
Enforcing Respect

"Why didn't you save them?!" A soldier who had been fastening the children's seat belts glared at Dominic with anger.

Everyone securing the equipment inside the plane turned to look at the young soldier from the Canadian military base. Perhaps the Canadian soldiers thought Dominic's actions were unjustifiable, but they, who had been hiding inside a military base, lacked the capacity to understand what the world had become today.

"Are you talking to me?" Dominic smiled at the disdainful look.

"Soldier, calm down right now." Eric, knowing things could go wrong, eyed the young soldier who was gripping the handle of his pistol.

Such threats were merely jokes for Dominic. He felt no fear, so he approached the soldier who seemed ready to do something. "Tell me, soldier, what are you going to do?"

"You're a damned—"



But before the young soldier could do anything, a knife blade pierced through his throat, cutting through everything in its path and entering his brain. Dominic, who had killed him, looked at the other soldiers and said, "Disarm them."

"Understood, sir!"

Dominic's soldiers disarmed the others under Ben Miller's command, who were comrades of the young soldier who had just died.

If these soldiers couldn't grasp his vision for survival, they shouldn't continue living; they were not prepared for survival and were of no value.

"Zz... Stuart, eliminate the potential danger targets." Dominic communicated with Stuart using code, implying he should eliminate those who seemed to lack the will.

In Canada, they had saved thousands of people, far more than they had imagined, and many of them were now reclaiming military ships abandoned by the army. This was Dominic's main focus; he needed to have the weapons of mass destruction in his possession.

Additionally, maintaining control over everything was crucial.

"No one will teach me how to survive, especially not idiots like you who stayed in your base with your families. I have saved more lives in this country than you can imagine." Dominic wasn't a patriot, but he knew anyone should thank him for saving lives that were not his responsibility.

Indeed, the saved lives were not free; everyone had to work hard enough to grow human territory and reclaim what was theirs.

The concept of countries had been erased, racism no longer existed, and Dominic would ensure these ideas remained or punish those who instilled different thoughts in people.

"Once we reach the border base, you will work on elimination missions with Canadian soldiers. We must have all of Canada free of walkers." Dominic focused more on Canada because of the type of walkers there; being attacked by them was no game.

A few hours later, the trips went smoothly, transferring military resources to the cleanest, most functional bases.

Many vaguely thought Dominic wanted to rule over all the land, but all he was doing was eliminating enemies.

"When we're done with Canada, we'll focus on Mexico. Many bases there urgently need expansion into greener areas to start agriculture," Dominic said while smoking a cigarette.

Negan looked at all these people and asked, "Are you trying to win their love?"

"I don't want their love; I don't want them to follow me, but to understand. When they die, their descendants will be mixed with Mexicans, Americans, Canadians, and Asians, and their patriotism will completely disappear. Adults may suffer in silence; they can't do anything, and if they try, it will be like eating out of my hand."

Negan knew these people might think of reclaiming their country once it was mostly free of walkers, but Dominic had set a goal of becoming the ruler of everything he could.

The objective?

A single world government and a single leader guided by human evolution and resource management. They had a second chance, and Dominic wouldn't let it go to waste.

"Sir, we have problems in Texas. A helicopter has been shot down, and we've lost scout soldiers in that area."

Dominic looked at the messenger and said, "Schedule the flight for tomorrow morning."

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