
235. Corphish

"Big Bro, do you have any plans for today?"

In this picturesque bay, everyone has regained almost all of their energy, and now they are about to set off to continue exploring the rest.

Ash and his Pikachu had just finished washing, and his Ralts climbed on top of his head and fell asleep again, "Speaking of which, May, aren't you going to participate in the next Pokémon Contest? The next step is your first competition. You should train for that."

They have already planned to stay on Dewford Island for some more time. Than they will than go Slateport City via a boat to participate when the Pokémon Contest is finally ready to open for participants singing up.

So this period is the time where May really needs to seize the time to make adequate preparations for her first time.

Now her Torchic is still a young one who doesn't know anything about Pokémon Contest in the slightest, and her Wurmple is a just a greedy little caterpillar who loves to eat and nothing else.

There is not much time left for May to get ready for everything.

However, May looked very confident in herself. When she was asked by Ash or Max, she stood up and ran to the side, "Isn't the purpose of a Pokémon Contest to show the beauty and handsomeness of their Pokémon? Especially when it is released from the Poké Ball?!"

"That's the main scoring point method during the first round of the Contest, so I'm now practicing my approach to the show!"

She spun around in a circle, trying to show her charm, and then she threw two Poké Balls, "Everyone, come out!"

Torchic and Wurmple jumped out of the Poké Ball and stood on the ground in confusion, as if they didn't know what's happening, which is very much the case here.

Torchic looked around and seemed to feel that the new surrounding environment was relaxing, and he jumped up and down with joy.

Wurmple also looked around, probably hungry again for her third serving of breakfast.

Looking at their performance, May was more than a little embarrassed, "No, no, no, you have to turn around when you come out, like this, and then turn around... I told and showed you guys this so many times!"

While she was talking, she danced around to demonstrate. Unexpectedly, she couldn't stand still and almost fell down on the sand but Ash held her in his hand before she could fall.

She immediately blushed and then sheepishly smiled and said, "Thank you, Ash. And also sorry, it's not perfect yet. There is still to practice…" She said that but there wasn't much confidence in her voice anymore.

"It's nothing much. All you have to do is to continue your hard practice with your Pokémon's." Brock couldn't help but remind her that now since she had made a decision, but she is still very careless about preparations for the competition.

"May, that day at Trainer Academy where you went to that class for Pokémon Coordinators. Did you hear any of the key points when going on the stage?"

Ash and Brock were both a little confused at May's behaviors.

Although they didn't know much about how Pokémon Contests worked like, it was still very obvious to these two very experienced Trainers that May wasn't even ready to go on stage yet.

Now if she will practice from now on until the day of the actual Pokémon Contest, how will she do there?

"Hehe, the thing is that…" May smiled sheepishly.

At this moment, everyone noticed that their tent was moving! After a while, the nails fixed to the ground were suddenly pulled out, and their entire tent collapsed and was beginning to be dragged towards the sea.

"Nooo!! Out tent is being washed away, my clothes!!!!" Poor Max was not having fun today.

As soon as the tent collapsed, all their belongings also collapsed with it. Everyone quickly chased after it, only to see that their tent hit a tree and made a sudden stop.

The creature that was responsible for dragging down their tent went under and was readying to go into the water, "Looks like we have a troublemaker in our hands."

"Okay, Pikachu, let's deal with it first!"

Pikachu's speed exploded instantly, blocking it in front of him before he could go anywhere m. May also reacted after Pikachu stopped it, "Wurple, use your String Shot on it!"

May's Wurmple spit up a not so thick worm thread that stuck to it, and the mysterious assailant was also stopped immediately in its tracks. Ash and Pikachu also relaxed and slowly approached it, trying to understand what Pokémon it was.

Ash's whole body flashed with blue light, and he suddenly frowned, "Pikachu, get out of the way!"

A huge pincer suddenly shot up from where it was tied up. Pikachu heard Ash's order and was easily able to dodge smoothly, but even if he didn't here Ash's orders, he could have easily dodged the "slow" attack with his level.

The bad news wasn't that tho, the pincer retracted again and actually dragged Wurmple away.

"No, that Pokémon is much stronger than Wurmple!" Max exclaimed, his sister's little Wurmple is in immediate danger.

