
035 I don't want you to leave (first update)


Li Xianyun ceased to speak, instead silently gazing at the beautiful night sky.

Next to the moon was a ring of pure white halo, quite lovely to behold, and as she looked at the vast, boundless night sky, Li Xianyun felt an unparalleled sense of comfort.

A gentle breeze came by, feeling very soothing on her skin, giving her an almost forgetful sense of what night it was.

Time passed without knowing how long, and as the night grew deeper and the air colder, Yelu Yan, afraid that Li Xianyun might catch cold, opened his mouth to ask, "Are you cold?"

After a long moment without a response, Yelu Yan sat up and saw that Li Xianyun had actually closed her eyes and fallen asleep.

Her breathing was even, a faint smile on her lips, serene and beautiful.

Yelu Yan couldn't help the upward curve of his mouth, gazed at her for a moment, moved closer, picked up the cloak beside her, wrapped her up gently, and then lifted her into his arms.

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