


" Is there any limit to the wishes i can ask for ?"

ROB" Hmm . Since I was the one who brought you to my domain as a form of entertainment the i will do you a favor and i will allow you to ask for two op wishes or five normal wishes "

ARTHUR "What's the difference ?"

ROB "Hmm think of it like this , OP wishes means that you wish range can be from the lowest that is F Rank to the highest i.e. EX+ rank or even beyond that EX++ Rank. Normal wishes will range from F rank to A+ rank. "

Arthur " Is it not just one level of difference between the ranks?"

ROB" Not at all. Let me explain it to you in a simple way. the ranks are as follows 

F-,F,F+,E-,E,E+,D-,D,D+,C-,C,C+,B-,B,B+,A-,A,A+ and then comes the rank S. One rank S is 10 times stronger that 1 rank A . RANK SS is 10 times stronger than RANK S . Rank SSS is 10 times Stronger that RANK SS . AND Rank EX+ is 10 times stronger than Rank SSS. Beyond rank EX++ is something you cannot comprehend yet. Maybe you will realise it as you grow stronger."

ARTHUR "WOW! That's a lot of power you are offering by giving me 2 OP wishes, are you sure about that?"

ROB "I would not have offered you those power from the start if i did not have the confidence to face the outcome. Do not doubt my sincerity , mortal."

Arthur "Geez. Whatever not my problem any ways. Okay one last question, if i choose five A+ rank wishes then what is the highest level i can reach ?"

ROB "I see , you are asking if you can breakthrough your levels and upgrade the powers you choose. Indeed you can do that but the maximum level you will reach is SS+. If you cultivate your powers to the highest realm then you will essentially have 5 SS+ level wishes but do keep in mind that one SSS+ rank is 10 times stronger than one SS+ rank . in simple terms even with 5 SS+ rank talent you will have only half the combat power of one SSS+ ranked individual let alone an EX+ ranked one."

ARTHUR " I see. Then its better to take up 2 OP wishes that 5 normal Ones."

ROB " Normally i would allow only 1 OP wish as it is too powerful but since i am in a good mood i will allow you to have 2 of those "

ARTHUR " Very well . For my first wish i want a system which will allow me to upgrade any and everything without any limitation to its highest level"

ROB " Damm , That is a vey powerful wish you are asking for .Starting with an EX++. Very well I will Allow it . State your Next wish."

ARTHUR "For my second Wish I want a multiversal shop that sells everything that is produced in the multiverse and infinite shopping currency"

ROB " I can give you the shop but not an infinite amount of currency as that is not possible. but i will do you a favor and give you a modest amount of currency to build your strength."

ARTHUR" Okay I see your point so i will not argue about it."

ROB " okay so which world do you want to go to first ?"

ARTHUR " HMM . Send me to Naruto. I feel it would be a good place to build my strength."

ROB " ALRIGHT. I hope you give me good entertainment Mortal"

ARTHUR " HMPH! Just you wait and see "

ROB " very well . Transfer starting in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,.... 



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