
98 - A Knight In Shining Armor (2,9 k words)

Romeo's POV"This is not what you call a surprise, Dear," Skaris said, pulling the agro by slashing at the tentacles with his claws, "Your surprises are always fun and enjoyable. This is a death sentence.""I think you should change the name and call it total annihilation instead," Bart suggested, avoiding a boulder that almost crushed him, "Death Sentence sounds too nice.""I've never felt so horny and terrified at the same time," Mitchell yelled while defending the mansion from the flying boulders, "I'm going to cum, and it will kill me. And when I die, I will be forced to re-live this moment in hell. For eternity. Darling, you're a devil. A devil, you hear me?!""The most beautiful devil," Curtis added and jumped into the water together with Gold. They swam toward the beast, dodging its tentacles, and began climbing the trunk.I spread my wings and flew toward Princess, "Is this necessary?""No, but he does unnecessary things for me all the time. I'm returning the favor. Isn't that how love works? Tit for tat," she said and leaped forward, "Cover me.""Got it," I followed her and shielded her body while she studied the beast's anatomy, using the tip of her machetes like an acupuncture needle.She was going for the spots that would make it release its seed. I was confident in my stamina, but this would push it to the limits. I didn't know how Vick could resist and not give in to his lust, but I had a feeling it was all about willpower.A will that was about to snap.The giant irises in the Kraken's eye sockets twitched, its pupils dilated, and its speed and strength tripled in a split second.Princess was faster, but it was as if the beast could predict her next move. It caught her in mid-air and spurted its seed all over her as if spitting at her crazy antics, but it wasn't spit. It was a thick, hot, gooey, and sticky fluid. It coated her whole body. There wasn't an inch that was spared."...""...""Holy mother of pearl, fish, and crabs!" Mitchell exclaimed and almost fell from the roof. "Did he just...?!""It's Vick," Skaris said, "Only he can make her eat her own words.""That's a lot," Bart said."Very...a lot," Mitchell agreed, "Damn. He is not making her eat her own words. He is drowning her in them.""Princess likes to get her hands dirty, doesn't she?" I said, landing next to them, "Cleaning after her used to be my favorite pastime. Now, I have you to share the task with. What a lucky man I am.""..." The boys glanced at me, their faces expressionless."You're supposed to reprimand her, not encourage her," Mitchell said, "She's already a handful as it is. Do you want her to get more ideas and end up worse?"I laughed, "You're a handful as well, Mitchell. Do you want me to reprimand you? Or would you prefer some encouragement?"The other clicked his tongue, "I don't need your encouragement. I'm already a delight. Aren't I, Skaris? Aren't I, Bart? Tell him. Go ahead.""Yes, yes, yes. Amazing," they agreed without skipping a beat.Mitchell gave me a smug smile, "See? No need for compliments.""You're right," I smiled back, "I think I'll need more tips on how to be a better mate. Care to share your knowledge with me? Since you are amazing and all?"Bart jumped on my back and licked my cheek, "You're good as you are, Romeo. Don't listen to him.""But you have to admit that he is amazing, though," I teased, "Don't you think?"Bart's expression turned sour, "He is an amazing pain in the ass. Yes."I wrapped my arms around his waist, rubbing my nose against his, "I prefer my boys good. You can be a little bad, though. Only a little."Bart licked my lips and gave me a naughty kiss, "It's strange kissing a male. You don't taste right but not wrong either. I don't hate it but I don't crave it either. How can you like it?""It's called 'liking the idea', not 'liking the taste'," I explained, "There are things, that are not meant to be enjoyed but rather appreciated. And once you start appreciating them, they grow on you and become something you look forward to.""Is that how you feel about us?""Yes, it's not the same as the way I feel about Princess, but I enjoy having you in my life. Things like kissing is just a bonus that makes the experience more exciting.""So I'm not a replacement?" Bart asked."There is a difference between being a replacement and an addition. Nobody can replace Princess," I said, looking straight into his eyes, "You are not Vick's replacement. He is not your replacement. Princess didn't choose you because you remind her of him. She chose you because she saw something special in you, and I'm the same. I'm not here to replace you. I'm here to complement you."Mitchell sniffed a snot and wrapped his arms around our necks, "Oh, Romeo! My beautiful, precious, wonderful, lovely Romeo! You are the best mate a male could ever ask for!"Bart rolled his eyes, "Shut up. Go annoy someone else."Mitchell rubbed his face against my cheek, "Romeooooo. Bart is being mean. Tell him to let me hug you and say nice things about you."I chuckled, and its sound made Bart's expression soften. Despite Mitchell's loud and obnoxious personality, the boys liked him, and the reason for that was very simple. Someone looked down on Bart before his very eyes? He'd make them