
291. Fatherless Activity

Finally leaving another of the infinite forests in this planet, Ash and his party arrived at one of the closest cities located near Petalburg City, North Petalburg City.

Of course, the first thing they had to do was to visit the local Pokémon Center, where Ash needed to exchange some of his Pokémon's again.

He sent his recently evolved Crawdaunt back to the Lab for some adjustments to his new body and getting some training down with his other Pokémon's.

Although he had evolved into a Dark-type, it also made Ash worry a lot, not only the new "evil" type, but also that he hadn't changed his character one bit; it only changed when he was in a battle. Now the combination of his Crawdaunt and his Kingler has been officially formed, they were very in sync with the trouble making things they used to do to the Professor.

After completing his necessary exchanges, the Pokémon around Ash also changed a little, in addition to him having his ever present Pikachu, Ralts and Togetic, there are also his Dratini and Torkoal training with him.

Finally, Ash had also teleported his Absol back to him, intending to use him to challenge the Petalburg City Gym Leader Norman's main and strongest Slaking.

Ralts absolutely cannot face Slaking with her powers, and also additionally because she will have to copy Slaking's Truant ability with her Trace. If his little child really does become as lazy as that Slaking, even if she fights, the battle will all be but useless.

"Hey, are you two May and Max? The children of Mr. Norman, the Gym Leader of the Petalburg City Gym?" Unexpectedly, just after exchanging some of Ash's Pokémon, the Nurse Joy there stopped the May and Max with a random question.

Unexpectedly, just after receiving the confirmation from the two of them, everyone in the Pokémon Center lobby rushed out of the door, and an aunt who was delivering vegetables to the Pokémon Center even shouted at the top of her voice, "Yes, people: this is what we gave trained for our entire lives, spread the message that the chosen ones are back!"

Ash looked at this scene and was stunned for a moment, "Nurse Joy, what is going on here?"

Nurse Joy smiled slightly, "Don't worry about it, it will all be completely fine. Tehehe."

Now that Nurse Joy has said this, the group was ready to pack up and rush back to Petalburg City as soon as possible while there was still light in the sky.

Unexpectedly. as soon as they walked out of the door of the Pokémon Center, the siblings were surrounded by a large group of people, and a microphone was thrown in front of May, "Are you two children of Mr. Norman?"

"Yes…?" The two siblings nodded in unison with pure confusion in their tones and eyes.

"I am the News Reporter from the North Petalburg News, my name is Dee Dunstan. It is rumored that you are traveling to become the top Pokémon Trainer. How many total achievements have you gotten so far?" This guy really knew what to ask.

"As expected of Mr. Norman's child, Miss May has achieved such an achievement not long after she started traveling. It's really amazing but also expected for his children!"

Everyone around them started praising it. It was a 360-degree circle of compliments, no matter where they looked towards. How could May and Max not like such a feeling?

On the contrary, Ash and Brock had been squeezed outside by the large crowd of fans. Looking at the two siblings surrounded by the giant crowd, Ash couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Good golly, what is this D1 glazing going on here? Its gonna flood the damn city at this point."

"It seems that Mr. Norman is very admired in this northern part of Petalburg City!"

"Are you the ones claiming to be Miss May's and Sir Max's traveling companions? What are you here for?"

Just as they were about to find a place to wait for May and the others in peace, two obnoxious and ugly looking teenagers came over, looking like they were looking for trouble.

"Yes." Ash replied, "I'm going to challenge the Petalburg City Gym."

"What did you just say? Who do you thing you are?"

The two teenagers immediately exclaimed, pointed at Ash's nose and said responsibly, "You are too arrogant for your own good, our Lord and Savior, the handsome Master Norman, is not a normal Gym Leader!"

"He is the most noble person ever, only very selected Trainers can challenge his power!"

Hearing what these two teenagers said, Brock, a former Gym Leader, asked, "But as a Gym Leader, as long as you are a trainer, you are qualified to challenge any and all Gyms!"

"This is our rule here! Follow it niga!"

"Yes, there are obviously many Gyms out there. You can go around to other places to get Badges. This is the smart thing to do!"

"You are a million years too early to challenge Lord Norman! If you still insist on challenging, then defeat me first!"

The two teenagers each said something, but Ash's face darkened, he knew that he could pull some strings and put them into the "timeout zone" (jail) for disturbing of League Trainers under Code 34, Section 12.

Ash normally wouldn't mind such a dumb thing, but he was pissed just by looking at them trying to get his girlfriends attention. He would naturally be a good boyfriend and destroy their dreams.

