
Chapter 82

"Where are you going?"

However, before she could take a step more, Sir Gusion grabbed her forearm.

"To have a better look at it and to identify it?"

She tried wriggling her arm free but it only tightened.

"We're wasting time. Can you let go of me now?"

"I'll go with you."

"What? Obviously not! You stay here and wait for my command."

"Mind you, my mentor also assigned me as a leader."

"What? Professor Orion's gone mad! How could he assign two leaders in a mission?"

"Now you know. Now, let's go."

"Wait Sir Gus-!"

The moment she felt her arm lightened, she quickly turned back but Sir Gusion was already gone.

The mercenaries only pointed out towards where the shadow is. I only sighed and quickly went towards it.

"I can't believe he's a pain in the @ss."

As she approached him in the back, she almost puke at him. Thankfully, he quickly cast a spell on me so that I can no longer smell the foul odor.

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