
9. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

It was Christmas Eve, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement. The joyful laughter of children echoed through the house, adding a touch of warmth to the chilly winter air. The aroma of freshly baked cookies and gingerbread filled the kitchen, creating a delightful scent that lingered throughout the day.

We had originally planned to do so much more, but the simplicity of the moment was enough. Everything was new and magical for the kids, so we embraced the idea that less was more. There were no compromising positions between Damon and me anymore. He had shifted his focus to Mariella, and I was content with that. I had fully embraced my role as a mom, and it was a role I cherished.

It wasn't uncommon for the kids to wander into my bedroom a few hours after they had fallen asleep. Our bond was strong, and I had no problem letting them into my personal space. However, once the holidays were over, I had no qualms about letting them return to their mothers. I understood that they missed their moms, and I held no bitterness towards that.

It was heartwarming to see the strong bond the kids had formed with each other. We spent our days baking and building gingerbread houses, their laughter filling the house like a symphony of joy. Christmas songs were sung with such enthusiasm that I knew I wouldn't need to sing them for a while after the holiday season. Every day was an outing, and they reveled in playing in the snow for hours on end. Our yard transformed into a winter wonderland, adorned with snowmen, snow castles, and various creations made entirely of snow. The deep banks of snow became pathways, leading to new adventures.

I documented these precious moments, capturing them in photographs. Wulfe, ever the magician, added a touch of magic to the photos, ensuring that the memories would last forever. Damon even ordered photo albums to preserve these cherished moments.

It was a time of wonder and new experiences for all of us. Damon often liked to nuzzle close to me or one of the Salvatore wanted to be close to me, but we had to be mindful of the children's feelings. They would often pull us away to show us something or ask us to join in their activities. As adults, our focus seemed solely on the children, pouring all our energy into making their holiday season truly magical.

My hands were always full, not just with our seven children, but also with Damon and Mariella's kids, as well as the children of the wolves. The days were filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of joy.

I had come up with the idea to take on my feline form. First, I transformed into my jaguar form and allowed the kids to play with me. Then, I changed into my tiger form, captivating eager children who studied my feline features. However, Damon, being the pack leader, felt jealous of the attention I received from the kids. Talk about balance.

Damon's winged lion form was one of the top favorites among the children. In the spacious downstairs room, we laid out mattresses on the floor for the kids to rest. Damon would approach them, his wings providing cover and safety. It was a heartwarming sight to see Apollo snuggle against Damon's powerful chest, burying his face in his mane and drifting off to sleep. Even Apollo's telepathy was bound, he seemed to crave the security Damon offered. He was truly a mommy's boy.

Mariella and I had ordered numerous Christmas presents and collected activity books, coloring books, and various learning materials. Watching the children color, learn to count, and read was a joy, and even the Salvatores and the boys were eager to teach, with Wulfe and Magnum joining in. I didn't have much time alone with Wulfe or Magnum, and to be honest, I desired solitude. I didn't want to be a part of their little scheme.

It hadn't been easy for me at all. It had happened about ten days ago. I had been in my own room, a separate space for me to relax. It was nighttime when Damon, Wulfe, and Magnum walked in. Damon closed the door and pulled me to my feet.

He spoke, his hands loosely wrapped around me, "Now, baby, it's time to show you just how much you can contribute to this pack." He continued, "You see, baby, you lactate, although not constantly. But I've been giving you a special potion in your coffee. It enhances your rage, willpower, core alpha powers, and vampire abilities, all seeping into your milk. And as you know, I've tasted it, so it's potent. Your powers will be replenished constantly now. You've witnessed men nursing from Mariella and the wolves, sharing their powers through milk. Now, Wulfe and Magnum will also nurse from you. So behave."

Before he could solidify his grip on me, I acted swiftly, determined not to be a goddamn cow to be milked for my powers. With a lightning-fast hit, I delivered a powerful mule kick to his knee, causing him to buckle. Sensing his vulnerability, I drove my elbow into his gut, forcing the air out of his lungs. As he doubled over in pain, I swiftly turned around and struck him with a fierce roundhouse kick to his chest.

But my triumph was short-lived as Wulfe's spell suddenly froze me in place.

He taunted me, saying, "What's wrong, unicorn? Surely it can't be that bad."

