
Awaken {2}

A dry wilted flower moved with the wind outside the hotel. It, like many plants, had died from neglect and lack of rain. The environment had turned harsh and dry with showers of rain that came and went. Such a hellish system in nature made the area slightly similar to a desert. Animals, beasts of the land and rulers of the sky, had ran away from the zombies and the coming doom of their home.

The flower was small, with grey and withered petals like a forgotten cigar stud at the bottom of a garbage bin. It was one of many dead flora, a symbol of the era of death, that encompassed the world. None were spared from the kiss of the Queen of the deceased.

But as the green wave of energy wave rippled around the hotel, it streamed down to the ground. It was palpable energy, infused in stone, flowing down like water from a stream. When it reached the buildings base, it created a small ripple around the stone structure, barely four meters wide.

But it's effects were amazing.

The dead, withered and pitiful plant revived itself. It's grey petals gained color, turning from grey to misty grey and then white. The stalk, once frail like an old spaghetti, grew thicker, greener and rose up the sepals. It stood majestically, luscious and bright.

But around it, death still rained supreme, with no breath or movement from anything in sight. It was quiet, still and around the area, dead bodies lay on the ground. They too had been in the vicinity of the green energy wave and like those inside, fell down dead.

Upstairs, in the hotel room, a situation was going on of incredible proportions.

Death stood two feet from the bed, her form was still, a dark mark in the red room. Her pale eyes and even paler skin stood illuminated by the occupant of the bed. It cast an eerie glow on already eerie entity and yet caused an illusion of ethereal beauty. Her gold ornaments and black veil moved to a breeze that was not of that Earth. The bony fingers were together infront of her in a stance that was empathetic, patient and surreal.

The veil held onto her like liquid black smoke, glistening with a light like the stars inside a blackhole. Her figure was slender one moment and then intangible when glanced at again. It made it seem as if she was there and not there, part of the room and not part of the room, all at once.

In her sights was something that challenged her own unnatural visage with its own ethereal splendor. On the bed was a teenage boy with deep red hair like the heart of a rose and freckled skin as if sugar had been sprinkled lightly on him at his birth. He wore a dark blue uniform with red designs and a badge on his left breast. His face was lean and angular, with a chiseled handsomeness graced by birth. His physique was muscular but not grotesquely so like a body builder, instead it was like a trained ballerina. A ballerina trained by the Russian Mafia to a physical peak that made him graceful and strong.

But what truly held beauty beyond the natural order was his eyes. They stared out at the world with a luminous green glow like the shine of a moonlight emerald. The light bounced of them in spectrums of greens of multiple hues, as if mimicking the life colors of all existence. If one was to stare into them, it would be like staring into the depths of a green nebula being consumed by a greener super nova. So beautiful in it's existence and it's transformation from one state to another. The confines of such a phenomenal situation lay in the depths of those eyes and it was surreal beauty befitting a being beyond knowing.

Slowly, as if rousing himself from sleep, the teenager got up and sat up on the bed. His feet touched the floor whilst his rear was on the bed. He looked around the room, ignoring the sleeping men in the corner, until his eyes landed on Death.

Then he smiled, an action that made the nebula in his eyes blaze brighter.

" It has been too long, my child." Death said with a grim voice and her eyes seemed to hold an emotion beyond even her comprehension.

" Mother." The teenager said but his voice was deep, too deep for his age and it seemed to sway the air around them with energy. One could smell flowers, trees and fruits in it. A promise of renewal and growth was in his voice and it could hold any man, better than a siren of the sea's song.

" I have missed you." Death said moving forward, her steps seemed more like hovering above the air and it did not help that her veil covered her feet.

" How long have I been gone? I do not sense any of the lizards or bugs. " The teenager said," Or was that a dream? Me looking through another's eyes?"

The teenager held a bit of uncertainty in his voice as if his mind was not sure of its own contents. His eyes gazed down at his hands and he closed and opened them slowly. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at her as if asking which was which and Death gave a sigh.

In an instant she was next to him on the bed. Her movements had been beyond comprehension, so fast that light would need to take third place in a race with her. Her veil still breezed as she sat next to the red head and looked into his eyes.

How she had longed to see them again.

" It was a dream, you have been gone longer than that. Too long, so much has happened. " Death spoke softly and it would have been a whisper to anyone else but the teenager seemed to hear every word. It helped that her voice was chilly like the feel of a corpse's cold bones on the skin. It was hard to ignore, let alone not acknowledge.

" Eons then, eons and eons. " The teenager said in a sad voice and Death placed her cold bony hand on his cheek or rather she tried to but stopped before her skin and his came into contact.

She couldn't touch him. It would be a mistake.

" It's okay. I am here and I won't let you disappear again. Together, things will be better." She said fondly and her voice held something akin to the warmth of a shard of ice on a stove.

" Yes, I know. But...what are those? " He pointed to the sleeping men in the corner," They were fighting when I woke up. "

" These are the new walkers of this world. They are a... difficult race to understand. " She replied and he nodded absentmindedly and he reached out and tried to take her hand but Death moved away from him.

" Do not. We do not want...what happened before to happen again, do we? " She said and he nodded his head with a smile.

" Mother and Mother have always been good to me. Where is other Mother? " He asked and Death behind her veil gritted her teeth at a memory that appeared before her eyes.

She turned her pale blue eyes and looked at the sleeping humans, her eyes narrowed to slits. She had said this species was difficult but that was underestimating the gravity of their actions.

" Your other Mother is...being held by them." She pointed to the humans with an accusatory bony finger.

The green eyes turned to the humans and the brightness in them seemed to dim. A frown appeared on the handsome face and he raised his hand to his forehead. His brows knotted together as they gazed at the humans and a slight whisper entered his mind;

" Kill..." It said

hey this chapter had a deeper sense of writing, what do guys think ?

Hope you are liking the story and it's going well. Also , A big shout-out to LIV CHANIN. This chapter is dedicated to you and your support.

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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