

' What is this feeling…this sensation… It feels like the ripples of the sea, no it's like waves of a tsunami but no … this surface…is a lot more gentle than a tsunami… hmm! Am I on top of water…ohh yeah… I died'

Ulquiorra felt only darkness as he lost the ability to see, move and breath… He could only contemplate about the life he had on earth.

"Hey~ Are you awake"

Ulquiorra heard a smooth sounding voice, he could feel himself regaining consciousness

"Where…am I… Am I in heaven…are you a goddess" pondered Ulquiorra as he saw the beautiful woman leaning closer to his face.

'I read about jade beauties and those false goddesses from those manhua's, they are always exaggerated… Lin xui who's more beautiful than a blossom tree, Feng Xuan who's a jade beauty that transcends the beauty of the cosmos… But this…woman is on another league'.

"Pfft~ you are quite fascinating, can you please tell me about yourself" spoke the woman while floating above Ulquiorra

Ulquiorra stood up as he felt himself regaining his mobility, he then observed the 'space' around them, although filled with disappointment… Only one thing came to his mind…

' It's bland'

There was no castle floating on the clouds, no giant gate with angels singing however he was currently seeing a vast blue 'sky' and water beneath his feet and somehow he wasn't drowning

"If this isn't heaven, then why do you have a Halo and wings… Is this perhaps the theoretical fourth dimension where only time exists" thought Ulquiorra out loud while observing his surroundings.

"Hmmm~ no My brother, The Primals , THEM and I reside outside all 'forms' dimensionality, be it the 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th.e.t.c … Hmmm.. Brother wants to see you…hmmm… We can't be here for too long let's go "

The woman simply laughed and snapped her fingers, and the surrounding reality began to bend… The plain sight around them began to… Change…

Countless Mountains tall as Cho polu,Imja Tse , Mt Everest .e.t.c began to manifest… No, in fact they are being created, as the mountains rose, countless floating islands with beautiful waterfalls began to manifest.

The sunny view started to change as it became night, the surrounding reality started to glitch several times


The mountains, islands, light, and darkness that existed before are no longer present as the woman simply erased everything around her from existence and as she looked around, she saw Ulquiorra…. Sleeping


'For the first time in megenniums.. No… In Eons… Perhaps it's even longer since I felt my 'heart' move, hmmm.. I can clearly see that he's a mortal, but he survived existence erasure…is he perhaps a tri.. No… he lacks the aura of one… mehh.. Brother will handle it '

The surrounding space began to expand at a rapid rate, countless stars began to manifest in the sky, countless galaxies began to form as she waved her hand.

'Hmm… It's not enough… Time for the next step '


Clapping her hands, the surrounding space began to ripple as the universe being created by this woman began to form


The Universe listened to the orders of its creator and thus concepts began to manifest governing the Universe

Concepts are based on ideas and as a being who 'existed' before light and darkness, she could easily create her own ideas and laws

Concepts Ranging from space, time, light, darkness.e.t.c to destruction, Null, and the End governed the universe with each sector(collective galaxies) having its laws but… there is no sign of life in this universe.

The woman gained awareness of this universe and with a snap of her fingers the universe began to multiply creating a complex multiverse with a unique hierarchical structure to be precise a complex multiverse that has a cardinal aleph-2 hierarchical structure

'Now… For the final piece




The complex multiverse started to become on one, it's technically fusing to become a single construct that will house all these infinite multiverses

[A/N: Multiverse=infinite universes

Complex multiverse=infinite multiverses]

This woman no… To be precise Cassiel the absolute virtue of temperance is creating a realm of inaccessible cardinal verses that not only contains infinite dimensions of space and time within them, but…it also surpasses the cardinal aleph-2 which can be classified as an absolute construct by having infinite layers with each layer transcending the other.

[A/N: credit to @pablo_098x for inspiring the scaling]

Cassiel simply destroyed the previous complex multiverse but…in the process Ulquiorra who is besides her did not get erased, not even in the slightest, was Cassiel protecting him the entire time…no she completely forgot about him.


"Hmmm… What were we doing again…what is this soft bouncy feeling, it's nice…if I had such a pillow on earth, I would cherish it with my life" muttered Ulquiorra as he enjoyed the texture of this…divine… Squishy

' hold up… Am I resting on… Boobs'


The scene before him almost made him faint, from his sight there is a large valley with many mountains and countless floating islands, the night, and daylight are coexisting simultaneously, there are 5 moons on the sky with each one having a different color.

"Hmmm~ you have awakened little one, are you comfortable…you passed the test" smiled Cassiel as she caressed Ulquiorra's head gently

' hmmm~my suspicions were correct, I couldn't find other versions of him from any parallel earths, even the one that he is from, he doesn't exist in the past, present, or future…I couldn't even find him in the akashic Records… How…odd even anomalies are not like this, perhaps… I must make him mine… At all cost'.

For the first time, Cassiel felt obsession and desire


A giant glowing golden majestic gate appeared in the sky, the golden glow it's releasing is so sublime that one would automatically bow in its presence

A figure emerged from the gate and suddenly the inaccessible cardinal verse began to tremble as it felt his presence

"Hmm~ I only have 2 minutes before this construct of your shatters, Cassiel,… Why did you make it so…weak" inquired the figure, 'he' has no nose, no clothes and well… 'he' also has no rod… To be precise, 'he' has a feature less humanoid form (similar to the Truth)

Cassiel entirely ignored 'him' as she caressed Ulquiorra gently but scary, and the poor young man only kept quiet, since for the first time in his life he felt fear, he was scared

'W-w- what if… no, it can't be, this woman might be a god, according to Greek mythology gods have no shame, now that I think about… Mark tried to fight Anissa and well…, hmm what if this glowing dude is her husband or… Wife… What am I thinking… no female would take that form' The figure simply waved his hand in the form of a greeting.

"I am the 2nd Primal YAHWEH, the brother of the one who's…caressing…you??!.." YAHWEH did not introduce himself with arrogance befitting some at his level, but he chose to be humble because well he knew… The man in front is quite. . . Unique from his perspective.

"I-i-i am…well, was a 4th year science student from the university of Elmer, I-i-i am Ulquiorra nice to meet you" replied Ulquiorra with a stutter

YAHWEH simply 'smiled' as he saw him stutter, as he raised his hand a door appeared

"The two minutes are up Cassiel, young one… About everything that transpired here, you won't remember any of it, it's the condition of your merger, your other half is waiting" Spoke YAHWEH as he stroked his chin.

"Why would I forget everything that happened, who would want to forget this mons*cough* amazing woman " replied Ulquiorra with an initial hint of sarcasm however he quickly disguised it as a praise

"Hmm… Initially, you were supposed to lose your memories, including the ones from earth, but I tempered with the conditions of your requirements… We don't want you to be obsessed about finding your way home instead of enjoying your new life like many otherworlders or become obsessed with your past like regressors, so what follows from here will go smoothly"

With a dash YAHWEH simply picked up Ulquiorra and threw him into the door

"Well now that is done… Let's talk about you, Cassiel"


"My lady mission accomplished" replied a woman kneeling down

"Good did you find his body, we need to revive him" spoke Selena a celestial kitsune with a cold tone

"My lady it's either he met a primal since I can't find him in any God verse, universe or Timeline, or he might have transmigrated to Antediluvian"

"Haaah… I just wish to destroy this universe as it has failed its purpose, so I can go after him… But he might want to come here one day…ohh… What to do "thought Selena out loud as she looked at the moon:

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