
Chapter Two Hundred and Eight

Farmland. Volina.

"This wasn't much of a conquest" I commented.

Volina was a farming world populated by a population of humans in the tens of thousands who were scattered around their world as they worked on farms, growing massive amounts of food for themselves and the Aschen Confederation, or at least they had done until SG-1 had come along, screwing up the state of affairs around here. They were very good at that.

Originally the Volians were a peaceful and productive urban society of millions who had reached Earth's early twentieth century ivia their own industrial revolution. Their written language was similar to an ancient Celtic text at least according to the information shared with us by the SGC who did at least inform us of some of the worlds out here in great detail.

About 200 years ago, they were struck with their equivalent of the influenza pandemic. Then the Aschen arrived by ships, offered a vaccine and invited them into their confederation. The Aschen may have been the ones to infect them in the first place as to win the gratitude of an entire world. The end result was that the Volians were immensely grateful to these heroes and this began a friendship of sorts that lasted many years.

An unspecified Aschen drug, administered to the entire population (perhaps the flu vaccine, or something else like the life-extending vaccine they gave to Earth in another timeline), caused the majority of the population to become sterile. When the Volians realized what the Aschen had done to them, the people of this world began to riot and then civilization fell apart.

Years later the Aschen covered the urban areas in soil for farming and made certain no Volian remembered the truth about his or her people's history. Well they weren't directly enslaved by the Aschen they might as well have been since their entire population worked on the farms. Sure they fed themselves, and clothed themselves too, but they had no weapons, no medical support, no education beyond apprenticeships, and no defences.

They were helpless to the point that when Lady-General Gwynenya Ionael sent troops here as part of a scouting party the Imperial Guard ended up somehow conquering the planet despite them having come here just to look around.

"So they gave us rulership of their world?" I asked the Imperial Guard General.

These people are entirely ignorant of the malice the Aschen had directed toward the Volian people, or that they'd once had cities of their own, and without the Aschen they were having trouble functioning as a society.

"Yes my lord" the Lady-General confirmed "There are a few matters for me to handle here before the world can be considered compliant".

While none of the locals had seen any of the Aschen for years and therefore had no information on how they were doing there was some evidence that the advanced humans had suffered a great loss. This was shown by the technology that they had left behind.

A number of tech-priests were inspecting the massive anti-gravity barge built by the Aschen, which were designed to collect and store crops obtained from the farming lands of Aschen-controlled planets. When active the Harvesters would gather the crops, and then transport them to the Stargate which would then be opened to reach the Aschen homeworld or maybe one of the other Confederation planets.

The gate on Aschen farm planets such as Volia, assuming that there were more one such worlds, is attached to a portable, multi-directional platform, which the ship can activate to automatically lay the Stargate flat. The Harvester then dials the gate remotely, and dumps the crop through the event horizon. A very clever design.

The Aschen might utilize hundreds of Harvesters on any given world, though they are used for more than collecting grain. Aboard each ship is at least one conference chamber suitable for conducting meetings, such as negotiations. The vessel is also equipped with an Aschen matter transporter, by which individuals may come and go while the ship is in flight.

These Harvesters are even capable of launching Aschen bio-weapons through the same dorsal orifice by which goods are sent through the Stargate.

The barges had stopped working some time ago according to the locals the scouts had questioned. For a time they just floated around the gate with their holds full of crops until one by one they dropped to the ground as they ran out of power. The native farmers had cleaned out the barges and then left them alone in case the Aschen ever came back.

Given that the more advanced humans hadn't returned, that meant the food here was no longer required because there were far fewer mouths to feed or they'd found some other way of feeding their people. Somehow I didn't think that it was the latter.

"Even without Stargates these barges could be useful on farming planets back in the Imperium" I commented.

Assuming that the Ad-Mech didn't employ them for some other task.

The only other bit of technology my followers had been able to find was a platform and pedestal which allows instantaneous transport to different locations on a planet that are significant distances apart.

Judging by the size of the pad a few people can be teleported at a time. I figured that a user interfaces with the pedestal, locking in the desired coordinates. Immediately after, bright light envelopes the travellers and projects them to the intended location.

Like the barges these devices had stopped working, but that wasn't stopping the cyborgs from taking great interest in the technology.

The tech wasn't the only concern here. There were some other matters to deal with such as securing the Stargate, deciding where the garrison would be built, and this world would need a centre of government along with a large hospital so that the farmers could be provided with the medical care they'd been promised in exchange for accepting Imperial rule.

However that was for the Lady-General to concern herself with since this was her conquest, or more likely she'd do what I would and pass the job on to some who was better qualified for such work.

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