
Chapter 126:Changes [2]

Looking at Han and Jin, who stared at the carriage with their eyeballs wide, I couldn't help but sigh.

Unfortunately, their names were not printed on this carriage but on the one next to mine.

Before I could think of something to say to them, Jin walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Looks like you're finally moving up in the world, Ren..."

A moment later, Han reappeared and wrapped his arm around my other shoulder with a somber expression.

"Yeah... don't forget about us when you're at the top, alright...?"

Shrugging their arms on my shoulders, I replied.

"Look, you guys are being way too over dramatic...it's just a damn carriage."

Putting his head in his hands, Jin replied.

"It always starts with 'just a carriage,' man."

Looking at Han, I expected him to be the voice of reason as usual, but instead, he simply nodded his head, agreeing with Jin's words.

"You guys ever heard of overreacting?"

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