Snarling with anger, I retorted, "I am not some freaking cow to be milked, that's for sure! My powers are mine, and it's up to me to share them, not to be drained."

Damon grunted as he recovered from my assault and threatened, "Fine, you need to calm the hell down, baby, or else I will make you calm down."

He then turned to Wulfe and ordered, "Keep her still. I'll be right back. I need to get something to calm her down. Velvet is too heavy, and my teeth are a little upset, so velvet is the only option that my teeth want to do right now, damn wildcat."

With a sudden teleportation, Damon disappeared, leaving me alone with Wulfe.

He tried to reason with me, saying, "Come on, unicorn, think logically. What's wrong? I won't hurt you. I'll make you feel good."

I didn't bother to answer, instead glaring at him with a fierce intensity.

Meanwhile, Damon materialized in the medbay, swiftly approaching the computer to call up Mimi's medications. His gaze fell upon a multitude of dental-based medicines, but one in particular caught his attention - tiletamine. He vaguely remembered using it on Mimi before, or perhaps it had been procured for her. Regardless, it had the potential to induce confusion and a dreamlike state, which might help in calming her down.

Carefully considering the dosage, Damon calculated Mimi weighed around 60 kilos, so a maximum dose of 2 mg per kilo per day seemed appropriate. However, he didn't want to overdo it, especially considering it was Christmas time. After some deliberation, he settled on a lower dose of 0.25 mg per kilo, resulting in a total dose of 15 mg.

Mindful of Mimi's unique physiology, resembling that of a large cat in human form, Damon approached the drug cabinet. Tapping a series of commands, a hatch opened, revealing the contents inside. He closed the computer, retrieved a two-milliliter syringe and a few needles, and carefully drew 1.5 ml of tiletamine-zolazepam, 10mg/ml, into the syringe. As an extra precaution, he prepared another dose, just in case. Safely securing the drug vial back into the cabinet, Damon closed the hatch and teleported back to Mimi, ready to administer the calming medication. 

Wulfe kept me trapped, motionless, as Damon returned. He swiftly approached me, holding a small syringe, and injected its contents into my shoulder. The liquid raced through my veins, aided by Damon's energy, causing it to absorb rapidly. Within a few minutes, my vision became blurred, and my mind muddled. I struggled to comprehend when Damon pulled me close, my back against his chest.

He unbuttoned my blouse, and the effort to keep my eyes open was immense. I sensed something being done to me, but I was slipping away, caught in a state of confusion. Through my haze, I glimpsed Wulfe and Magnum nursing from my breasts, their actions beyond my control. I couldn't determine how many were feeding from me. Suddenly, another injection pierced my skin, and Damon's muscular arms gripped me. Men groaned and cursed, their motives unclear. The drug had scrambled my thoughts, and I despised its effects, but I kept my emotions concealed. My feline instincts kicked in, reminding me that this vulnerability should not be revealed.

Eventually, I was led to a dimly lit bedroom, where I lay still for hours until the confusion and helplessness subsided. I buried the whole damn feeling deep in my mind, not going to tell anyone, not one soul. I remained silent, spending the rest of the night in bed, the next morning taking a shower, dressing myself, and proceeding with the joyful activities and wonder of the day with the children. The incident did not repeat itself, and upon reflection, I realized that my milk would be potent, making it difficult for them to consume regularly. Perhaps my unfavorable reaction had kept them at bay as well.

However, it was time to put that behind me and focus on our Christmas Eve. We decided to forgo the sauna, as it tended to escalate, and the children did not need to witness our shagging in the snow. Instead, Damon would read our traditional Christmas poem, "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," a cherished tradition I wanted to share with the kids, Wulfe, and Magnum. It was a time to embrace new traditions while upholding the old ones.

I sat in my chair, enveloped in the scents of pine, cinnamon, and other warm Christmas fragrances. The room was adorned with tall, beautifully decorated trees, softly playing Christmas songs. Some children sang along, while others ran and played, their inquisitive voices filling the air. The Salvatores were present, watching over the children, joining in their games.

Mariella was draped over number one, her long, flowing hair cascading over his shoulder. Number four stood nearby, his presence strong and protective. As I watched them, a twinge of envy didn't grip me. Instead, I felt genuinely happy for them, recognizing that I had grown in my way. The love in both their eyes for Mariella was palpable, and she was undoubtedly a goddess to them.

