
Champions and Their Families

Harry snorted but whispered "Yeah, just look at the Gryffindors. They look like they just lost their best friend. I guess when the golden boy of Gryffindor would rather sit with Slytherins; they finally see how far they've fallen."

Tracey huffed in indignation. "I don't appreciate that."

Harry snorted "I wasn't talking about present company."

Daphne said "Still, there are some good people there that we should bring in once things settle down. They could help and it would give us a bigger power base. In fact, it might be best if you repaired some of your relationships in the Lion's den."

Cedric said "Merlin Daph, you sound like you want to overthrow the government."

Daphne smiled that evil smile of hers. "Overthrow is such a strong word. How about modernize and make more effective. The more people we have that think like us, the easier it will be."

Harry said "Listen, I'm just a dumb Quidditch player. I'll leave all the political intrigue up to you ladies."

Cedric said "Here! Here! We play Quidditch and then step in to look pretty when they need us. It definitely works for me."

Megan asked "So the future powerful Lords would step back and let their wives run the world?"

Harry replied "If they were as smart as you guys, definitely!"

As breakfast was coming to an end, Minerva stood and said "We have a special treat for the champions today and request they remain in the Great Hall as the other students go to class."

As the four Slytherins got up form the table, Daphne waved her wand and transformed their clothes into school robes. As she was about to leave, Cho laid her hand on her arm and said "The Chang family would like to formally join with the Potter coalition." Daphne shot a look to Megan who nodded.

"I'll tell my father today so that they can set up a meeting."

Harry and Megan waited for the hall to clear before they rose as Harry was going to walk her to class. He heard Minerva's voice call out "Mr. Potter, you are one of the champions. You are expected to attend as well."

"May I ask the nature of the event?"

"We have gathered your families to spend the day with you before you compete in the final task."

Harry turned and started walking out of the Great Hall. Minerva called out "Mr. Potter, may I ask where you are going?"

"Professor McGonagall, seeing as I have no family, I would prefer to escort my girlfriend to her class and then go prepare for the task."

"Nevertheless Mr. Potter, you have people waiting for you to spend the day with you. I'll ask again that you remain."

"I'll remain on one condition."

"And it is?"

"That Megan is excused from classes to join me."

"What ever for?"

"Because anyone who claims to be my family will more than likely just upset me and I need someone with me that will keep me calm. I would prefer to have my wits about me tonight when I have to participate in the third task."

She looked pensive for a minute and said "Very well Mr. Potter, Miss Jones is excused from classes for the day."


The champions were led into the antechamber of the Great Hall where the families of the champions were waiting. Viktor made his way to his family while Fleur ran over and was quickly wrapped in hugs by her sister before she moved on to her parents. Cedric approached his and Megan's parents who had Luna with them. After he greeted them, he hugged Luna and said "I was wondering where you were. I haven't seen you in forever."

"You've been busy and I found other stuff to do. I knew where to find you if I needed you."

They looked up to see Megan and Harry come in the room a few minutes later. Megan led him past the people who were waiting for him and straight over to her parents. "Daddy, Mum, this is Harry Potter. My boyfriend."

Kathleen didn't miss the way her daughter was dressed or the fact that she never let go of his hand. Reginald held out his hand and when Harry shook his, he said "It's a pleasure to meet you Lord Potter. I trust that you will be very careful with my little girl. She is very precious to me."

Harry smiled and said "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. Megan is precious to me as well so I will promise to do my best."

Kathleen held out her hand and Harry bent over it and brushed his lips across the back of it as he had been taught. When he rose, he said "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Jones. I can see where Megan gets her beauty from."

Kathleen chuckled and said "Oh, he's good Megan. You've taught him well. With all the work you've put into him, it's be a pity to let him go. Now, may I call you Harry? (He nodded.) Well then Harry, I'm Kathleen and the man standing beside me trying to look tough is Reginald." She turned and waved the Diggorys over where they went through introductions and Harry was once again asked to call the adults Amos and Celeste.

Amos and Reginald were talking with Harry who had Cedric and Megan standing beside him. Amis said "Cedric reported that you were doing quite well in your tutoring with them. We would hope that you will join us this summer so that we can continue your training. It would only be to better prepare you for the future."

"I would be most grateful Amos. It seems I was left woefully ignorant of my place in this world and…."

He was stopped as Molly Weasley grabbed his arm and spun him around. "Harry Potter, you will not ignore us like that. I raised you better than that so you will come over here right now and speak to your family this instant. And who is this little chippie that's holding on to you? I didn't give you permission to date anyone. Did you know my Ginny sits in her room crying most days because you refuse to talk to her anymore?"


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