
The Calm Before the Storm

It was finally the night before the third task and Harry had not been seen in public since the second task. The few who were in the know found it amusing to watch as the rumors and accusations flew all around the Wizarding world. The Daily Prophet reported that Viktor Krum was a predator in every sense of the word as it was revealed that Mandy Brocklehurst was indeed pregnant with his child and several others who were hoping they weren't in the same boat. It didn't take Hermione's brilliant mind to figure out what would have happened to her if she had actually went to the Yule Ball with Viktor. In a round about way, Harry had saved her once again. It had been quite a few months but every time she thought of Harry, she spiraled back into depression.

Whenever Cedric or Megan were asked whether he should be punished for what he did to Harry, they would just smile and say he would get everything he deserved during the third task. That led to further rumors that Harry Potter was going to return to Hogwarts seeking vengeance against those who had wronged him.

Harry, Megan, Daphne, Cedric, and Cho sat around in Harry's room relaxing before the big day. No one said to much as the weight of what faced them was sitting heavily on Harry and Cedric's shoulders. Megan was in Harry's lap and holding on tight to him as Cho was doing the same thing. Daphne finally asked "Are you two ready for this?"

They both nodded but Harry said "As ready as we're going to be. Tell your dad thanks for lending us those advanced offensive magic books. There's some nasty stuff in there but with the history of the tournament, we'll probably be facing the nastiest creature Hagrid can drag out of the forest not to mention everything else they throw at us."

"You can tell him yourself when it's over. Our families are coming to watch. Have you decided what you're going to do about Krum?"

They all shivered as the nastiest smile formed on Harry's face. "I'm a firm believer in taking care of your children. I don't think killing him will help the baby he put in Mandy but I do think he needs to be paid back. If he comes any where near me, I'm putting him down badly enough to where he can't continue. Cedric, I advise you to do the same thing. He'll be gunning for both of us."

Cho said "If it were me, I'd remove his bits so that he can't make any more babies. He's trying to deny that he got Mandy pregnant and is claiming she's just a little slag trying to latch onto his fame. She was a virgin until he got his hooks in her."

Harry smirked "We can't do something like that directly because he could come back and sue us for taking away his ability to produce an heir. However, we could arrange for him to have an accident with one of the creatures."

Daphne said "I'm impressed. You have taken our lessons to heart."

Harry laughed "Well between the punishment and reward system, it was hard not to."

Cho said "Oh, I've got to hear this. What did you do to him?"

Megan smiled brightly "Every correct answer earned him five minutes of snog time. If he got one wrong, he lost ten minutes. He worked very hard because the loss of minutes carried over to the next day."

Daphne smirked "Yes but if he answered every question correctly, Meg had to remove an article of clothing of his choice."

Cho started laughing while Cedric put his hands over his ears so that he didn't have to hear any more. As the conversation wound down, Harry asked "So what should I do tomorrow?"

Megan said "Tomorrow is show off my boyfriend day. We girls have a plan that will see you through to the beginning of the tournament with little trouble." Harry nodded and didn't catch the looks the others were casting at each other. If he was to know the truth, all four of his friends were nervous about what would happen as soon as Harry appeared.

It made them even more nervous because the champions usually had time with their families before the task and they had no idea who would show up for Harry. Megan recruited the whole Potter protection group to help and to keep Harry focused on the task instead of upset over what others may do or say to him.

As Poppy announced curfew, Dobby came in and popped Daphne down close to the Slytherin dorms. Cedric and Cho rose and looked at Megan expectantly. She remained in her spot beside Harry and said "I'm under Poppy's care tonight."

They both nodded in reply and left to spend a few minutes together before turning in for the night. That night would be special for both couples as they finally said the three words that they all wanted to hear. With a long but sweet and loving kiss, Megan wrapped her arms around Harry as he fell asleep. Cedric shared a long and passionate kiss with Cho that left them both breathless. Their hands lingered in each others until the portal finally closed and Cedric turned for his dorm. Thoughts of getting this damned tournament over with were foremost in his mind.


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