
Chapter 293: The Regent Prince

Rhaenyra accompanied him to the Small Council meeting concerning House Baratheon.

Alicent continued her efforts to influence the marriage union, under the pretense of looking after her husband.

Rhaegar turned to his father, seated at the head of the table, and whispered, "Father, let's begin."

"Oh, right."

Viserys, bearded and reeking of last night's undiluted alcohol, said wearily, "The meeting will now discuss the issue of supplying materials for the Prince's Palace."

Lyonel frowned and gently reminded, "Your Grace, the supply of materials is controlled by Lord Borros of House Baratheon."

He was indicating that the meeting should focus on addressing the Baratheon House's defiance and restoring the royal family's authority, rather than mundane logistics.

Viserys rested his forehead on both hands and agreed listlessly. He was uncomfortable confronting a powerful lord directly.

Rhaegar sighed helplessly, "Father, take care of your health."

Turning to the assembled advisors, he said loudly, "My lords, the issue stems from the supply materials for the Prince's Palace, but we all know there are deeper issues at play."

If his father wouldn't address it, he would.

Lyonel nodded, affirming, "Prince, we suspect Lord Borros is retaliating for the misunderstanding at his father's funeral."

Rhaegar smiled, his gaze sweeping over the advisors.

"Yes, we all believe so."

The advisors nodded in agreement, understanding that there was no need for pretense.

"Very well." Rhaegar was satisfied. "Let's discuss how to deal with Lord Borros in a compliant and reasonable manner."

Viserys glanced at his eldest son, hesitating. Rhaegar's words hinted at action, but subtlety was required against a powerful lord.

The elderly Lyman spoke up boldly, "Your Grace, Prince, I suggest we summon Lord Borros to King's Landing to apologize and seek the Iron Throne's forgiveness."

Viserys looked embarrassed, rubbing his stubbled chin.

"Lord Lyman, your proposal seems hasty."

Grand Maester Mellos interrupted, analyzing, "Several noble families supplied the wrong materials. Even if Lord Borros is behind it, accusing him without evidence could lead to gossip."

Lyman glared at Mellos, retorting, "Your Grace is the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. There's no need for hesitation."

A seasoned financier, Lyman knew the Targaryen dynasty's strength, including five dragon riders among the king's heirs, and more in the extended family. They had the power to deal with Borros.

Mellos, crossing his arms, said in an old-fashioned manner, "One must consider public opinion. His Grace values justice and strictness."

Lyman, frustrated, glared at Mellos. Such cautious advisors only fueled the king's indecision.

Seeing the heated argument, Rhaegar intervened, "Lord Lyman, your proposal is sound. Let's hear from the other lords."

Privately, Rhaegar agreed with Lyman. Maintaining control required occasionally asserting dominance, ensuring loyalty and preventing rebellion among the nobles.

With the Targaryen's strength, it was time to appropriately assert their authority over the seven kingdoms.


Rhaegar glanced at his silent father, hesitating to make an immediate decision. Knowing Viserys' tendency to avoid risks and rely on public opinion, he doubted his father would confront the Lord of the Storm's End directly.

At that moment, Jasper politely interjected, "Lord Borros has no obvious faults, and summoning him to King's Landing for a reprimand might be inappropriate."

Jasper was still fixated on the idea of joining House Baratheon through marriage.

Rhaegar turned to him and asked calmly, "In your opinion, how should this be resolved?"

"Prince, before you returned to King's Landing, a good proposal was discussed."

Jasper's eyes twinkled as he glanced across the room at Otto, then continued with a serious expression, "It might be wise to invite Lord Borros to King's Landing to arrange a marriage between Prince Aegon and Borros' daughter, thereby strengthening the bond between our families."

Rhaegar fell silent, his eyes shifting between Jasper and Otto.

Otto, who remained calm, added, "Marriages are excellent political maneuvers, effective in avoiding conflict."

Viserys raised an eyebrow, considering the suggestion. The idea appealed to him more than a show of force.

Before he could voice his agreement, Alicent swallowed a mouthful of wine, set her cup down forcefully, and said coldly, "Marriage is no small matter. Aegon and Daemon were responsible for the disturbance at the funeral. Lord Borros may not be inclined to agree."

"There's no harm in trying; we have more than one prince," Otto replied gently. She wanted to use Aegon to protect her only daughter, Helaena, he understood Alicent's concerns.

Borros had four daughters, and Otto had three grandsons. If Aegon wasn't suitable, Aemond or even Daeron could be considered. There was always a way to forge an alliance with House Baratheon and strengthen his family's position.

