
Choices and Consequences

The rest of the morning was spent wandering around the grounds as the adults told stories from their days at Hogwarts. Cedric and Megan's parents even added some about Harry's parents which he was very grateful for. The stories he had been told in the past were always slanted to show how heroic they were but never told about the people they really were. As they talked, Harry began to think that Poppy was right and Megan was really a lot like Lily.

At one point during the morning, Megan pulled Luna aside and said "I don't know what you did but thank you. I expected Harry to be rather hard to calm down."

"It was easy, I just shooed the nargles away and he calmed immediately."

Megan glared at her before Luna added "I was happy to. He wasn't so bad when I got there but I think you need to make some alone time for him. I get the feeling that something about that wand left him unsettled."

Megan pulled Luna into a hug. "I will."

Lunch time quickly approached and the champions were called back into the anteroom. As they made their way, Harry tensed up in expectation of another confrontation. He soon found Reginald placing his hand on his shoulder and asking "You want us to scout it out before you go in there?"

Harry nodded his head and muttered "Yes, thanks."

Luckily, none of Harry's 'family' stayed around for another round and the meal was enjoyed by all. The only detraction from the whole dinner was when the judges decided it would be a good idea to spend the time in the company of the champions and their families.

When Dumbledore sat directly across from Harry, he had flashbacks from the memories the wand and cloak had shown him and he immediately stiffened. Harry had an epiphany that it wasn't Harry's life he was trying to ruin but that of the Potters in general. He had no proof but he now felt that Dumbledore was somehow involved in the death of his parents. The question was did he do it himself and blame Tom or did he point Tom in the direction he needed him to go. From the lessons with Daphne, Megan, and Cedric, he made a leap in logic and came up with the theory that Harry's life was being maneuvered so that he would die. With Sirius out of the picture and Albus firmly in place as his guardian, he had probably placed himself as the beneficiary of the Potter estate. The problem was that he couldn't get the answers to his questions until he was able to take control over his house. He fully expected to see a will signed by him giving Dumbledore everything including the title of Lord Potter.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became so that finally he couldn't stomach looking at the man. Harry shot Albus a look of pure loathing and then excused himself. As he stood, Megan excused herself as well and grabbed his hand before he made it out the door. Once they exited, Luna jumped up and said "I'll go chaperone."

Cedric's extended family realized that Dumbledore's presence was the reason for Harry's hasty departure and they shut him out of the conversation and refused to answer any questions he posed to them. The foreign families were well aware that something was going on beneath the surface and opted to stay out of it by conversing in their own language.

The Great Hall was full of boisterous students who were excited to have no classes the rest of the day. The talk was of the third task that would be held that evening and who they thought would come away with the win. Most of the students were caught by surprise as Harry burst out of the door to the anteroom and made his way quickly to the doors leading to the entrance hall. Some of Harry's housemates looked rather down as he made his way past them without even acknowledging their presence and at least they had the sense not to push the matter. Hermione was a different matter. She tried to use his appearance to her advantage and stood and stepped out in front of him. She said "Good luck Harry. I know you'll do great."

Harry was in no mood to deal with her and tried to sidestep her only to be blocked once more. Harry sneered at her and said "If you're so sure of my performance, I hope you used your hard earned money to place a bet on me and maybe increase your savings."

"But Harry?"

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say Miss Granger. It's all about the choices we make. You and your friends chose to not believe me and then made me an outcast. I have decided to return the favor and nothing you say to me will ever make a difference. A true friend wouldn't do that." Harry and Megan stepped around her and continued on leaving Hermione standing alone.

The words cut through her and she realized at that point that nothing she could say would ever change his opinion of her. She thought back to her short visit with her parents this morning and how they told her that Harry said that he knew her well to know that no one could ever make her do anything unless she wanted to. They made it quite clear that her excuses were not going to work with either him or them. Hermione knew she was falling in love with him at the end of last year.

When they reunited after summer holidays, she knew that he felt the same way and was giving him time to say something when the Goblet happened and she had thrown it away. It was his words that told her he was fully aware of her betrayal and there would be no going back. If one thing was obvious, Harry had moved on and was starting to thrive with his new friends and girlfriend.

Maybe it was time for her to do the same so she was now going to seriously consider taking her parents offer and finding a new school for next year. She only hoped that she would get accepted after news of her actions got out.


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