
Dragon Of Darkness

"Took you a while to get back", a strange yet familiar called out from behind Milo. 

He wasn't sure who it could be, he was well behind his room and still tucked away deep inside of the undergrowth. Night had fallen and without any light, he was forced to conjure a small flame. He spun, holding it towards where the voice had come from. 

"It's you", Milo said, shocked as the earthmite became visible, perched atop a branch above him. 

The eartmite jumped to the floor, his tiny body so lightweight that it couldn't disturb the grass. It looked up towards Milo, then dropped onto one knee and lowered it's head. 

"Prince, I'm glad to finally get the chance to speak with you", the eartmite side, prompting Milo to quickly spin ideas in his own head. 

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