

As they had 3 hours, and since he had done nothing at all, Jack just decided to look at other people's matches. At first, Dustin was watching too, but he left soon, saying he had to use the bathroom, leaving Jack and Hana in the room. Oh yeah, Toki hasn't come back yet.


He wondered what that idiot was doing. At first, Hana wasn't interested in watching the other fights, but sooner or later she started watching too. He only had one issue: just how much did this woman smoke? How did she even get that many cigarettes? He sighed. It's not like he never smoked, but this was too much even for him.


He focused back on the fights; most of them were boring, but there were some he was actually interested in. There was a guy who raised skeletons from the ground. Perhaps a necromancer; there was a guy using actual guns. That was just unfair against normal people without armor. There was also a dude just straight up throwing hands without using any weapon; he reminded Jack of a monk class from D&D. Too bad he couldn't use his identification skills through the screen.


Just as he and Hana were watching, there was too much smoke in the room, and as he sighed and spoke, "Do you mind?" She looked at him, confused for a second, then realized she was looking at the room. "Sorry, I didn't realize," she said, taking out the cigarette and crushing it as he sighed.

"It's fine," he said, feeling a bit awkward as he used the toki way. "So what did you used to do before this mess?"

"I was a chef and a waiter before that," she said, feeling a bit weirded out by Jack trying to talk out of nowhere. She just kept her guard up.

"Oh, I see,that's nice," he said, thinking back to it. He mostly just ordered take-out or instant noodles. He wasn't a great cook to begin with.

"Not really. I had to earn a living for me and my two brothers, so I just did whatever job was available," she said, retaliating to Jack and calling it nice; her life had been anything but nice before that. This almost felt relaxing.

"Oh," he said, realizing the situation with her brothers. They were mostly dead by now, so he had accidentally stepped on a bad nerve. "Sorry about your brothers."

"It's fine. We were all adopted either way," she said without even realizing she took out another cigarette and lit it, but Jack spoke nothing now. "My parents died in a car crash when I was 10. I lived in an orphanage until my two brothers and I were adopted by an elderly couple. After they passed away, my little brother's responsibility is on me, or was it, i guess," she said, blowing a puff of smoke.


"I see," he could honestly understand as he sighed and spoke. "I never knew my dad, for better or worse. My mom? I wish I didn't know her. She tried to sell me off in order to make up for her loss in gambling. If it wasn't for my grandpa, I was done. He gave me everything . I am who I am because of him." 


Hana listened quietly, understanding his situation, and they both sighed. Suddenly, he heard Hana chuckle—something he did not expect he'd ever see. He looked at her with a confused look. She realized this and spoke back.

"Sorry, I just realized... there is a whole race being ruled by Toki." He looked at her with a horrified face.

"Oh, poor guys," he said as he chuckled as well. They both laughed for a bit, but then it went silent. They didn't talk but looked at the screen. It was quiet—too quiet. 


Suddenly, they could hear noises from the hallway. Both of them just thought it was probably some idiot. 

"Toki!! "They both said it at the same time as they rushed out at the same time. Seeing toki all up in the face of another guy who had toki grabbed by his collar. 


"Hey, come on, dude, it wasn't that big of a deal," Toki said to the man holding him. 

"You bumped into me on purpose, you shithead," the man retorted back as he clenched his fist.


Both Jack and Hana rushed towards the man and Toki. Before Jack could say anything, Hana grabbed Toki away from that guy holding him by his collar. As he was hanging mid-air, he looked at them. "Oh, hey guys, what are you doing here? The bathroom's that way, by the way."


Jack honestly thought they really had to save this guy, but there was not much of an option here, as he sighed. 

"Are you shidiots, his teammates?" The man asked. The man had somewhat of a bulky body and seemed more fit than even Jack, who spent six months honing his body. "That guy bumped into me, which caused me discomfort. So either you can pay up with 2000 merits or I'll beat the shit out of him." 

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