
Friends, Family, and Future Plans


Megan took his hand and said "It means that the pain has gone away because another bond took its place."

Harry smirked "Is that why you blasted Fleur in the middle of the Great Hall and have been terrorizing my former friends?"

"How did you know about that?"

"Poppy told me, she also said to not let you go because you reminded her of my Mum."

Cedric laughed. "That's not the real reason."

Megan laughed "Well let's tell this properly. Fleur came in and claimed that since you saved her that a debt was formed and that she would have to claim you as her mate to satisfy the debt. Well it pissed me off that she thought she could come in and take my Harry away from me. (Harry looked at Cedric and mouthed 'my Harry' to which he just got a grin in return.) So I told her that the best she could hope for was to say thank you and let it go at that because you would never be interested in someone like her."

Cedric laughed "Yeah then she said 'You love him don't you' and she stopped you cold. I think it was that moment that you realized how you felt about him."

Megan grinned "Well yeah but I did the stuff to your former friends just because they hurt you and I felt like being a bitch. Not that you would ever have to deal with that Harry."

Harry snorted "Remind me to let you read the letter from my mum sometime. It sounds like it may have been a trait the Potter men were attracted to."

Poppy looked back in on them when she heard them laughing and asked "What's got you so tickled?"

Harry asked "Was my grand mum a bitch?"

Poppy was shocked at the question at first and then said "Well, she could be."

Harry turned to Megan "Well there you go. Smart and bitchy, the Potter man's most sought after traits."

Cedric was about to fall out of his chair as Megan just sat there with her mouth hanging open. Harry quickly added "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention absolutely beautiful as well. We can't put up with the brains and the mouth unless we can zone out by staring at how hot they are."

Megan blushed at the compliment while Cedric finally fell out of his chair. Poppy let out a chuckle as she left the room saying something about "Just like Jamie."

When Megan was able to respond she asked "So every time you zone out on me, you're undressing me with your eyes?"

Harry feigned hurt but then grinned. "Of course not dear, I'm just mesmerized by your beauty. We're a little too young for me to be undressing you yet."

Megan stuttered out "Where did this Harry come from?"

Harry looked thoughtful for a minute before replying "I don't know. Maybe during our talk I realized that I had real friends around me for the first time. It also doesn't hurt that I have an awesome girlfriend that makes me happy."

She rewarded him with a kiss before Cedric said "We don't have a lot of time left so let's get back to business."

Cedric and Megan told him of the events in the castle since the second task and the reaction the article got from quite a few of the parents. They told of the hopeless looks on the faces of quite a few students and how every time they saw either of them, they looked up in hope that Harry was there but their eyes dropped when he wasn't. Harry was informed of Arthur's request and promised to consider it but wasn't inclined to accept anytime soon.

In the end, they discussed studying sessions and how they would proceed up until the third task. The first hour after dinner would be dedicated to teaching Harry wizarding culture and politics. Megan asked to bring Daphne into the loop for that part as her house had ancient status and would be a big help in the training. Harry finally agreed on the condition that a secrecy oath would have to be sworn to them at first and them to him once they met.

After that session, Harry said that they would dedicate the time before curfew to help Megan finish the fourth year material while he studied whatever they left him and the fifth year material during the day. Once Megan was ready, he would begin the fifth year material with her at an accelerated pace since it was just the two of them with Cedric tutoring whenever they ran into a stumbling block. They worked it out this way so that Cedric would be free to spend time with Cho as well as work on his own studies and prepare for the third task.

Cedric asked "When will you prepare for the task?"

"I've got all day while you guys are in class. Dobby can pop me somewhere he knows about where I can work on my spellwork without ever being seen. I know my reasons but I worry that this is going to be too much for you Megan. Are you sure you want to try and keep up with your current lessons and then also try to finish out this year and then go through next?"

"Yes, I can handle it Harry. Besides, we will have part of the summer to prepare so we should be fine."

"Okay but why?"

She gave him a shy grin and said "I have my reasons. Why don't we leave it at that?"

"Okay, if you're sure."

"Yeah, I'm sure Harry."


The first lesson was held the following Monday evening and included Daphne who jumped at the opportunity. The first night, she could see that her thoughts were correct and Harry had chosen Megan. She might have suffered a moment of disappointment but could clearly see that they were well matched and shared a lot of affection for each other that would only deepen over time.

The Harry Potter she met that night was completely different than the one she shared classes with these last few years. His intelligence and comprehension was at the level that was only shared by a few in their year and luckily for Harry, Megan was one of these individuals. Whenever Harry was having a hard time with something, she would explain it in terms he could better understand. In most cases, the difficulties didn't come from his lack of being able to grasp the subject but from his different point of view and way of looking at things. Daphne's earlier hopes that Harry would be a force for good in their world soared when she saw the two of them work together and the way they worked seamlessly with each other pointed to the legendary Potter bond. She could only hope that she would be as lucky as Megan when she found her life partner.

Another thing she noticed about Harry was how relaxed and open he was compared to earlier years and especially earlier this year. It was evident that they brought out the best in each other because Megan was more open and friendlier than she had been in years. Daphne had known Megan ever since they were little as their mothers were friends during school. It was evident that Harry filled a hole that had remained in Megan's heart ever since the loss of Michael and for that she was thankful that her friend could be happy again. As Daphne watched, she could see how Harry could fill that hole as he was Megan's best friend and so much more.


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