"Damn Arkoos, you two are two of the ugliest human beings that I had to unfortunately see, I need some bleach for my poor eyes." Ash said with a murmur which Brock and the other two didn't quite catch.

Brock also said, "It seems that if we don't knock them a peg down, they won't let you challenge the Gym."

"Why do you believe that you idiots have the right to stop me and others from challenging a Gym?" Ash said solemnly, "But I will not refuse the request to defeat you two waste of space."

'Wow, Ash seems really pissed that these two dunderheads tried to hit on May. Well I won't pray for them.' Brock's thinking was very easy to understand, he just went with who his friend did.

The two teenagers took Ash and Brock to a nearby battle ground, "I won't let you weaklings to disturb the great Master Norman, I want to correct your arrogant idea!"

"Go, Golduck!"

The Pokémon sent by this ugly boy was a Golduck, which was the evolved form of Psyduck.

This Golduck was smaller in size and looked to be very poorly trained and malnourished.

"Beat the crap out of them, Ralts!"

Ash's Ralts on his shoulders teleported in front of the small Golduck, just twice her own size, much smaller than the one she saw a few days ago, and Togetic now lay on top of Ash's head cheering for her best friend.

"Golduck, use Focus Punch!" The first guys opening attack just made Ash shake his head in nothing but disappointment. It was like going full mode as soon as ot appeared on the stage, but he didn't even hit anything.

His Golduck was interrupted almost immediately, and then he was hit with a barrage of beat down.

"Shadow ball!"

Ash gave an order, his Ralts disappeared, then appeared on top of Golduck's head, holding a put h black energy ball and smashing it towards the poor Golducks head.


Golduck lossy his ability to fight and was instantly knocked into unconscious by Ash and and Ralts.

"Don't get too proud, I will be next!"

"No, for such an arrogant guy like you, I must defeat you for Master Norman's sake!"

"Wait a minute, I should go and teach him a lesson first!"

Ags don't know how or when, but several obnoxious and fatherless looking teenagers gathered on the sports field again.

Even Ash knew who his father was, these guys probably didn't know what a father was in the first place.

Seeing them scrambling to make themselves look like a formidable enemy, Ash couldn't help but get even more annoyed, "Come on together! I'm going to beat all ten of you peeps-quick!"

He had a beautiful date planed out with May, but these morons have ruined it all.

There were now a Zigzagoon, Azumarill, Poochyena, Dustox, Spheal, Shroomish, Zangoose....

All of a sudden, ten new but weak looking Pokémon's appeared in front of Ash.

"Now you've done it, Togetic!" Ash slightly became excited, even being able to see and hear the ringing bells of all the Exchange Points going straight into his account. Such sweeping scenes were rare for him. As long as the Trainers still had some energy left, that was more than enough, he could beat them senseless and get some extra Exchange Points.

"Togetic and Ralts, stand by for a massacre!"

Togetic happily cheered up and came down to where Ralts was. The two children looked at each other and knew that they were going to fight side by side for the first time.

"Disarming Voice! Fairy Wind!"

As long as Ash fights against people of their level, even if it's a 2 vs. 10, he will still chose to use his two youngest Pokémon's. But even in such a battle, these two children were not timid at all, but already have a tacit understanding to launch their own moves after all the simulation training they had under Ash.

Ralts began to sing with a beautiful tone, and Togetic flapped her immature wings and stirred up a serene pink wind lanced with bright sparkles. These two attacks were both of the Fairy-type. For the weak Trainers in front of him, they have never even seen such attacks before.

The charming song swept through the ten

Pokémon along with the Fairy Wind, and four of them, which were of a even lower levels, lost their ability to fight as soon as they came face to face with Ash's team.

Only a few Pokémon such as Zangoose and Dustox were left barely standing on with their last bit of energy, and then launched attacks under the orders of their respective Trainers.

"Draining Kiss! Sweet Kiss!"

Two super cute children acting cute together was not a simple 1+1 thing. For a moment, the misguided glazers in front of Ash all looked worriedly.

Draining Kiss can drain the opponents energy, and Sweet Kiss can make the opponent enter a chaotic condition of Confusion.

As four more Pokemon crashed to the ground, the remaining Dustox and Zangoose were now confused at the same time, and the attacks they fired hit each other, completely extracting their last physical energy.

So far, Ash and his two Pokémon's that had hardly expended any of their energy, and they were still very energetic and ready to continue with their massacre.

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