
Facing a Kraken.

Continuing where we left off

I am now aboard the Straw Hats' ship and we are on our way to Fishmen territory. To get there we have to go to the bottom of the sea.

During the trip I saw how beautiful the senario is underwater and the straw hats also think the same, we saw giant fish and sea animals.

- Oh fish! - said Luffy, jumping off the ship and grabbing the safety bubble. - I think I can catch it! - Said Luffy pulling the bubble.

- The fish here also look delicious. - Zoro said, taking out his katana.

Soon after, Usopp and Chopper beat up their idiot friends.

- Stop it you idiots!!! - Usopp shouted.

- What if the bubble bursts?! Do that again and I'll kill you! - Shouted Chopper.

- Are you the navigator here? Your name is Nami, isn't it? I suggest saying things about the bubble soon before these idiots do it again. -I say this, taking Nami by surprise to see me talking to her. It seems like she's a little scared of me.

- Y-You're right Saito-kun. Yup! Ok guys, Mr Rayleigh gave me the instructions. Everyone listen.... - Nami said, turning to us and with a smile, but this immediately caused a reaction from Sanji.

- She moves! A real woman! - Sanji shouted, having a nasal explosion that made him fly like a rocket and he started to get stuck in the bubble.

Luffy, Chopper, Usopp:SANJI!!!!!

- It's going to explode, it's going to explode, it's going to explode!!! - Shouted Chopper scared.

- How can a bloody nose give you so much momentum?! - I say this shocked to see Sanji accomplishing such a feat.

By the power of Sanji's blood, he made a hole in the bubble that made him enter the sea, taking everyone by surprise.

Luffy, Chopper, Usopp:SANJI IS IN THE OPEN SEA!!!!!

- Fascinating. The bubble does not burst even under the enormous pressure of these deep waters, and it is still possible to pass through it. - Robin comments that he has no change in emotion when he sees Sanji drowned.

- Robin... You..... Have a.... "Unique" way of analyzing things. - I say this not wanting to be literal.

- Thank you, Saito. - Robin said, taking it as a compliment.

💭She didn't understand what I meant....

Luffy managed to bring Sanji back to the ship and Chopper already started working and he brought 9 bags of blood, Zoro and I were surprised by the amount of blood bags.

- What happened to you, Sanji?! It seems that you are more vulnerable to women! - Usopp said worriedly.

- You're not like that! - shouted Chopper.

- Poor thing.... What has womanizer Sanji been through these last two years? - Brook asked and I whistle knowing what happened.

💭 He spent the years in hell.....

-If he continues like this he will die of a nosebleed when he meets the mermaids he wants to see so much. That worries me. - Said Brook

- Do fish men and mermaids have the same blood type as humans? - Said Chopper and I hold back a laugh knowing what's going to happen to Sanji.

With that, Nami explains that the bubble won't burst with just a simple hole as it is very resistant and elastic.

The problem is if there are too many holes or if a big fish bites the ship, this makes Chopper and Usopp scared.

With Sanji unconscious, Luffy and I decided to use our food backpacks to serve as a snack for everyone. Hours later we were talking and Franky talked about Kuma keeping Sunny safe from the navy until Franky arrived. When this matter ended, Nami was staring at me for some reason.

- What is it, Nami? Did you see something beautiful in me Nami? - I say this jokingly and Nami blushed a little, but I can still see that she is not comfortable with me.

- No! It's not that. I just noticed that you are wearing a very beautiful necklace, it must have cost a lot of money. - Nami said and I notice that she is looking at the necklace I got from Vivi.

- Oh! I got a necklace from someone you guys. Her name is Vivi. - I say this taking everyone except Luffy and Robin by surprise.

- Did you meet Vivi?! - Chopper said, happy to hear about his old friend.

- How is she? Didn't we hear about her after we left Alabasta? - Usopp asks.

- She's fine, I guarantee it, she just misses you guys a lot. - I say that.

- Saito went there to buy a sword but he ended up saving Vivi in the process. - Luffy said while he was eating.

- Was Vivi-chan in danger?! - Sanji said, waking up immediately.

Usopp, Chopper: SANJI WOKE UP?!

I explained to them what happened in Alabasta, but I didn't say what I did with the enemy pirates, I also didn't mention my meeting with Smoker and Tashigi, nor our bath together and the kiss.

- Incredible. It's no wonder you're a Yonko. - Said Chopper.

- I'm relieved that Vivi didn't suffer too much. - Usopp said.

- What a romantic story... A princess in danger who was saved by a companion and as a reward she gives something so she won't forget her. - Said Brook making a song.

- That's unfair! It's unfair!!! - Sanji said crying in the corner.

- I'm surprised that Vivi became so close to you so quickly. You didn't do anything to her, did you? - Nami asks suspiciously.

- No! Nothing happened. Hahahahah..... - I say this getting a little nervous and Nami didn't believe what I said.

Our conversation is interrupted when Usopp sees an enemy pirate ship approaching us very quickly. The ship is being taken by a sea monster that Luffy found in Arlong Park.

💭What's this guy's name? Momona? Muvaca? Damn I actually forgot.

The enemy ship kept colliding with the Sunny until their captain entered our ship, but the moment he sent his men to invade the sea monster he ended up running away in fear of Luffy and Sanji, leaving the captain without his crew.

