
His Majesty the Emperor's invitation

The German army's major counteroffensive began on September 21st and ended on September 22nd.

All the positions that had been voluntarily abandoned before were restored, and the front was tenaciously advanced by three kilometers. Although not much, it shows the determination of the German army to defend the Somme River!

Wang Weiyi's third company performed very well in this battle. Not only did they restore positions B and G one after another, but they also assisted the neighboring troops to restore a position.

Adolf Hitler killed three enemies in this counterattack, which was a remarkable achievement.

However, the Third Company did not think much of these achievements. When they heard that Lieutenant Ernst Brahm was still alive and had created so many miracles, the ecstasy of the entire company was beyond words. Expressed.

Especially after Lieutenant Ernst Brahm returned to the company, the entire company almost went crazy.

Cheers of "Hey, Ernst" resounded throughout the company, and Adolf Hitler was even moved to tears.

"Look, what am I talking about? Lieutenant Ernst Brahm will definitely not die. No one can kill Lieutenant Ernst." Hitler repeatedly said the same words to his companions.

Looking at Hitler's appearance, Wang Weiyi felt a little moved in his heart. Is this really the future head of the empire in his memory?

Sergeant Hall was a little ashamed. He came to Wang Weiyi and expressed his deep apology. But what pleased him was that Wang Weiyi didn't seem to care about the things he did:

"Sergeant, you did a great job. Obeying orders is always what a soldier should do. If I were you, I think I would make the same choice."

Sergeant Hall quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, although he does not regret the decision he made, he still feels guilty after all. Lieutenant Ernst Brahm's prestige in the Third Company, the entire Second Army, and the entire German army was really too high. If one doesn't do it well, he may even become a public enemy.

It's very simple, as long as Lieutenant Ernst Brahm expresses his anger towards himself...

Wang Weiyi didn't say anything more to Hall. Although Hall did nothing wrong, the feeling of being abandoned was not that easy, so he couldn't help but feel some distance from Hall in his heart.

"This damn Jew." When Hall left, Hitler couldn't help but cursed: "Lieutenant, you really shouldn't pay attention to such a person, just find an excuse to transfer him."

Wang Weiyi smiled and avoided the question: "Adolf, I heard that you were very brave in this battle?"

Hearing the lieutenant's praise, Hitler straightened his chest and said proudly: "Yes, lieutenant, I killed three enemies. No reason, because I know that every additional enemy killed will relieve you of some pressure!"

Wang Weiyi smiled slightly, these words were really touching.

"Hey, Lieutenant, it's great to have you back!" Bunkerelei appeared in front of Wang Weiyi with excitement on his face: "To be honest, we all thought you were dead, but then we heard that you killed so many people. British people, this is incredible. You have to tell me honestly, is this all true?"

Wang Weiyi did not answer directly, but pulled Guo Yunfeng, who was silent on the side, to his side: "I didn't do this alone, he also helped me a lot."

"Ah, our brave Chinese friends!" Before Bunkerre could speak, Steck had exclaimed exaggeratedly: "From now on, you can get rid of the abominable labor status given to you by the British. You will One of us, yes, one of the Third Company."

Guo Yunfeng didn't say a word. Anyway, he didn't understand a word of what those Germans were saying, but he seemed to be praising himself...

In the next few days, the war situation stabilized. No one had the strength to launch a large-scale attack for the time being, and only sporadic battles were carried out every day.

But what is strange is that the award for Wang Weiyi has never been issued.

Have they forgotten the miracle created by Lieutenant Ernst Brahm in such a short period of time?

Even though the Germans don't attach much importance to awards, it is never pleasant to be forgotten.

A small-scale attack launched by the British before the position was repelled, and the peaceful life made people feel bored. While Wang Weiyi was looking ahead, Xiao Ling's voice sounded in his ears:

"Rambler, I just showed here that the mission of holding position B is completed."

Wang Weiyi was stunned for a moment. The mission of holding position B was completed? Ah, yes, position B was indeed lost, but it was quickly recaptured.

Maybe the mission the base gave itself was to keep position B firmly in its hands before the deadline, rather than caring about the method?

Xiaoling's words are not over yet:

"The base's self-renovation and upgrade completion rate is 2%... The first phase of the 'Soarer Mission' is completed, and you will receive new reinforcements... But what the reinforcements are, I don't seem to show here. ....."

Wang Weiyi's mentality was very calm at this time. There is no need to think about what the hell the "Soarer Mission" is. Anyway, maybe you will know it in the end.

reinforce? Reinforcements are a good thing. It was with the reinforcements of those three tanks that I achieved the miracle of the Somme. It would be quite good if there were more powerful reinforcements this time.

"Lieutenant Ernst Brahm."

Major Deng Xiwei suddenly appeared in the position and interrupted Wang Weiyi's thoughts.

He quickly stood up, and then he discovered that there was an army major general standing next to Major Dunsiwei. A general appears here, why?

"This is General von Ertz."

"Hello, general."

General Ertz nodded with a serious face: "Lieutenant Ernst Brahm, on behalf of His Majesty the Holy German Emperor, I extend an invitation to you. Please attend His Majesty the Emperor's ceremony for Joachim at the Prussian Palace in Berlin next month. A feast held by His Royal Highness."

What? A feast given by His Majesty the Emperor? Invite yourself? Wang Weiyi felt a little confused after hearing this.

Did you hear it wrong? The emperor extended an invitation to a small lieutenant who was not a nobleman?

"You can bring two companions with you." General Ertz's face was still so stern: "Major Dunxiwei has prepared transportation for you. Of course, you can also refuse this invitation and you will not be blamed by His Majesty the Emperor. "

reject? Only a fool would refuse such an invitation!

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