
262. Shiftry

The Millennium Comet has finally disappeared from their view, but the whirl event wasn't really over yet.

Butler had changed his mind at the last moment and had tried his best to help Ash hold back those tentacles, but in the end he was the one who caused all of this in the first place, and as a former scientist of the Team Magma, Ash also hoped that he would provide more information about them.

Therefore, Butler will be given over to Officer Jenny by Ash to be closely guarded and make sure that he will cooperate with all further investigations.

But Ash believed that with his current mentality, it won't take long for him to come out and reunite with his Diane.

Butler was escorted away by the nearby Officer Jenny, and Diane took Ash and his group to the nearest town. They would continue their journey to Mauville City from here, where Ash's next Gym Battle was located.

"Big Bro, can you show me that Jade Orb again?" The sadness of parting away with Jirachi quickly disappeared from Max's young mind, and he began to pester Ash about the beautiful Jade Orb that Jirachi gave to him!

Ash got really annoyed by his constant wishes and punched him on the head, "It's all because of your nonsense, otherwise I would have thought about what to wish for!"

In fact, he was very satisfied with getting this Jade Orb from Jirachi. He never thought that Jirachi could find this Orb and give it to him!

This beautiful item can eventually summon Rayquaza!

It has the same function as the Clear Bell for Ho-Oh and the Tidal Bell for Lugia!

Although this didn't have the same ability as the Rainbow of Ho-oh and the Silver Wing of Lugia, which lets them feel and talk to the Legendary Birds.

Matching this item, there are also the Red Orb that can be used to summon/control Groudon, and the Blue Orb that can be used to summon/control Kyogre!

If Ash had made a wish to catch all three of the Weather Trio, he wonders if all three of their individual orbs would have be with him now.

So it's all Max's fault for talking too much when it was someone's else's turn!

"By the way, Ash, did you catch that Absol?" May suddenly remembered from the side of Ash while holding his arm.

This made Brock realize even more how far behind he is compared to Ash.


As Ash had wanted to catch that Absol since he first met him in that magic tent.

That white Pokémon was really a Pokémon that looked awesome, and even May herself can't help but be tempted to catch him from her new and first boyfriend, but with Absol's cold and strong personality, she knew she couldn't landle him at all.

Not only that, that Absol had also ruined her time with Ash again and again.

Hearing this from his new girlfriend, Ash took out two new Poké Balls.

May was stunned this time. One of them was most likely that same Absol, so what kind of Pokémon would the other one be?

Now the Pokémon around Ash are full again, so these two Poké Balls are shining red from time to time, showing a condition that indicated that they cannot be opened now.

So Ash almost immediately needed go to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible to complete the exchange before something else happens.

"Then Ash, I will send you there." Diane said with a sweet smile as she sent Ash and his group to the nearest Pokémon Center in her vehicle, which was located on the hillside, so the environment her was very beautiful and pleasant to look at.

And after checking their PokéNav, they found that they could quickly reach Mauville City from here as long as they went down the mountain.

"Diane, I'm sorry but I had to do that for the best!" Ash apologized to Diane again, "So what are your plans next?"

"I plan to return to Farnia to guard the forest and the sleeping Jirachi. I will also wait for Butler there in that forest until he is released." Diane said calmly as she didn't think much of it, "Ash, what you did was the right thing and also our best outcome. I don't blame you for that all, trust me in that, and because of you, the Butler I knew is finally back, I want to thank you very much for this!"

After saying goodbye to Diane one last time, Ash and his group walked into the Pokémon Center.

"I see, is Dratini ready to molt again?" After receiving some of his Slowking's usual reports, Ash ultimately decided to not exchange his Dratini back for the time being.

In this case, his young Aron was teleported over there to train with his Phanpy, Tyranitar, and Rhyperior.

His Aron's Heavy Metal ability just needed Ash to continue using his high-strength steel ores for his food, and then Ash also exchanged his Mudkip for Aron for now.

His older Water-type Pokémon's were helping his newer Water-type Pokémon's under Ash's orders.

His Sharpedo and Corphish especially have learned to meditate and calm down under his Gyarados.

Mudkip had been recently receiving training under his Blastoise, Feraligatr, Slowking.

With all this training, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. His initial level was already quite high, so Ash believed that it will soon be the time for him to evolve into his next form.

The evolved Marshtomp will be a dual-type Pokémon of Water and the new Ground-type, so he can also deal with those Electric-type Pokémon's that he used to be weak against.


As soon as he put his Poké Balls away, Ash heard a shrill scream, which he obviously recognized as the voice of Nurse Joy!

Ash rushed out of the Pokémon Center and saw a Pokémon rushing out of the upstairs window carrying Nurse Joy and leaping into the dense forest next to the town.