As expected, once Alicent realized there were multiple options, her anger subsided, and she began to think deeply.

Seeing his wife's change in demeanor, Viserys felt pleased and began to see the marriage proposal as feasible. He was about to voice his approval when Rhaegar's knuckles tapped on the tabletop, drawing everyone's attention.

Lyman, a staunch hardliner, trembled slightly as he asked, "Prince, we've all shared our thoughts. What is your opinion?"

He did not want the problem to be solved solely through marriage, hence his pointed question.

Rhaegar rose from his seat, his eyes scanning the group of advisers as he spoke candidly:

"My lords, firstly, I do not oppose the idea of a marriage alliance."

He glanced at Otto and Jasper before continuing, "However, I am also infuriated by Lord Borros' petty actions and believe he deserves to be punished."

Lyman nodded in agreement, saying, "That's right."

"Please, be at ease."

Rhaegar raised his hand and looked at his father as he spoke firmly, "Father, Lord Borros' actions seem to be provoking the royal family. We must respond decisively to preserve the dignity of House Targaryen."

Jasper interjected, "Prince, we have no proof."

"The Baratheon House is not as weak as we thought," Grand Maester Mellos echoed.

Rhaegar's eyes blazed as he snapped, "Silence!"

Jasper froze, his mouth opening to defend himself, but Rhaegar cut him off, pointing a finger at him, "If you interrupt me again without permission, I'll send you to the Wall to join the Night's Watch."

He also glared at Grand Maester Mellos, making it clear that their continued support of Otto's cautious approach was unacceptable. Advisers like these, who urged compromise and appeasement, would find no favor with him.

Rhaegar's outburst had the desired effect. Jasper, visibly chastened, bowed his head, his face alternating between green and red. Grand Maester Mellos also fell silent, while Otto slipped into a more subdued, observant role.

Seeing the shift in the room, Lyman spoke up, his mood lifted, "Borros is ambitious. A retreat will only diminish the prestige of the royal family."

Lyonel raised his hand and added, "The marriage is feasible, but it should come after Lord Borros is punished."

At this moment, both Lyman and Lyonel felt relieved. They had long struggled to assert their influence against the king's tendency to show weakness and Otto's persuasive skills.

Rhaegar, a hardliner unlike his father, provided the strong leadership they needed.

Viserys, overwhelmed by the shifting dynamics, turned to his eldest son, "Rhaegar, what do you think we should do then?"

At this critical juncture, he chose to trust his son's judgment.

"The punishment must be carried out and the marriage can proceed."

After a night of careful consideration, Rhaegar spoke decisively, "Lord Borros may not have any obvious faults, but we will find a way to hold him accountable and make sure he pays the price he deserves."

He was not opposed to a marriage alliance with House Baratheon, even if it involved Aegon or Aemond. His willingness to unite his half-brothers showed his evolving strategy to strengthen their family.

Lyonel wondered aloud, "Why don't we use the marriage as an excuse to bring our families together and rebuke Lord Borros face to face?"

Rhaegar shook his head, "A marriage can be used as an excuse, but it must not be discussed openly. The tournament is still several months away; I propose we organize a royal hunt to gather all the nobles of the King's Landing and the Stormlands."

Targeting the Baratheons in a public setting would be more effective. The advisors weighed the pros and cons, their silence reflecting their deep thought.

Viserys pondered the suggestion. A Kingswood Hunt was a plausible excuse, neither a direct order nor an overly formal invitation. Once the nobles were gathered, he believed he could handle Borros.

Smiling, Viserys agreed, "Good, let's do as you suggest."

He glanced at Alicent and whispered, "You can take the opportunity to introduce Aegon to Borros' daughter, if the children wish."

Alicent handed him a cup of wine and said thoughtfully, "As you wish."

The king endorsed the proposal, and the Small Council approved. As the meeting neared its end, Viserys gazed at his eldest son with a mix of pride and emotion. He felt a sense of relief, knowing Rhaegar was capable of leading the family and the kingdom.

Before the advisers could leave, Viserys made a momentous decision, "My lords, Rhaegar has been listening to matters of state for many years. I declare that I will grant him the right of regency."

The room fell silent, advisers shocked by the sudden announcement. Lyonel's eyes widened, "Your Grace, is it not too early for a regency?"

The title of regent held immense power, comparable to that of the king. While Rhaegar had been involved in governance, this new title would elevate his authority. As the heir, he commanded respect, but with the title of regent, all the nobles of the seven kingdoms would be compelled to follow his orders, effectively making him the second king.

(Word count: 1,611)

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