carry shit. during the walk back home we also distributed the flyers. 

Now it was the time to pick a place to put the stand. I decided it was best to put it in front of the police station since our main costumers would first be uchiha since we were all Uchiha. after finding a empty spot I took out a chair and fan while i ordered both shisui and Obito to do all the work. They glared at me and I yelled at them saying: " that is no way to look at your boss like that, if you two so much as don't work as hard as possible the muscle god might get angry. Now go back to work before you feel his fury." , shisui was gonna say something but I throw a rock at him, saying muscle god doesn't tolerate entitled employees. 

After 1 hour of setting everything up, we finally made the first batch of frys . Now, I ordered both shisuie and obito to go around offering sample packs with sauce to the policeman and any one fat, our main customers. I made sure they explained the white sauce I made was from an ancient land of cuisine. 

It didn't take long before a akimichi came running to us, we didn't even give this man his sample, the smell apparently was enough to attract these fat basterds, lmao. After selling him 5 large portions of fries, customers slowly came through. And at the end the police department came and purchased 20 orders to distribute to its workers. 

Something I was not expecting was that the fires where so good that they began having the food wars hentai reactions on people who ate it. I guess we where at an anime world . At first it was kinda cring and hillarius but after a while I started ignoring . 

During the work shift both shisui and Obito tried to steal frys to eat, and every time I hit them with a smack to the head. "No employee eats free, you will pay for your own food". they both cussed at me saying "You gonna make us work for free to make this and you wont even give us a small fry". I smacked them again and told them " You should be grateful you get to have job experience at such a prestigious company, do you know how many unemployed people we have because of the war, it has caused a recession in the village, and me as your friend and guide am providing free job experience for your resume and you talk back to me." they booth got gloomy and accepted their fates after. Nothing beats bringing capitalism to the ninja world. HAHAHAHAHA. 

after forcing both Obito and shisui to pay for their fries at the end of the day, I started counting how much money I made. After taking out all the ingredient costs I was up 2k dollars(AN:Aint no way I'm gonna use yen for a currency). not bad for the first day. but I needed like 200k to buy all the weights I needed. For now, I will see how much money one stand can make and then maybe expand. 

AN: make sure to leave comments and give some good reviews for the novel. I need more people to read this novel. also, I made a discord for you to ask questions or recommendations https://discord. gg/Y7kXWtre

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