In the midst of my contemplation, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of self-doubt. Why did I sometimes view myself as less deserving? Damn it, I could be so jaded, so exhausted. Even though I was the youngest among us, unless you count Magnum, I had experienced my fair share of shit in my life that had left its mark on me. I felt so tired sometimes for my life, but then again, these moments made it worth it. Being the leader of a paramilitary semi-underground resistant organization for decades is not easy, and it took its toll on me.

Yet, despite these darker thoughts, this was a wonderful time. Love enveloped the air, its presence undeniable. I felt like a part of the family, and the best part was that it didn't come with the expectation of marriage. It granted me a certain freedom to simply be myself, to not be confined to the role of a wife. I was feline, inclined to laziness.

Wulfe came and sat next to me, propping himself on the armrest, almost on my lap. "You know what, Unicorn," I said to him, "you're right. This is a pretty damn special time. Christmas has become one of my favorite holidays. And who knows what surprises the night may bring?" 

I looked at him, a little puzzled by what he was referring to. But him being a telepath, he must have sensed or heard my thoughts and, as usual, he was there to pull me out and remind me good in life. I wondered that was he trying to nurse me again.

Wulfe whispered back to me, his words laced with desire, "Not just that, but I could taste you in another way too, and I'm not talking about blood here. Call it a Christmas present."

I looked at him, seeing the lust in his gaze. Suddenly, both Damon and Mariella turned their attention toward us. Mariella sauntered over, her seductive aura filling the room.

She looked at Wulfe and said, "Come on, I feel pretty full. Let's have a meal. You're just suitable to have my milk. I have a lot of it."

With that, she whisked Wulfe away, and I understood. She was leaking her lust in her milk, and poor Wulfe had become a victim of her intoxicating allure. No wonder he had been planning to claim me.

I walked into the kitchen, where my rice porridge simmered on the stove. It was an age-old tradition of mine to have homemade rice porridge as our Christmas treat. Some people liked to add berries or cinnamon, but I preferred it with a generous chunk of butter. The Salvatore family had yet to taste my porridge, and I had prepared a large pot of it so that anyone who wanted could enjoy it. The rest could be used for things like rice pies.

I stood in the kitchen, humming along to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" as I mixed my porridge.

A little voice, belonging to my son, appeared next to me and asked, "What are you doing, mommy? Can I taste too?"

I glanced to my side and saw my son, Rob, standing there.

"Sure, let me lift you to sit on the counter," I replied. "This is rice porridge. We can call it Christmas porridge, but you can eat it anytime," I explained as I lifted him onto the counter.

I grabbed a spoon, tasted the porridge, and found that it was ready. I took a small spoonful and fed it to Rob.

He exclaimed, "This is yummy, mommy! Can I have more?"

I smiled and said, "Sure, once it's fully cooked."

He looked at me with love in his eyes and said, "I love you, Mommy."

I hugged him tightly and replied, "I love you too, my little one."

As I continued to mix the porridge, Rob reached out and touched my loose hair, which reached down to my lower back.

He watched me intently and remarked, "You are really wise, Mommy, because you are so old."

I smiled and replied, "Yes, I am older, but I'm still younger than daddy. He's ancient!"

Rob chimed in, "He is really old. You can see it. He's not as modern as you."

I burst into laughter. Soon, the sound of soft footsteps told me that the man in question, Damon, had overheard our conversation. He wrapped his arms around me and planted a kiss on my neck.

Rob interjected, "Oh, daddy, stop harassing mommy. She's making my porridge."

Damon looked at his son with playful eyes and said, "You little monkey, let me show you just how ancient I am."

He scooped Rob up into his arms and carried him away, both of them laughing. I couldn't help but smile. This was what family life was all about. Despite the challenges and hardships I had faced in my past, I was now creating new memories that pushed the negativity into the background.

I finished making the porridge, and as the Salvatore family members walked into the kitchen, they noticed what I was doing and eagerly joined in. I could feel their presence in my mind as they brainstormed ideas for toppings. Soon, a large table was set up with bowls and an array of ingredients for everyone to customize their own porridge. Meanwhile, in the living room, we set up a huge TV playing cartoons like Pokemon and Marvel shows to keep the kids entertained.