Ash took a long stride and chased after the kidnapped Wurmple. He grabbed Wurmple's worm thread with one hand, and his strength suddenly exploded. The creature suddenly seemed to be tied to something very hard, now he was unable to move.

'It almost feels like I'm Spider-Man, the good old days.' Ash smiled slightly, and his arms again became stronger with a light Aura boost.

A red lobster was forcefully pulled out of the beach by him. It was much smaller than the Crawdaunt that he had seen being used my that Team Aqua grunt back in Rustboro City.

This Pokémon is exactly what Crawdaunt looked like before it evolved, it was a Corphish.

The power of this Corphish made Ash feel very excited. He knew his own power very well. If he didn't take action immediately, he believed that it could have dragged Brock, Max and May into the sea with it.

"Cor! Cor corphish!" This Corphish seemed very angry, waving his pair of pliers in front of Ash very 'menacingly', trying to show off his power, which was quite funny to see for Ash.

This kind of Pokémon's are mostly self-centered around others and will drive other Pokémon's out of where they live and claim that land as its own territory.

Corphish looks like an ordinary lobster, but obviously much larger, but much cuter than the Crawdaunt with its five-pointed star on its head and scary look.

Ash smiled softly, "Sure enough, I gained a lot by coming here on Dewford Island."

"Corphish, I challenge you to a battle!" Ash threw his new Luxury Ball, "Lets get you ready for your first battle, Aron!"

This is the first time that Ash and Aron will fight together. Ash was also looking forward to know how this Aron, given as a gift by a Champion, will performe under his command.

Corphish waved his pliers with great fighting spirit, accepting Ash's challenge very happily.

"Ash, you have caught many Pokémon recently, haven't you?" May was a little shocked when she saw Ash's wish.

Ash at the beginning only had caught two Pokémon around him. In his previous journey to Johto, he had also caught many Pokémon's he needed but slower.

But now in the Hoenn Region, Ash had already caught several new Pokémon's and teleported many of them back several times. As for her, she still only had her two Pokémon.

Brock packed up all the scattered clothes because of Corphish's antics, but he was still tentatively watching Ash's battle that was about to start, and said with a smile, "Isn't the journey of a Pokémon Trainer the process of constantly catching and training Pokémon's? When Ash first embarked on his journey of becoming a Pokémon Master, he had caught his six full team Pokémon in a short period of time, and even teleported a Krabby back before he challenged the third Gym!"

"Aron, let's go! Iron Head!"

Ash took the lead in launching the first attack of their battle. Aron's armor-covered head shone with metallic light, and with a powerful kick of his little heavy feet, he crashed into Corphish.

The Corphish didn't dodge at all, and remained motionless, with only a metallic sheen flashing all over his body before being hit by Aron's Iron Head.

"It's the move Harden!" Max recognized this skill immediately because of how it looked, but he didn't expect that this Corphish was going to forcefully connect to Aron's Iron Head just to use this move.

He realized this pretty early on that the Corphish is definitely faster than Aron, so there wasn't any need to use this move. He could have simply dodged it, but he chose not to because of some sort of over confidence.

However, Corphish definitely underestimated and regretted his previous decision after he felt the power of Aron's Iron Head.

The Heavy Metal ability Aron hit him so hard that he flew several meters away.

Corphish landed on the ground, smashed hard on the sand beach, and was pushed far away before stopping because of the sand friction.

"Aron is so powerful!" May couldn't help but admire Ash's new Pokémon. She knew the power of the Corphish because of what he did, but she didn't expect that Aron could knock it away so easily.

Forcibly stabilizing his body, Corphish raised his large pliers towards Aron, and a fast Bubble Beam came towards Aron.

"Rock Tomb to block it!"

Under the collision, Ash already clearly understood the power of this Corphish. So that's why he had ordered his Aron to use his Rock Tonb attack to deal with the Bubble Beam.

Huge rocks fell from the sky, trapping the Corphish, and the Bubble Beam lost almost all of its effect in such a small space.

With the victory in hand, Ash clenched his fist and said, "Good job, Aron!"

The with a motion of closing his fists, a pink light appeared in his eyes and the huge Rock Tomb walls made by the his Aron to block Corphish fell apart in an instant.

The large amount of small rocks were smashed hard on Corphish's head, making him unable to fight any longer.

"Now, go, Poké Ball!"

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