
Auditioning For 'Alex Hunt'


Pondering as he read through the script for the umpteenth time, Kyle started to realize that the character of Alex Hunt was going to require more nuance to portray than he had initially thought.

'Roguish, sly, calm and yet, beneath all that, a dangerous edge that shouldn't be tested…'

'That's a dichotomy that's gonna be quite hard to pull off…' the young man mused, stroking his chin.

Jotting all those major points down, Kyle circled it with a red marker, his decision made.

These were the main points he was going to try his best to focus on during the auditions.

Despite the lack of background introspection into Alex's character, Kyle had deduced as much as he possibly could, simply from the subtle mannerisms and dialogue in the short script.

'I should also dress up in a way that would suit his character. Should switch to contacts too for the meantime…' he nodded to himself.


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