"Big Bro, that was a Shiftry!" Max came to Ash first and recognized the passing figure almost at a glance.

"Nurse Joy!" Brock suddenly exclaimed in panic, and then suddenly wanted to chase that Shiftry into the forest, "How could that thing to do my Nurse Joy! Nurse Joy, I'll save you right away!"

Ash's whole body shone with blue light for a moment, and he threw out a new Poké Ball, "Alright, looks I need your help already!"

There was a flash of white light, and a green cute looking dragon Pokémon appeared in front of Ash.

"It's a Flygon. Ash, you caught that Flygon too!" May recognized this Pokémon at a glance because of how much it had helped her. This was the strong and gentle Flygon of Farnham!

After that battle together, the bond between him and Ash reached a very high level, and at that time, Flygon wasn't even Ash's Pokémon's. He was just helping around like the chill guy he was.

Seeing Ash jumping onto his Flygon's back, Brock suddenly became anxious, "Ash, take me with you! I'm going to save Nurse Joy with you! She has to see my heroic spirit!"

Seeing Brock's anxious look, Asv comforted him, "Brock, don't worry, even that ferocious looking Pokémon will not trouble Nurse Joy all of a sudden, I'll go over and take a look! You three can come after us."

Moreover, Flygon's body for now can only carry him and a child like Max around at the same time, and he wasn't planning to have Max bother him at times like this.

With that said, Ash rode his Flygon towards the large and lush trees in the forest center. Shiftry was thought to only live at the top of trees that have lived for a very long time.

Seeing the direction Ash was going, Brock gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I need to go too!"

"But how do we go there?" Of course Max also wanted to go together, but even though the large tree seemed finvery close, in fact, if they had to go through the forest at their usual pace, the distance was actually very long.

"We have to ther!" Brock's back seemed to be burning with flames, "Nurse Joy, I'm going to be there to save you!"

Seeing him like this, May and Max also followed after him. As inspired Pokémon Trainers, such a forest cannot stop their goals.

However, along the way, they were blocked by some Grasss-type Pokémon's. May's two Pokémon played an important role here, and she made some progress in understanding them in these kinds of circumstances.

In the canopy of the old and large tree, Nurse Joy woke up from the influence of Shiftry's Sleep Powder and noticed the ferocious-looking Shiftry at the first sight.

But she was not afraid of it at all, "You came to see me because you needed me, correct? What's the matter here?"

As soon as the words fell, a large number of Oddish's, Seedot's and Nuzleaf's rushed out and surrounded Nurse Joy. These children were much cuter than the grumpy looking Shiftry.

"Nurse Joy, what happened?"

Nurse Joy was confused, and Ash had also arrived, his Flygon rushed in directly, and Shiftry immediately launched an attack after seeing an intruder.

Feeling the strong wind caused by Shiftry's big leaf fan, Ash smiled confidently, "I'm not here to fight with you!"

His much stronger Flygon was easily able to avoid Shiftry's attack, and with a Dragon Tail, he knocked Shiftry out by the way. Ash came to Nurse Joy's side and asked, "Nurse Joy, are you okay?"

"I'm okay. As expected of you, Ash. You came so fast." 'I knew my sisters weren't lying when that said how he was!' If Brock had heard this, his heart would have broken into a million piece in an instant.

Nurse Joy feels much more at ease now that Ash was by her side.

"You did well, Flygon!" Ash ordered him to fall back after a few gentle pats to his long neck, and the large amounts of Pokémon's immediately put away their hostility.

A small Seedot jumped out of one one of the branches, as if asking Nurse Joy and Ash to follow it.

Following the little guy, the two of them found a Nuzleaf lying on the ground, and it looked like something was wrong with it.

"Oh no, its body is far too weak for it to move around!" Nurse Joy checked and found that this little guy is in immediate danger, "Ash, I don't have any treatment medicine with me. Can you please get my kit from the Pokémon Center?"

"Of course!" Ash responded with a smile, and then looked at Shiftry, "Look at this, if this happens again in the future, just bring it to Nurse Joy for help. If you had done that in the first place, this could have gone a lot better. Do you understand?"

Ash got on his excited Flygon again, rushed back to the Pokémon Center to get the medicine, and returned again not long after. On the way, he saw that Brock and the other two had broken into the depths of the forest.

"Stop!" Ash stopped the movement of the groups of Grass-type Pokémon's, "I have brought the medicine to save your companions. Those are my companions, you don't need to attack them!"

The Grass-type Pokémon dispersed one after another after sensing Pikachu's and Flygons powers. Ash informed the three of them what happened, and the group hurriedly gathered together and rushed to the giant tree at the center of the area!

After the treatment by Nurse Joy and Brock, the small Nuzleaf was finally out of danger.

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