It turned out that Franky quickly immobilized the enemy who immediately started acting like a chicken when he saw me and Zoro. He tried to invent false stories to deceive us, the only person he believed was Chopper.

- Hey, where did you find the sea cow that was pulling your ship? - Nami asks and the enemy captain smiles when he sees her.

- There's the cutest of the bunch! You're the cat, aren't you? - The Captain asks and then receives a kick in the face from Sanji

- Stop looking at our navigator like that! Nami-san, you're okay now! - Said Sanji looking at Nami and immediately he had another nasal explosion.

- This is already getting annoying! - Usopp shouted.

After that Zoro tied the invader using a rope and Nami said that we will head southeast to avoid the volcanoes in the sea, this left Chopper shaking with fear.

Damn, I should have remembered to buy a coat. Now, I'm going to be freezing here. - Nami said and she sees me taking off my long coat and giving it to her.

- Why are you giving me your coat? - Nami asks confused.

- Well, I don't mind the cold too much, after all I've been to a place that only had ice to kill a monster and I've already taken a sauna bath in a volcano with my father a few times. - I say this leaving Nami in shock.

- Don't say that as if it were something normal! - Nami shouted angrily and I looked at her confused.

- But it's normal.... - I answer.

- It's not normal at all, you idiot! No human being can bathe in a volcano! - Said Nami.

- If you say so. Will you accept the coat or would you prefer to stay on the cold? - I say that, returning to the subject and Nami takes my coat mumbling something I didn't hear.

💭 She and Vivi are similar in terms of bad mood....

Nami warns everyone to wear a coat to prepare for the cold and Zoro had just arrested the invader.

- It's really getting cold, you can already feel it on your skin. Oh, but I don't... - I interrupt Brook.

- You are a skeleton, you have no skin. - I say this and Brook falls to his knees with depression.

- Saito-san, don't do that.... Don't steal my lines. - Brook said, looking sad.

- Sorry... - I respond.

Hours later Brook started talking about ghost stories and old legends that only scared Usopp and Chopper, soon after Nami started explaining about the sea currents that we are going to face, but almost no one paid attention.

Saito/Luffy/Chopper/Zoro/Usopp:Chains are a very mysterious high.....

Nami: You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?!

Brook:Yohohohoho.....  Do you want to sing, Saito-san?

Saito: Ok....

Nami:Don't listen to him!

At that same moment Sunny starts to be pulled by the current that Nami mentioned and when we are getting very deep we see a giant octopus waiting for us.

Chopper and Usopp were immediately scared and Luffy had the idea of taming the creature. This took everyone by surprise except me and I agreed to help him, Zoro and Sanji also agreed to face the Kraken.

The only problem is the fact that there was no way to face the beast without protection against the water, luckily the invader helps us using a bubble that allows us to walk in the water.

Nami ties me, Zoro, Luffy and Sanji so we don't get lost, but the 4 of us remove the ropes.

- Wait! You need to tie yourselves to the ropes! So you don't separate! - Said Nami, but we already left the ship to do what she said.

-  Nami-san is worried about me! - Said Sanji and then blood came out of his nose.

- Guys! Destroy him for me.... I'll defeat him with just one punch! - Said Luffy.

- Hey Luffy! Don't steal my phrases! - I say that.

- I can cut it in an instant. - Said Zoro.

- You and Saito,can't cut him! We're going to use him as a pet! - Said Luffy.

The Kraken attacks the Sunny, however Franky manages to stop a tentacle shooting missiles, but another one attacks and Chopper holds the attack, but he didn't avoid the ship if it was thrown towards the rocks, luckily Robin creates giant hands that prevent this accident.

With that Luffy tries to use his third gear, but he forgot that his arm is in the sea, so he was paralyzed.

Sanji saw this and came out of the bubble using Sky walk and practically grilled the Kraken's tentacle like a barbecue.

💭Hmmm good smell of grilled octopus.

However, Sanji did not expect to have another tentacle heading towards him, but Zoro is nearby and cut the tentacle into many pieces.

- Tch! How unnecessary. - Sanji said angrily.

- Did you say something, seventh? - Zoro provokes.

- I'm going to fuck you up, you piece of shit!

- Said Sanji

- Come on,simp. - Zoro responds.

- Zoro, Sanji! Get out of my way! Now it's my turn! - I shout this and use Sky walk to get out of the bubble and when I get close to the Kraken I prepare to punch the sea.

- Texas Smash!!! - I shout this and a wave of air hits the Kraken straight on, leaving him unconscious immediately afterwards.

- Hey, Saito! It was my turn! - Luffy shouted.

- You took too long, Luffy, better luck next time. - I say this already being back inside the bubble.

After the fight, a shark came out of the Octopus and came towards us and thanked us for saving him and then the shark swims deeper into the sea, but there wasn't time for us to go back to the Sunny because the current was too strong and starts to pull us all.

- Not this one! The current is pulling us! - Sanji said.

- I can't control my balance. - Said Zoro.

- This is so much fun!!! Hahahahahaha.... - Luffy said happily.

💭Tch it seems like I have no choice....

I use Sky Walk again and grab Zoro, Sanji and Luffy and throw the trio towards Sanny and then return to my bubble.

- Saito! - Shouted Luffy who already entered the Sunny.

- Don't worry guys! I'll be fine. - I say this by falling deeper into the sea along with the Kraken.

To be continued...

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