bow at his feet.Someone scowled at Skaris's scars? He'd make them cry for mercy.Someone dared to approach Gold with the wrong intentions? He'd have fun ruining their day and go on a rampage.Someone insulted Curtis's origins? He'd hunt down the perpetrator and turn his roots into a joke.And someone was planning to harm Princess?Nobody would harm Princess.Not under the Scorpion King's watch.He embraced the role of an evil figure with a passion. Yet what made him the most famous was how obsessed his female was with him, a rootless feral."Romeoo," Mitchell whined, trying to pry Bart's arms from around my neck, "Let go. Can't you see that I'm having a moment with him?""No, he's having a moment with us," Bart corrected him."With us," Skaris repeated."Boys, I'm fine," I said, patting their backs. "Really. Look, Princess needs you more than me. Go help her out before she kills Vick.""We have no chance against Dear," Skaris said, his ears flat, "If she decides to kill him, we can't stop her. The only one who can save Vick is himself."I held back a smile, "Why does it look like you are trying to hide from Vick instead?""Pfft...We are not hiding from him. We are respecting his personal space," Mitchell said.Skaris joined, "You have no idea how scary he is when he is mad. Just look at him. Look. LOOK. He's not playing around anymore.""Does anyone remember what Vick said before the heart transplant?" Bart asked, and everyone went silent, "He said, 'Take care of me, and I'll take care of you.' He didn't say take care of My Precious, or take care of the house. He said take care of me."Mitchell, who was still hugging me, shuddered, "I don't seem to recollect hearing such words coming from his mouth. What are you talking about, Bart?""Yeah, Bart. What are you talking about?" Skaris agreed."I remember it now," said Curtis, and they all glared at him."What about Muir?" Bart asked."Muir doesn't care about the consequences. He went into it with the mentality of a man who was going to die," Skaris said, "For sure."Mitchell patted our backs, "Remember, we just listened to Darling's order. We didn't have a choice. We were powerless against her. So, it's not our fault. It's her fault. We have an excuse. A valid excuse.""..." The boys nodded and hugged each other, forming a chain, "We have an excuse."I tried hard not to laugh, "You guys are unbelievable. How bad can Vick be?""Worse," Bart said."Way worse," Skaris said."Like... a hundred times worse," Mitchell said, "But we have Romeo now. So, there's hope.""Hope for what?""Hope for escape," they replied in unison, "Romeo must be smart. He can think of a plan. He's the brain. We're the brawns. Let's leave the thinking to him."I was not ready to witness what came next. A tentacle shot toward me like a spear. No brains could have possibly thought of a plan that could stop the inevitable so fast.Muir woke up and flew toward the Kraken, letting it capture him. The rest were swept off the ground and taken underwater, the lake becoming a battlefield.The beast rumbled and shook the whole lake, its voice echoing across the alley, "YOU HAD ONE JOB. ONE. JOB."Beast forms couldn't talk, so the boys were shocked by the sound of his voice."It's the dragon's voice," I said, "Vick is now a hybrid, after all.""You ganged up on me because of your jealousy," Vick continued, his voice cold and disappointed, "I didn't expect you to be this petty. If this is how you treat me at my lowest, then it's clear that we are not as close as I thought."The boys froze, not knowing what to do or how to react. They were like children who had been caught red handed by their parent.Vick's dignity meant a lot to him. Everyone knew how important it was for him, but nobody took it seriously enough. Did he feel betrayed? Disappointed? Angry? Sad?"We were punishing your ancestors," I said, trying to sound calm, "They tried to mate with another female behind your back. That's unforgivable. Don't you think so?""You never tried to bring me back. You wanted to see me fall. And now you are blaming the ancestors, when you are the ones who introduced Nivi to them? If Karrak didn't put a stop to it, the family I worked so hard to build would have been destroyed by your hands. You know what the saddest part is? You don't even understand how much you were hurting Precious."It was a side of a story I did not know of. I spent most of my time dealing with the Empire and wasn't here during the heart transplant.I glanced at the boys. Their tails were drooping, and their heads were lowered. