
Chapter 49:Cruise Ship [1]

After waking up the next morning, I checked my smartwatch and noticed that the email mentioned by Professor Zia had been sent. In fact, it had not just been sent to us 4, but the entire school had received it.

Now, everyone is aware of my amazing actions!

As our group ate our breakfast awkwardly, a sudden vibration erupted from all of our smartwatches.

Checking my email, I saw that the school had just sent us an email.

[Task #1: Make your way to the attached location and complete the puzzle inside. Time Limit: 1 hour.]

Clicking on the attached image, I saw a half-broken-down hut that seemed to be located on the outskirts of the city. Alongside the picture, there was also a set of coordinates for us to use.

Instantly, the four of us got up from our table, leaving behind our plates of food, and rushed out of the hotel building.

Leading us was Zach, as he asked.

"The mana train is the fastest way there, right."

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