
Messages from Lily

Harry did everything Dobby said and then nervously reached for the letter. Once he opened it he saw:

My Dearest Harry,

If you are reading this then I didn't survive the war. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there as you grew up but know that I am always with you. You, my precious baby boy, were the light of your father's and my eyes. When you entered our lives, you brought so much joy and happiness. If we died protecting you and you are still alive, then it was worth it as you are the most important thing in our lives and we love you dearly.

Now that all that has been said, we need to get to the harsh realities that surround us. Don't trust anyone without a sworn oath to never betray you. Albus has shown too keen an interest in you and I don't like what that means. While your father trusted him, I DO NOT!

After much arguing, I finally agreed to let Albus cast a Fidelis charm over the cottage to hide you better but know that Peter Pettigrew was our secret keeper instead of Sirius Black. Your father thought it would be the greatest prank to have everyone chasing after your godfather. I honestly don't think he will ever grow up even with the responsibility of having you in our lives.

The second envelope carries a certified copy of our wills. Even though your father says they are the best, I don't trust the Goblins and won't keep all my eggs in one basket. There is already an account under mine and your names with the Gnomes of Switzerland and as such, they have a copy of our wills. If we are gone and Albus got his hooks in you, use the wills to break free. We also left instructions to emancipate you so do what you feel is best for yourself but know that as soon as you do, Albus will know about it.

The account with the Gnomes holds the proceeds from some investments I've made. It was growing rapidly before we went into hiding and should be enough to take care of you until you gain control over the Potter accounts. If you don't already know this, the Potters were a very old and wealthy family. As such, when you are of age to marry, be very careful who you tie yourself to. Most know of the wealth of the Potters and would do anything to lay their hands on it. The Potters also have a lot of political influence and it will be up to Sirius to teach you what you need to know. If he doesn't, you have my permission to neuter the mangy cur.

Another thing you need to know is that your heritage as Potter goes much deeper than most people realize. Even with the convoluted mess that purebloods have made of their ancestry, you are the last living descendent of Godric Gryffindor and the Peverells. If you claim this inheritance, you will be allowed access to magic that has not been seen in centuries. The knowledge they held may be just what you need to give you an edge.

I'm sure that you've heard stories about me and your father but don't believe everything you hear. I loved your father dearly but he could be a right prat most of the time and more often than not, he was an ass to people which didn't endear him to a lot of people. If you were lucky enough to get past that exterior, you couldn't find a more caring and loving man at least I know I couldn't.

Now, as you know, I'm a redhead and as such, I have a temper. Most days I'm a bitch but that just comes from being surrounded by Marauders most of the time. I guess what I'm trying to say is….don't be a doormat and let people walk over you. Be your own man. Be a Potter. Life is what YOU make it, not what other try and make for you.

I Love You,


Harry sat there for a few minutes before reaching for the other envelope. Once he opened it and started reading, he grew furious at blatant disregard of his parents' wishes. He read the list of names that were to take care of him and grew sad that almost all of them had either been incapacitated or were under Dumbledore's thumb. He sat back thinking about it and started coming up with a way to make them pay for what they had done to him.

The only problem he saw was that he would have to wait until he turned fifteen which was the date specified in the will for him to be rid of his controllers. He also realized that he wouldn't have to wait the more than two years to get control over his family's holdings and was thankful that his mother had the foresight to give him other options for the time being. Until then, he would have to continue to do as he had been and just marginalize their influence.


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