
Chapter 44 Offer accepted

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When the lid of the coffin in front of him was opened by John, Draco was struggling inside in horror, and Draco, who was so frightened that he had runny nose and burst into tears, felt as if he was about to suffocate and suddenly got some fresh air.

Breathing heavily.

John sat aside with an innocent face.

"Malfoy, why did you walk into the coffin for no reason? Aren't you worried about being hit by the lid of the coffin?"

Draco was dragged out of the coffin by Goyle and Crabbe.

His long blond hair, which had always been meticulously combed, now became messy.

Seeing John was like seeing a demon.

"You were the one who pushed me just now! Otherwise I wouldn't have walked into the coffin by myself!"

John even showed his hands innocently.

"Malfoy, please at least provide enough evidence when speaking. You know, everyone saw it. I was even standing in front of you, and the coffin was between you and me. I pushed you?"

"Haha, Malfoy, do you think I'm easy to bully?"

When he saw John's face suddenly turned cold, and he directly took out his wand.

Draco, who originally wanted to defend himself, turned pale instantly and hurriedly backed away.

And that's about it.

Professor McGonagall's angry voice could already be heard.

"Mr. Constantine, immediately, immediately, now, put away your wand!"

"You will never take out your wand in my Transfiguration class without my permission in the future!"

Professor McGonagall watched with a headache as John obediently put the coffin in front of him and returned to the desk, and then watched him put away his wand honestly.

But there was absolutely nothing else he could do at this moment.

The topic of today's transfiguration class is "Transform the desk into other objects of similar size, the more beautiful the better".


Under circumstances that no one expected.

Professor McGonagall ordered him not to sit with Miss Know-it-all in the Transfiguration class, but he turned around and sat directly among the Slytherin snakes, and luckily chose John next to Draco.

The table in front of them was transformed into a coffin with exquisite patterns and linings, and even the emblem of the Malfoy family...

Seeing Draco who was so frightened that he was about to cry, Professor McGonagall looked around at the rest of the classroom with a headache.

At this moment, this small Transfiguration classroom was already full of little wizards. The only seat was on the little lion's side. Look at the empty seat, one on the left and one on the right.

Harry and Ronald are like door gods.

Based on their relationship with John, if Draco were allowed to sit in that position, there would be no need to continue today's Transfiguration class.

But look at Draco, who is obviously unwilling to return to his original position, sitting at the same table with John, no matter what.

Professor McGonagall finally sighed.

"John Constantine, return to your place!"

So far.

After Draco Malfoy enjoyed John's "wizard robes turned into funeral suits", "quills turned into mourning white flowers", "white paper turned into a black and white portrait of himself" and "desk turned into a Malfoy family coffin".

Under the fearful and angry gazes of all the draco, John returned to his Miss Know-It-All.

"John, you are so awesome. I think that guy is about to pee his pants!"

"Hahaha, I hate Malfoy too, he is always so self-righteous..."

Different from the excitement and excitement of the two younger brothers Harry and Ronald.

Miss Know-It-All, whose shoulders were once again occupied by John's palm, was worried.

"John, didn't you say that Malfoy's father is the school governor of Hogwarts? He won't..."

"Of course he will!"

John nodded without hesitation, but there was no trace of worry or fear on his face.

The twenty-eight pure-blood clans, a group of people who, apart from a little money and the ancestral home assets of the wizard world, do not even have any truly exclusive inheritance of wizarding spells or special abilities.

How dare he call himself a "wizard noble".

John turned back and glanced lightly at Malfoy, who had just sat down. The latter's body couldn't help but tense up instantly.

Today, he has already been deeply imprinted with a fear of John Constantine because of the Transfiguration classes these days.

Professor McGonagall has just announced the end of class.

Malfoy and his two younger brothers were the first to rush out of the classroom door, as if escaping from the cage of a beast.

Dinner time at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall was looking troubled, and in a voice that only two people could hear, she was telling Dumbledore what happened while he was away from school.

Especially when it comes to John.

"Albus, I have to admit that I was definitely deceived by Constantine. He...he alone is as good as the two Weasley twins!"

Dumbledore smiled faintly and glanced at the Gryffindor table.

His eyes first lingered on John for a moment, and then he nodded secretly after seeing Harry, who was obviously much more confident than before.

There is indeed something that John deliberately conceals, and he naturally knows this.

But there is Snape as John's potions teacher, as a supervisor and teacher, and at the same time, the other person is a person with the Patronus Charm.

Dumbledore wasn't worried about the damage John might do to Hogwarts.

While Dumbledore was comforting Professor McGonagall, a flapping sound of wings suddenly came from outside.

Then an owl with a letter in its mouth flew directly to the Gryffindor dining table.

When the letter fell into John's hands, the little wizards around him couldn't help but look at it curiously.

"John, didn't you say that you are the only one in your family? Who gave you this letter?"

John looked in the direction of the Hermione, but the latter quietly left the restaurant without knowing when.

However, when he opened the waterproof wrapping on the envelope, he saw the logo of "St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies" printed on the envelope.

A glimmer of expectation could not help but shine in his eyes.

"St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies

Dean: Jonathan Bohan (UK Director of the International Federation of Magic, Level 2 Magician of the Order of Merlin)

Dear Mr. John Constantine, we have received your letter and the potion that came with it. In view of the recommendation of your teacher, Professor Severus Snape, we have carefully identified the potion..."

The little witch came over curiously. Since she didn't carry John behind her back when she received the letter from her parents, she didn't have any scruples, but the next moment.

"What?! 50,000 gold ?!"


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