
Confronting Misunderstandings

Harry looked amused, along with Ginny. They considered themselves close to dark but not dark, however they weren't going to waste brain cells explaining that to Ron. The rest of the common room looked at him with a furious look in their eyes, apart from the twins who sat back and watched the show in anticipation. Stink had actually popped in and handed the two popcorn before popping out, they looked at Harry who just gave them a knowing look.

"Are you mad?" Seamus spoke first "sure Harrys more powerful then he should be but he's not evil. As for Malfoy, everyone wants to kill Malfoy so nobody can blame him there"

"Yeah" Dean agreed "just because the bloke can talk to snakes and prefers to spend time with his girlfriend doesn't mean he's evil. Unless Ginny complains I don't see what the problem is"

"Yeah" Neville chimed in "so what if he has a few dangerous animals? Doesn't make him no different than Hagrid. Well apart from the height, the power difference and the fact that Hagrids facial hair is far better than anything Harry could ever hope to achieve"

"Thanks mate" Harry chuckled, Neville rarely joked but Harry had to admit he liked it when he did.

"You have no idea how nice Harry is" Katie interrupted "he literally gave me five thousand galleons with no strings attached just so my family could stay out of debt and not sell my house"

"Five…thousand?" Ron quickly got over his surprised and reverted back to his accusing stare "He probably just did that so you'd be in his debt"

"No!" Katie replied, furious at the very thought of Harry doing something like that

"It's true" Angelina cut in "me and Alicia were there when it happened, Katie isn't indebted to him because he said it was a thank you for being nice to him and that she didn't have to pay him back. And you know that in the wizarding world as soon as he said that she was not in his debt."

"Well just because he throws his money about doesn't make him not dark" Ron argued

"You're right" Alicia agreed with Ron, he lit up until she continued "the fact that he's such a nice guy does. He's so nice that even Filch and Snape like him"

"Don't you think you're all exaggerating a bit?" Hermione asked

"We're understating it if anything" Ginny spoke "last week Harry found a first year muggle born Hufflepuff with a broken ankle, he healed his leg and took him to Madam Pomfrey before telling Snape about how the Slytherin's beat him up. Besides he bonded with a Phoenix, those are pure light creatures, you think they just bond to anyone?" Ron tried to find a flaw in her logic, Ginny decided to stop it before he burst a brain cell

"No Ron" She spoke "they don't, the only dark magic that can harm a Phoenix are physical attacks, you can't force them to bond with someone. That's why there are so few, not many can bond with one. If that's not good enough for you then I'm sure the others will have something to say."

"I don't think that I'd be anywhere near as good as I am without Harry and Ginny's help" Neville admitted "I don't see how a dark wizard would waste his time stopping me from ruining an anti-boil cure or learning how to transform needles"

"And there was that time he helped those first years that you made cry" Katie added, Hermione blushed in embarrassment along with Harry, but both for different reasons.

"Guy's stop" Harry smiled "if I hear one more compliment I'll be blushing"

"No Harry" Ginny insisted "everything we're saying is true, besides after what's happened to you growing up no one can blame you if you did go dark. Not that I'd let that happen of course"

"How do you even know that's true?!" Ron asked, he continued oblivious to the stares he was getting "he probably faked those memories"

"Little brother" Percy chimed in for the first time "you can't give fake memories in court, all the memories are checked to make sure they're real and unfortunately for you the muggles had the exact same memories." Ginny felt a bit of pride in Percy for standing up to Harry, she knows he was never a bad guy, a bit annoying but not bad. He just respected authority, and that was mum and Dumbledore. Maybe he'd grow out of it when he got older, but overtime he did come to respect Harry.

"It'd be in your best interest to drop this matter" Percy continued "Harry had broken no rules and mother has already warned you about harassing him. I doubt you'd like to experience what would happen Professor McGonagall sent a letter to her or if Harry had to physically stop you again" Ron grumbled before walking up to his room, the common room cheered. Some for his departure and others for Percy, who had been looking quite pleased by the cheers.

"Nice one Percy" Harry thanked the now blushing man

"No problem Harry, now if you'll excuse me I have to go and meet my girlfriend" Percy turned and walked out of the common room. Not noticing that Fred and George had gotten up and followed him.

"Aren't you going to go up and comfort your boyfriend?" Ginny asked Hermione

"He's not my boyfriend" Hermione spoke with a hint of disgust in her voice

"Sorry" Harry apologised, even though it was clear he didn't mean it "we just figured you were seeing as how you two always hang around each other and the fact that you're just the right sort of people for each other"

"What does that mean?!"

"Well Ron is the type of person who needs to be told what to do" Ginny explained "that's probably why mum likes him so much"

"And past experience tells me you're the sort who likes to tell others what to do" Harry added "you do tend to mother everyone and tell them what to do even when they don't want you to do so" A murmur of agreement came from the common room "to be fair now that I think about it you have a lot in common with Ron's mum"

"Are you going to let him insult your mum?!" Hermione turned to Ginny

"He didn't" Ginny shrugged "that's actually a fairly accurate description of my mum and most, if not all, of my family would agree. Except mum of course"

"Why do two have to be so mean?!" Hermione screamed "is it because I'm not pretty or is it just because I'm muggle-born?"

"Are you kidding me?" Neville shouted "Harry don't care about looks"

"Yeah" Katie agreed "as much as we hate to admit it he's only interested in Ginny so frankly it don't matter if you were ugly or a French supermodel"


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