The atmosphere was slightly subdued, as it was the children's first Christmas. Even when we went to the mall for some shopping, the presence of Santa Claus didn't excite them as much. They were old enough to not fully believe in the concept of being good at receiving gifts or sitting on Santa's lap.

One of Mariella's sons astutely remarked, "That beard isn't real. He's just a guy in disguise, not the real Santa."

It was clear that they couldn't be easily fooled, considering their energy-creature nature. Despite this, it was still enjoyable being at the mall. To ensure a peaceful shopping experience, I had summoned an entire army of fleas to secure the entire mall. It reminded me of my first shopping trip with Damon and what he did with his finger. But I focused my mind and carried on with my shopping. Although I couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly horny, that memory still held its allure.

After we had finished eating our porridge, I realized it was almost time for a tradition of my own. It had been a while since I last did it, but now I had the time. I got up from my seat, observing everyone else engrossed in children's cartoons or ensuring our Christmas feast would be perfect.

I made my way to one of the bedrooms, wearing just a tee shirt and a long flowy silk skirt, and sat down on the bed with my laptop. With a few taps, I opened the website of the NewsChannel from Finland. I was going to watch the Declaration of Christmas Peace. The screen was still, showing a crowd gathering near a historic building. Soon, an official would step forward and read an old parchment aloud. It wasn't a grand spectacle, but it held significance as one of my own Christmas traditions from my human days if I was in the mood for Christmas. And now, I was.

"What are you watching, Baby?" Number four asked as he entered the room.

I hadn't noticed his presence until then.

I replied, "It's about to start, the declaration of Christmas peace from Finland. I feel so old, but this used to be one of my Christmas traditions when I was human."

He came and sat beside me, suggesting, "Why not share it with the pack?"

I rolled my eyes and responded, "It's hardly interesting for everyone. They wouldn't understand."

Number one remarked softly from the doorway, saying, "Come on, let's watch it as a pack. I've given the kids the ability to understand Finnish. Come on."

I stood up, took my laptop, and Damon took it from me as we walked back to the living room. He connected it to the television and then pulled me into his arms as we settled into our chair to watch the declaration. Number four sat near Mariella, who was in the comforting embrace of number two.

It was a perfect day being held in Damon's comforting embrace.

I could feel his gentle touch caressing me, as I whispered to him, with words of one of my favorite songs, "I love it when you do that hocus pocus on me. The way you touch me, you have the power to heal."

He murmured back, "Oh Roxette, how lovely, quoting your favorite songs. Someday, my queen of rain, you can sing it to me in karaoke."

I leaned in closer, overwhelmed by the declaration, and said, "This feels almost unreal."

He whispered softly, "No, this is true, real, believe it, baby. You see, the winner takes it all."

I chuckled and replied, "Must we always quote songs to each other or include song titles in our sentences?"

Damon grinned and said, "My love, we are the champions."

I turned to my partner, not a husband but a partner, and said, "Did you know that once I drove all night to feel amazing grace and be one of us, but I ended up sleeping in a bed of roses?"

He laughed, his warm breath tickling my neck, "You always win, don't you? Putting so many song titles in your sentences."

Mariella noticed our little game, walked closer, and asked nonchalantly, but with a hint of jealousy, "What are you two lovebirds talking about?"

Damon replied, "Nothing, just a little game with my ladybird. She's a real basket case."

I rolled my eyes, and Mariella said to Damon, "Come on, let's go put food on."

Damon's eyes flashed with irritation as he noticed her jealousy, but before Mariella could come to his arms, he stood up, reminding her that the chair was ours, not hers.

Hours later, the evening was settling in; the kids were getting sleepy, and the living room was dimmed. The only source of light was the twinkling of the huge trees adorned with lights, creating a magical atmosphere. Damon sat near the fireplace, and I nestled in his lap. Mariella found her way back into number two's arms, and the kids lay near us on the mattresses. Damon picked up a book, his warm voice filling the room as he began to read our Christmas poem. It was pure perfection.

I leaned against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, his voice enveloping me. It couldn't get any better than this. I was the happiest I had ever been. Feeling his love, being surrounded by our family, our pack. Wulfe was nearby, and Apollo and Jake leaned against him, while Josephine and Jessica were near Magnum, finding comfort in his presence. I had taken numerous pictures, but this moment would be etched in my mind forever. I would always remember this, always and forever.

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