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to protect them and stand up for their innocence, but their body language gave them away.It was the first time I realized how different they were from Vick, Karrak, and I. They were desperate for Princess's affection and were ready to do anything for a small piece of it. They didn't know how to deal with their possessiveness, so they did what came natural to them, and lashed out at the closest person to Princess, which happened to be Vick.Princess could make the situation easier by showing them more love, but she was not the type to reward to prevent. If you resolve to hurting others because someone was not giving you enough attention, then you didn't deserve the attention in the first place. They were learning it the hard way, and I wish I had the same freedom to make mistakes as they did."We are sorry. We were wrong. What should we do to make it up to you?" Skaris was the first to admit his mistake and take the initiative to change the situation.Vick pulled a handful of gastropods out of the lake and teleported Skaris out of his sight, followed by Bart, Mitchell, Curtis, Gold, and then Muir.Only I remained.Vick changed into his human form, floating above the surface. The heart donor we found was a water dragon. It didn't have wings, but it could control water vapor in the air and fly.He sat on the dock and started washing Princess's body, holding her with one arm and cleaning her with other, "How are we going to have a baby now, hm? You wasted all the sperm I had. There's nothing left to squeeze, Precious. Absolutely nothing."Princess kept her eyes closed, waving me away, "Plushy woke up and is waiting for you to take care of him. Go. You don't want to make him mad, do you?""...""...""...""..."I sighed and flapped my wings, flying toward the balcony. I could perfectly understand why the boys saw Vick as a threat. Princess didn't need to shower him with love and attention. What they had was beyond love.It was a strange kind of devotion.A loyalty.A commitment.It was the type of relationship that required nothing, but still gave everything.It made me realize that even if Princess treated them equally, it wouldn't have compared to the bond she had shared with Vick. He could be her enemy or her best friend. It didn't matter. That kind of connection was not something they could achieve through courting, no matter how hard they tried to suppress Vick or imitate him.It must have been frustrating for them, and I wished I had noticed their frustration earlier.I picked up Plushy, its big eyes staring into mine. I patted its head and smiled, "Karrak, do you know where the boys are?""Scattered across the Empire," the screen buzzed, "And treated as trespassers by Vick's army. They won't have an easy time returning back. The only person, who can mess around with Vick is Yaya. Nobody else has the right.""You seem to mess around with him too, though?""It's mutual."I chuckled and sat on the sofa, placing Plushy on my lap, "What is your relationship with Princess? How come you never show up in person?""I fell in love with someone I was supposed to kill. That's why. YaYa's kind goes against the Nature's law. My duty was to destroy her, not protect her. I've already broken a lot of rules for her. The more I do, the harder it is for me to return back. So, I stay here, far away from her."I didn't know how to respond. It seemed that Princess's love life was more tragic than romantic."What do you know about Plushy?""She bought it from the auction house for 20,000,000,000 coins. Mind me, those were all her hard-earned money, and she was the only bidder..."I almost dropped the teddy and covered its ears, "You are telling me she paid 20 Billion for this thing?""Don't shout. Plushy has sensitive ears," the screen buzzed, "And don't call him a thing. He is a little person. A very cute and adorable one. Right, Plushy?""..." I stared at the doll."Plushy is a treasure that comes with a big price. It was an investment toward her father's heart attack."I sighed and hugged the teddy, "She must have been such a cute little girl when she was young.""She still is.""..." I coughed, feeling embarrassed, "Yes. Of course. That's what I meant."I wasn't sure which category Karrak was in, and I was not in the mood to ask. It would probably make me feel more of an underdog.I should focus on how to bring back my boys before they lose their minds and go rogue. Then, we will figure out how to even out the playing field between the puppies and the top dogs.No matter what bad your mate does, they were still yours, and you were obligated to defend their honor, even when you knew they were wrong."Everyone needs a knight in shining armor, even the knight himself. Whoever said otherwise is lying through their teeth.""Do you need a knight in shining armor, Princess? I won't mind being yours.""I bought mine for twenty billion gold coins. I'm good. Thanks.""You are not supposed to pay, Princess. The knight is supposed to save you for free. That's the rule.""That's why there's barely any left. All the knights starve to death before they can save anyone. That's not a very good business model. A golden goose like you should know how to keep the eggs coming."I chuckled and kissed Plushy. I felt the countless tears that used to soak the fabric thanks to my dragon's abilities, and couldn't help but curse at anyone, who made her cry, "What are we going to do with our Princess, hm? I feel like there's a whole army of knights ready to serve her, but they just don't know it yet. When the time comes, we better be ready. Don't we, Plushy?""We better," Karrak agreed in Plushy's stead. He was probably of the same mind because the phone began projecting profiles of all the men that could have been our possible rivals, and I felt like an underdog again.╔═══ Author's note ════╗Sorry, no snu snu chapters. It's still not the right time for them. 🙏🏻🤧╚═════════════════╝
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