
title mosquito exterminator

It took some convincing to get adults to do this, but it worked. Everyone ran around their building, killing every single of mosquito, not wanting the mosquitoes to run toward another group. 

But the problem was that the scout leader and some other adults were demanding to reveal what the reward was, which hruday said was "its secret, just so you know that there are both individual rewards and team rewards, and that's all we can share." He said it was because he hadn't thought out rewards; although he had a vague idea, he didn't know how much to give 

after setting everything up hruday, regretted not starting this early, as now it was 4:45 

he made sure to warn everyone about not causing noise near compounds, and giving up was okay if mosquitoes were dangerously close to the compound After ensuring this, he counted 3 2 1 GO!

A teenager named Nick quickly held his team from moving and told them his idea Ah, aunty, let's pretend we are doing both inside and outside, and have you noticed he didn't say anything about not using mosquito coils or not going towards that? old house 

this made the scout leader smile He could kill all mosquitoes from the coil and then throw the mosquitoes into his bat, pretending to kill them. mosquito and after hearing another juicy idea, he thought this is a golden-laying goose. i need to make sure I get most of it 

but it's dangerous because there are a few zombies trapped inside, and it is awfully close to the compound and the small rotating gate that we had barricaded 

shouldn't we ask him to confirm? Nick said no no, then what is the point of hidden ways to earn points? Others would argue and besides, look, I am sure he can hear us Why didn't he intervene? this is a deliberate loophole 

And if this really wasn't the secret way to earn more points, we could argue to get more points. Why patch the bug if it is helpful? He said the last phrase didn't make sense to the aunt but she got the jist of it 

who said we had to get too close? We can kill from peripherals just near enough to get some more points, You see, the monitors from another team wanted to share the information but since it was against the rules, they all had to shut up 

hruday felt this 14-year-old Nick guy was intelligent; he hadn't revealed everything; he revealed the cheat so that he could test if they would fight for extra points or encourage the team to win. 

but sadly, Nick had a greedy adult-only aunt who wasn't worried about individual rewards. although it was his idea, he wasn't able to get a piece of the pie because he wasn't an adult He was pissed but he knew this could have happened, That's why he hadn't relived another idea he had discovered: it was because of this that he was sure he was going to score the highest in his team, if not in the entire game 

he felt this was like one of his favorite systems, manhwa's, where regression Mc would know these bugs and gain points like crazy He felt like a main character and his reviling the idea had now been to his advantage; he wasn't going to kill mosquitoes Now smiling brightly, he went with the aunt 

When I looked at the team composition, everyone had 5 people and 2 monitors from the opposite team. Some made sure the monitors didn't get to contact the opposite team and

It wasn't only Nick who had noticed this opportunity; 2 others had it too. One of them went following the Nick team while the other was near the water tank, Although this one was risky, as this water tank was beside the team C building, they didn't care as long as the other team didn't get points. It was good, but sadly, they were discovered and called out, not wanting things to escalate. 

Hruday, I was having fun looking at them from upstairs He had stationed every one of his friends in each building, ensuring that no accidents occurred. They all had laser lights to warn and communicate 

satisfied by the arrangements he had made, laughed a little and said, " This is what a break day is, huh?" he reassured himself that this is like building a business; now you work your ass, and then you receive payment He started to Murter again "but it's frustrating to think and pretend like this, constantly thinking about what others will think Should I just go all out and not care about these guys? No, not the time yet, but it's frustrating to fucking talk to people you know, like, why do I have to convince every freaking thing? 

he started to make hand gestures, rehearsing how he would convince people to hear him without asking tons of questions, and started to give a speech about how the rewards would be given in points and why they shouldn't risk going back through the zip line to access the goods. This is the reason why he can't give rewards right away

and how they could exchange rewards for points to use to buy resources available now, hruday cleverly told this so that this would subtly introduce banking 

his action of walking around, moving his hands in the air and biting his fingers caught Michael's attention. Oh, ok, our MC is cooking Is he trying to remember future events or is he nervous that things are happening faster than expected??

I should ask like a faithful partner, haha Michael clapped his hands and asked what he was thinking about by gesturing his hands, to which hruday gestured a mic sign, conveying he was preparing for a speech 

this had answered both Roy's and Michele's questions, so they continued monitoring, whereas hruday was thinking about how to value each supply and how coins would even work 

he got a vague idea of using coupons as currency for each major category like food, service, fuel, medicine, etc which could be further divided into sub-categories

Although this seems making simple things overly complicated, he hadn't thought this out because making one currency and a physical one would be easily copied, so if he made coupons that expire every 2 days and each coupon had a different pattern, 

hruday thought, "That's it; I am such a genius." 

this would solve the issue and also prompt people to store everything within the bank It is an amazing idea 

oh right, what if I used numbers that change each day? This would further complicate money-coping and fraud and he could use the computer to monitor the goods and print the coupons accordingly 

He stopped his train of thought. "Stop! this is for the future and now I just need to reward the winners with points and supplies."

He thought, How do I even calculate points? Like, what is its value? Should I just give out a random number of points that we could calculate later? But what if they chose to buy something right away? 

"I also need to make up some titles for special achievements Ah, I am so dumb." 

"I need a hot coffee to plan this; I should have planned all this earlier."


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