
213- His T-shirt

"Can you please tuck the kids tonight? I need to stay at Sophie's place," Marissa hesitated for a moment and then sent the message to Rafael after typing it. 

Both the girls were wearing night suits. Sophie in her Amore silk, pajama shorts, and Marissa in her oversized t-shirt.

"What is he saying?" Sophie asked her while switching the channels. She was looking for a light rom-com movie.

"He hasn't replied yet," Marissa placed the phone on the mattress, "he is so natural with the kids. So easygoing," 

She started gathering her hair to make a messy bun when her phone buzzed, and Rafael's name flashed on the screen. 

"Of course. Don't worry. Enjoy your night, little Greene."

Relieved, Marissa smiled and placed the phone down, but her mind wandered back to the kids. It was rare that she didn't meet them after her office hours.

"Wipe that mom guilt off your face, Mar!" Sophie remarked without even looking at her. She knew her friend better.

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