
13-Akane in "The Voices in My Head"

"Akane Ryūkoro... Akane Mahal..." she murmured in her hoarse voice.


After waking up with a start only to quickly fall back onto the bed writhing in pain, she needed a few seconds to realize something very important.








She remembered her name!


A fact that automatically led angry Mrs.Mahal to a very happy Mrs. Mahal. Apparently happy enough to ignore all the pain and the other questions that arose!


She could ignore the pains in her body, the weakness in her bones, the migraine in her head, or whatever else she had... There were too many problems to count.


Akane snuggled more into the blankets, she couldn't quite remember much of the dream she had, especially the end.


Akane didn't want to remember, but she felt like there was something important in the dream.


Then, after a few seconds of hesitation, she asked herself 'should I try to remember what I dreamed about?'


'Is it worth it?' a lazy little voice in her mind, which she usually listened to, responded.


'It could be important!' her Instinct shouted.


'Let's find out more about whom I was given to and whose heart was given to us' her Heart spoke softly. The Heart wanted to know more about whom she had married; the Heart wanted to love and be loved.


'Maybe by remembering the dream we can remember more of our forgotten life!' the Ego said bravely, trying to encourage them.


'But I'm afraid of discovering something bad,' her Mind said. 'We might be disappointed, we might get hurt, we might be upset' it continued, fearing for the sanity required to endure everything.


Akane's Soul observed each response, and despite feeling there was an important connection the dream could provide, a key to the subconscious that was locked, blocked for some reason, it hesitated.


A piece to the puzzle of why they couldn't remember who they were, of their forgoten memories.


But her Soul was sweet and innocent; without her memories, it felt defenseless and therefore was constantly afraid, not for herself, but for them; for the Heart, the Mind, the Ego, the Instinct, the Lazy Voice and the others ones who don't has appear yet.


The Soul feared that due to her naivety she couldn't protect them from harm.


So, with a little help in the form of distraction from the Mind, Soul took the memories of the dream that wanted to disappear into unconsciousness and placed them in the great fog where the Subconscious was.


Or in the deepest fog that Soul could go...


The Soul only hoped that when they remembered, everything would be alright.


And returning to where everyone was gathered, it seemed that the organs and muscles joined the discussion and started to complain and share their opinions as well.


'And now it seemed like it wasn't about the dream anymore and - oh God, how did it get to the point where the pancreas was making a speech and everyone was crying?' Soul thought exasperatedly


According to a certain tearful heart, it all started when she left, the lung appeared out of nowhere and she started complaining about how difficult it was to breathe.


Without the memories, everything was disorganized, and there was something weakening and repressing everyone, even the soul, but no one could figure out what it was.


Maybe the answer was in the lost memories, but the soul wasn't willing to take the risk.


Maybe gradually they would remember, and maybe, just maybe, when they were ready, they could recall everything that was forgotten.


And maybe at that moment they could be free of whatever was restricting them.




Quickly, Akane Mahal, unconscious of the events inside her that lasted much less than milliseconds, decided she didn't want to care about that kind of thing.


But Akane felt the need for something else, something that went against all her interests...


She wanted... to explore...


Akane wanted to know about the mansion she lived in; she wanted to know herself... Despite denying it, Akane wanted to remember her entire life alongside the husband she knew in her forgotten memories.


But there was a small problem that disrupted everything...


Choosing to explore the mansion would probably lead her to have to socialize with more flies, and if she could barely stand a mere 3 flies, imagine 50!


She preferred to stay in bed where everything was better, warmer, and cozier.


Where she didn't need to make any effort, where she didn't have to put up with a certain annoying husband who made her not sleep or walk to boring places.


If only a small new voice in the back of her mind wasn't speaking louder than her Laziness, she would have done just that.


However, a ghost of the Subconscious presence, along with Hope and a small sense of Responsibility behind enormous Loyalty and Fidelity, managed to speak louder than Laziness.


And if maybe the Responsibility hadn't coerced the Heart to join them, and the Heart hadn't come with the Soul by its side, she might have stayed in bed.


But surely Luck wasn't on her side... Literally.

Good morning dear readers!

This is your author speaking! I hope you are well wherever you are.

Originally I wanted to put something else in the title, but in consideration of our dear co-author who is going through some difficult times so he won't be able to be with us for a few days, and I added an inside joke in an attempt to brighten his day.

And, I will leave here two phrases that stuck in my head, I spent some time reflecting on them, they are things that we sometimes forget.

The first is what I would call it, "Is fear for cowardice or for protection?". Sometimes we must differentiate between these two types of fear so that we can make the best decision possible.

The second is "Nothing lasts forever". A few days ago my mother took my brother and I to the cinema to watch Despicable Me 4 and that phrase never left my head, but the sense it has is still true in our world, whether for joy or sadness.

Anyways, please remember to take care of yourself and drink water!

With love


Ps: Co-author wishes the best for any reader who is experiencing difficulties. Life goes on, and the pain will pass, it may take a while but in the end it will go away.

Taylor_Daydreamcreators' thoughts
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